Friday, June 17, 2005

"i will not be labeled average."
--rachel joy scott; columbine martyr

hmm today was good. hmmm i left house to go to school early for research. and yea reached there like together exactly with yisze. yeap. haha! okay what a coincidence. lol! k k so then we were about to leave the atruim for tvprod when it started pouring like hell. so i went to ssic to borrow a super ugly umbrella but the moment we wanted to step out of the atrium, the rain stopped. GRRRRR. lol. k k so we went for tvprod class and ethan was first to present. its was quite funny but i tell you it took SOOOOOOO long. gosh. then its was yawen who was really quick except for the fact that the lighting was really screwed up. k k . then it was me... BLOOPER loaded is the only phrase to describe it. okay okay then we had lunch. the same 8 of us - aloy, liz, dhaniah, wendy, yawen, nicole, yisze and i. then we had alot of laughs and whatever else then we went fro mrm class which was suprisingly quite fun today! it was like so damn hilarious. haha! right. so then school was over and i came to church. i decided not to go for uncle bob's house warming. its like i'm SO lazy. okay nvm. but when i asked my mom if i could go and i told her dan was sending me back she was like.... you only can go if one of ur sisters chaperons you... i'm like... what the??!!!!! so yea you get the picture. hmmm yea yea. anyway really got nothing else worth saying that i can say on public domain to say so yea. au revior!

1 comment:

szela said...

gail, yi sze here. get a tagboard la! easier. hahaha. we sure had fun, esp when we start 'poking' fun at PB aye? HAHA