Wednesday, June 7, 2006

my cards are out on the table

it actually feels good you know. it actually does.

its like what george said in grey's...
"I just can't tell you want you wanna hear. Which seems to be a theme in my life right now. Just because you can't say something doesn't mean you don't want to. You can want to very much. You can be with a person and be happy with them and not love them. And you can love somebody and not want to be with them. You don't need to love someone to want them. Now that's frustrating, when what your brain tells you you want and what you actually want don't match up. It's exhausting. And, well, its complicated."

i'm relieved. i feel like i've moved on already after saying what i said. i dunno! its like miraculous. it's like what i've been waiting for. its like i have finally let go. like TOTALLY. i feel liberated.

i can't explain this feeling. its like... WOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!

i'm so happy i'm actually laughing at myself to myself?!

like can anyone believe this?!!

its phenomenal!

i'm really hysterical. i really am!!!!!!

OMGGGGGG!!!! somebody... lol!

it's a pity its so late.... or i'll be running doown the street, shouting it from the rooftops!

this is GOOD. tell me its not as good as it gets!

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