Thursday, June 8, 2006

SPSS of abigail

do you know what's my biggest problem?

no the answer is not you. my biggest problem has to be my lazy procrastinating bum. seriously. i think i could get so much else done by just NOT being lazy. like going for a run! like going to play tennis!

baaaaah, unfortunately, i'm still lazy. how bad is that right? so i think i jsut completed my freaking IDM flash animation clip. like finally right. since i've been working on it since like May 11. or even before that. bleah... i like animation... its just that i really suck at it. like SERIOUSLY suck at it.

i'm really bored with this blogskin and i just realised that i have a MASSINA individual assignment due on the 4th of JULY. how i wish this was the states which means independance day which means holiday which means a later deadline. okay is it DEADline or DATEline. DEADline makes more sense, cos if you don't meet the DEADline you're (not litereally) DEAD.

you know what's my next biggest problem?

i just can't get them straight sometimes. wait no most of the time.

and my next biggest problem?

selected perfectionism. what i like i cling onto. i do my best to do and i do till i crap in my pants. okay not literally. but what i don't like. i just push it aside wait till the last minute. never get started until i'm forced to. i wonder is perfectionism a gift or a curse. gosh.. tell me about it.

anyway, i gotta run. go do some freaking surveys for advertising. i did not sign up for advertising to do freaking RESEARCH. i should have take ad creatives. REGRET REGRET REGRET. bleahhh. sheesh.

goodbye to you

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