Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Life is Unfair... PIECE OF SHIT

okay i admit, i was damn freaking desperate to get into IMC. that the email sounded so freaking desperate. wonder what it sounded like to whoever it was addressed to. GOSH. nevermind that's over. so i'm still in IDM and maybe it's good i am. learn how to actually do FLASH. i actually drew my squid already. muhaahaha. so proud of myself. at least step 1's over and done with.

i was just thinking, what the hell do i want to do after i finish poly. i mean afterall i'm in my third year already. i'm graduating in feb next year. CRAP, time flies. what i really wanna do after poly is go back to school, not the same school - to univerrsity. get a freaking degree. a good one for that matter, in advertising. but gosh, where the hell am i gonna get the money right? bleah. life is so unfair. some people just are born with the privilledge. hello, first the states then netherlands? gosh i swear some people are just tooo darn prvilledged. UGH. okay fine.. stop complaining. but i think i'm really gonna work my ass off to get a scholarship. that would be just great. but i honestly don't think it's gonna happen. i mean seriously. i can kiss my freaking degree goodbye now. there.

nevermind, i shall just aim on backpacking Europe.

well, well, what do we have here. i just heard something really lame. but it's worth the mention. a new way to avoid swearing when you wanna swear. "what the h e double toothpicks". lol. okay which reminds me, reka just reminded me how long have i not used the phrase "piece of shit". haha! i remember the verbal diahorrea of that phrase when i was in year one. SERIOUSLY. i remember grace, megan, pearl, reka and darren being able to predict when that phrase would spew out of my mouth. of cos it was not a great feat though; cos i used to so often that i could count it as punctuation for my sentences. lol!

okay my squid is so gonna be callled squid. "qi-qi" is one of the most ridiculous names for a squid. and a squid was named squid forr a reason. so my squid is called squid. so don;t ask me whatt my squid is called. because my squid is a FREAKING PIECE OF SHIT SQUID! okay freaking piece of shit was a collective phrase used as an adjective. there.

i'm a load of bullcrap now.

libel is defamation in a permanent form, written or spoken. e.g. blogs, newspapers, tv, radio.

now that was random. i just thought of it all of a sudden. media law is seriously the only module that i actually feel that i learning something new. i mean even in advanced adverrtising. its just reinforcing what we learnt in year 2.

okay, i've officially have nothing more to say. FOR NOW.

i should come up with a disclaimer to post with every blog entry so i don't get sued :p

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