Sunday, June 5, 2005

off to my gram's birthday gathering soon. okay. so i shall make it quick.

okay dan liked the present. like phew. we were all like clueless until sabrina came up with the idea!!! smart sabrina. i put my design skills to use once again. and then the rest contributed in the monetary sense. haha! anyway. yeap. church was good. as usual. hahha! yeap. lebby was sick tho. poor guy. but the twins were still as cute as ever. haha! uncle chong kiat is back in spore and so is JOSHUA ELLIOT LIM!!!!! hahah! okay i admit. i haven't seen him in a long while and its kinda cool that he's here. well we were all sitting there and just crapping and lazing and laughing around! hahaha. like okay joshua, joyce, jeremy, the koks, my sisters and i, and dan. well it was fun i have to admit. hmmm well well. well everyone else who contributed to get us high. goodness. hahah. well well. i've finally completed my leadership assignment. just have to find references - (which i find totally mind boggling cause how can you reference a personal experience). anyway i've got tv prod to do which i am totally clueless about. okay. so whatever. i got my songs on my phone. and got rid of any unwanted songs. well well i learnt something new too. but i shall keep it to myself until i deem appropriate.

anyway i better go. another time then.
you were there. you were so real i could feel you; i could see you.
i was shaken awake. it was a dream. JUST another dream.
if only it was real.

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