Thursday, October 6, 2005

i got my results. mediocracy. blah. i'm a lil happy that i passed all my mods but mediocracy is not something i find pleasant.

i couldn't sleep last night. all i could do was lie in my bed. i need strength. i can't go on like this. not for long. i'm ashamed of myself, i cried myself to sleep last night. szela, you've been a great comfort these past many days. thanks for being there for me. looks like we got something in common after all. so then i finally managed to get some sleep. and all i did was dream of you. pathethic, that's what i am.

pathetic adj. : inspiring mixed contempt and pity
insignificant adj. : Lacking in importance; trivial; Having little or no meaning.

that's the description of my being.

i'm a wreck.

you have made me into everything i'm not.

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