Sunday, June 12, 2005

angel of mine

looking down, seeing despair
only leaving a soul searching for air
feeling the warmth, seeing the light
reaching for wings for the eternal flight
slipping away from this world today
angel of mine you've found your way.
let my love be the wind beneath your wing
as you rejoice in heaven and sing.
angel of mine
your face will make the heavens so bright
with your beauty, grace, and loving spirit.

written by sarah scott
taken from book rachel's tears

beautiful poem aye? rachel's tears is an awesome book. very touching. anyway. i really miss cambodia. yeap. kinda in a bad mood because of it. and yea i dreamt all the 21 of us were back there again. like.. I WISH. damn it. can i go back there? can i? can i? sigh. u guys who didn't go really missed out alot. sometimes i miss it so much i slip into this other world and no one ever gets me when i'm in that world. its so frustrating. gosh. ahhh. anyway i'm having a headache now. rest is calling out to me. bye.

1 comment:

Benita said...

I miss it over there too but hey, reality check.. We are Singaporeans. No choice. You can migrate there in a few years perhaps then. HEH!!