Tuesday, September 13, 2005

mrm is overrrr.... OVER! like wheee! hahah! SPSS be gone from me, you vile programme that still plagues my laptop with installation prompts... haha

oh wells. so now its all down to advertising. other groups have gotten back their reports. not us. its just not there. so i guess we'll have to go in blind. sheesh. yeah. okay so yesterday, pearl, lynn, han yuen, say wee and i, were supposed to study advertising. we ended up laughing and talking and what not. but nevermind... exam stress... excusable. haha! yeah. so today pearl is supposed to be coming over. she's supposed to be here anytime. but i have a feeling she's gonna be really late. haha.

*shouts out*my dear pearl... WHERE ARE YOU?

yeap. so i'm left with never ending 5 chapters of advertising. blah. that's like soooooooo much... *spreads arms out wide*. hahas. i just realised how broke i am. i drew money yesterday and i'm left with 40 bucks in my account. so i have 40 bucks with me.. so that leaves me with 80bucks. i need you guys to return me money!!! for the newpaper project. u know... 4 dollars per person. you guys know who you are.... grrrr.... yisze... i got ur paul frank shirt as leverage... haha! i'm insane. really. haha...

i just realised something... i don't use any other punctuation except for .!' in my posts. i should seriously start considering proper punctuation and spelling for that matter. cos my spelling really sucks. and being in mass comm my english is supposed to be good.... hmmm *ponders*. okay i shall try. unfortunately, i'm nearing the end of my post; but i got a few lasts words.

sheesh. sounds like i'm passing.

i still want my ipod nano. anyone with job recommendations, please inform me! as long as the working hours are quite flexible. i can't work on friday evenings (1900 hrs onwards) and saturday mornings and afternoons (before 1900). yeap. i need to earn about 800 plus, so that i will still have savings.

the frustrating thing is, i was lying in bed last night. i couldn't sleep. i was trying to put my mind at ease, relax, but it just wasn't working. thanks to you. i wondered what could have been. then i wondered, what would have been if you never came into my life. things might be so much more peaceful, so much less tiring. then again - those moments with you, i'd never trade for anything. this pain, i trade only in exchange for you.

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