Sunday, March 5, 2006


the PRISM awards was... erm. okay. just like mr turqoise eyes. *ponders*

aggie and all stayed for drinks but i decided to keep my sanity and head home with yawen.

so then.

goodbye year 2. hello UOB. anyone over twentyone and earns more than 30,000 per annum please come sign up for UOB credit card with me. wait just fill in the application form. don't have to mail it. but if you want to... good enough for me. i jsut got more commission.. you can jsut cancel it after you get the plastic!

cool? cool.

so we went for bab noodles after church today and my appetite was surprisingly HUGE. seriously. i ate like the kimchi chicken udon set, some dumplings, deep fried tofu, mango pudding with ice cream and banana fritters with ice cream. like hello?! abigail i thought you said you were growing fat?

now, i'm back home sitting and bumming around. it feels good to finally not think about school. and hahah i just found out something really fun! hahaha! shush abigail. so then i;m loking forawrd to this hols cos there's so much to do! haha! wsork, chalets, camp! whee.

here i come!

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