Tuesday, January 10, 2006

okay i have to post because i have to apologise to sinamex for the libel.

it was my guitar fret that was worn out. but its was still kinda their fault that they didn't. but fortunately, doc. steve the guitar doctor (i know it sounds cheesy) is kind enough to say he ain't charging me for workmanship but only for the fret. but its still a painful $45 from my pocket. which is totally empty now. and i still owe M1 $48. so that amounts to a total debt of $93 which i can't pay. and i still owe nic $8.50 for the movie. shit. i'm in deep shit. very deep. if only i could get my dad to pay the $45. i'll try later.

anyway, i'm off to do my web journal.

creative juices flow.

i hope things can be what they used to be. that's all i'm asking for.

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