Sunday, January 15, 2006

this past week has been full of ups and downs. but that's how life is isn't it.

anyway, i just came back from jason's and sabrina's wedding. got some nice photos. not splendid though cos the cam wasn't with me the whole while. i want my analog SLR. i want photojourn. i'm uploading the photos now. so if u want a peep at them just go on ahead over to my links. don't be shy, its free for all. just don't claim it as yours.

well. did i mention that i got into the trimedia design team. but i can't decide if i'd take that or IAP. there are its pros and cons. if i take trimedia, my portfolio will be huge. but its not something that i really wanna do. my passion lies in ad creatives which i know does not really belong in the NP mass comm field. more towards TP and LaSalle. But heck. so i'm still trying to decide. but i'm leaning toward IAP. guys offer your advice please.

i just found out this week that what we know or what we think we know about others is not always what it is in reality. i learned that there are moments where we think a person is just simply feeling down and we don't bother to look him/her up, you might regret it later when u learn that its more than just that. its pretty uncomforting. you never know when u'll loose someone. sometimes, even the person closest to you without knowing it. i did, i regret that. it still sticks with me. i feel like he/she is just a whole new person now. a total stranger. foreign and cold. i can't even look at him/her the same ever again. no, never. its saddening.

i guess there's always something better ahead. all things work out for good for those who love Him. for now, i'll just try to look forward.

anyway, school's been looking up for me. i'll try to keep working hard. i want my 3.2 GPA. push on abigail.

my heart skipped today when i heard the mentioned of your name.

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