Saturday, January 28, 2006

the lunar new year is here. it's so quick. very quick. time has been flying past so quick that i can't anticipate anything at all. its like everything just comes right smack in your face. good or bad, you decide. well, to me it doesn't really matter does it? because all i want is for time to rewind and stand still at that moment. just there. or maybe for time to rewind and undo whatever has been done.

i watched ROME today. this episode is so darn bloody heart wrenching. sometimes, really, the people who you least expect to care about you, care about you most. and sometimes, all you can do is sit there helplessly and watch them suffer. worst of all, is to sit there helplessly not because you want to, but because you have to. for some reason, after watching ROME, i really hate gaius julius ceasar.

then, i watched LOST. and i really can't wait to get on to the next episode. GAH. and i spoke with david last night, yes, dejapong. he was really being himself, just lame. it was fun catching up with him. i haven't seen him in ages, or sandy for that matter. probably a long 5 fleeting years. the ironies of the english language. like how they can call change constant when constant is unchanging. so its like unchanging change. bleah.

and what was the majority of the rest of my day spent doing? tidying up, bumming around and tidying up. the downside of chinese new year. they spring cleaning and tidying. the upside? getting together with cousins and relatives and i shall not mask my excitement on the money side. although its gonna be channelled into my savings, i hope i can draw on it when i wanna get my ibook or SLR. i hope.

so what was sabbath like? just the usual stuff. we celebrated the twin's birthday tho'. its so quick they're actually 2 years old already. the age of reason. ha. soon they'll go to school and whatever else will happen. it'll be quite exciting to actually see them grow up tho.

anyway, i've been really thinking about what i wanna do. but i simply just can't put my finger on it. i'm really enticed byt he idea of photojournalism. the travel, the people most of all the pictures and experiences. then for advertising, the concepts, the design, the newness, the challenge. helpme decide please someone! then i was looking through my old work trying to find the business plan i did for MM or benita. and i came to my marketing stuff and i really am proud of it. really proud. come to think of it, i really enjoyed marketing. maybe its just because the lectures where forever interesting (thanks mr lo.) but i don't think its just that. the whole concept of selling something its very appealing. the amount of power you weild, to controlt eh consumer's mind. very interesting.

so much to say today. haha. not like that's new. but oh wells. anyway, i leave you with a pic that i love. here's the adorable joshua. and why i love this picture, is because of the innocence and carefree -ness of the picture. and joy, just by looking at it, you smile. maybe its just me. but that's how i feel.

hmmm. oh wells. anyway, i guess i'm still hung up on him. i thought i wasn't. but that day when yi sze mentioned it i was jsut hit by a sudden realisation. but i really need to get over him really. its like i was so afraid of loosing him, now i have and there's really nothing i can do. but maybe that's why i lost him. maybe...

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