Sunday, May 21, 2006

Some Things Never Change

hahha. i went out after church yesterday. to watch poseidon.

haha the movie was good DEFINATELY better than m:i:3 without a doubt. of cos there's dreamy blue eyes in the movie. but this time he's not so dreamy. he's more of the let's go kick some ass attitude guy. kurt russell looksn scary dead underwater and robin wants to see a tidal wave in real life. LIKE HELLO?! according the wave is SO MAJESTIC that he has to see it with his own eyes. LIKE RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT.

okay so then, i had my moment yesterday. OMFG after 8 years on this planet, i was finally kindly enlightened by DANIEL that UP is not plainly up but usual price in those sale posters! i mean i knew U.P. was usual price but not UP. damn that was so freaking embarrasing. i'm like OMG i need to bury my head in the ground NOW. And that was not the only incident. gosh.

there's so many more movies to watch... X3 is out this thurs, I'm thinking about catching The Da Vinci Code, there's the french show l'enfant. which no one else wants to watch. or at least not that i know off. bleah.

and there's IDM due like in freaking 2 weeks! oh shit i'm starting to panic. man i HATE mondays. WISP is freaking boring. and i so totallly CANNOT stand the voice. and the kinda "intelligent" answers that some people can give. OMG you're freaking 18 and you don't even know what would happen if crude oil ran out. like "cooking oil will become more expensive". OMG OMG OMG.

anyway, photojourn is fun. i HEART photojourn.

well, after yesterday, it's true. SOMETHINGS NEVER CHANGE.

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