Saturday, March 25, 2006

Sweet Moment of Epiphany

okay big announcement. it's time to celebrate because i bought my ibook.

so wassup other than that? nothing much really just that it's time to scrimp and save every penny i can. i know, its funny because its almost impossible for me. everytime i try to save, i succeed for only less than a day.

my results are out and i'm pleasantly surprised. it exceeded my expectations. i'm glad. i guess the work paid off? hmmm, i pretty much had no life this semester. so yeah. its was school, work and church. okay church can be counted a life, but there was not break for me. its was like a... RAT RACE?

ironically, it's a holiday and i'm still caught up in this whoel mad rush. work work work. other than selling cards for UOB i only stay home and gosh work on artworks for spa@anew. i'm earning, yes, but all of it will soon disappear into thin air because i hvea to pay for my ibook and - if i get photojourn - my analog SLR. so there. i'm broke. penniless.

i was just thinking last night. i really miss going on mission trips or comm service trips for that matter. when on those trips, you put behind this materialistic senseless world. everything suddenly is not only about you. back here, its soo selfish. nothing more. everything is ME, ME, ME.

i don't a life like that. i don't need it. yet, somehow, i can't dettach myself from it. its soo easy to get caught up in this mad rush.

so here i am, left with nothing but my soul, mind and body.

okay shut up abigail, shut up.

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