Friday, March 31, 2006

Now, who wants to grow up. i'd say "NOT ME"

okay, i admit.

work is seriously boring. i rather be studying. as in schooling not studying. you know there's a difference. somehow, growing up doesn't seem all so appealing anymore. growing up means more responsibility. means more problems. means more baggage. which means less time to live. so how does growing up sound again? now it sounds like it totally SUCKS. yeah tell me about it. i just wish i were two again. where my biggest trouble would be ermmm... i think soiled diapers? gosh life was so simple back then huh?

anyway, i got my three modules. adv advert, IDM and photojourn. and what does that mean? less money. why? i have to pay for my camera. GREAT. which means what? more work. how dreadful. okay someone tell me... why am i always complaining. UGH.

back to the point. thanks nicole. i'm stuck with you for another yr. which makes that 3 years!!! how fated are we!?! *opens eyes wide is wonderous amazement*. right. okay abigail, cut the drama. i'm not saying its bad. but hey, a good three years. hmmm well... and yawen another yr. hey. that spells a four.. no five letter word. GREAT. i'm sorry grace. i don't have the fourtune of being in the same class as you but hey photojourn is enough i guess. and to reka. wow to adv advert. we'll see each other hey? so i guess i'm in for a ride for year 3. i hope. its gonna be fun guys. hahah! imagine all the sleepless nights. hmmm. fun with the capital F. hahah!


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