Monday, June 5, 2006

What a day.

i woke up at like erm what... 11 am? and realised how screwed we were for advertising. so i made a few calls and ta-da. which brings me to school. i'm in school. IN SCHOOL. i did not intend to come to school man i'm tired. LIKE really tired. I'm stuck for IDM and tmr's class is until 10 pm. and if there's advert lecture and tutorial in the morning it leaves me with a freaking LONG break inbetween. bleahh...

so now i'm sitting here after wasting a full 8 bucks on a cab to school just done with the survey questions which i hope will get approved. or we are SO dead. bleah. and i have a feeling i'm gonna waste another 6 bucks on a cab back home. and i feel like i'm in the rut cos i have this feeling... and i'm just waiting for it to pass. waiting for it to pass.

song of the day? Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol.
"would you lie with me and just forget the world...."

then there's you. you know. u've become a daily thing. like a habit. not in a good way. but not in a bad way either. you're like part of this routine that i have everyday. which really sucks. getting you out of my life can be my lifelong goal, which i don't think i'll never accomplish. sometimes i wonder if you know, or you realise that i still bother, a tad too much. bleah. you're a habit that i can't break.

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