Sunday, October 30, 2005

yesterday and today, they've been a blast.

yesterday, i went to church and blah blah blah. then i went for dinner with the takhmau mates. not all of them but some of them. hahah! yeah. at indochine. we all had a great time laughing and chatting and catching up it felt good man! so eddy told all of us to bring 20 bucks right? so we did. uhuh. except me, i forgot to draw money. yikes! so we like happily ordered, i mean carefully calculated how much it was going to cost right. so i kept it bordering around 200. so we figured the bill can't be that bad. so i ordered. then we sat there ate and drank glass and glass and glass and glass...... of water! so it came to the point where we all wanted to go... so gopi turned to me, abi call for the bill? i was like uh... okay. so i did right. and when the bill came i was stunned. i looked twice, thrice. i could NOT believe my eyes. so i just went.. guys the bill is like... erm... 489 bucks... and i guess some either couldn't hear me or they like didn't believe me so i checked again. and i realised... we drank like 9 bottles of evian water which had cost us a hundred and eight dollars yes i have to spell it out. its like DUDE! 12 bucks a bottle?!!! like... gosh my pee's gonna be really expensive man! so then we all like panicked right. and gopi the man was the only one who was smart enough to go like... hey everyone, let's just fork out what we have. we we all dug our pockets dry. i mean like DRY. and we only managed to total 300++ right. so its like... hmmm all of us were like... silent treatment for eddy now. but the poor guy, i guess he didn't mean it. so it all ended when gopi decided to BE A MAN and pay with.. VISA - All it takes. hahah! right... so then he signed and blah blah we all walked off staring at eddy and soon his ordeal was over when we all split up and went into different cars and went home. but i guess, the fun was worth the money.

so then it ame to today right. i went over to help babysit the twins. yes, my darlin' twins who are as adorable and intelligent as ever. i love, love, love them sooo much. okay right. so then we went to their gym place and damn they had fun! so then we went back to their place and they played, and played and ate and then they went to sleep. haha! so we watched serendipity and then they woke up. they're just sooo adorable you have to be there with them to see it for yourself, you can't just describe it. i just still love them. can't wait for noah to come along. hahah! three of them! just AWESOME! hahah!

its just so difficult to let go of you. i don't know why, i just feel its not the same this time. i still wish i could be...... every little thing you wanted... all the time.

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