Friday, March 31, 2006

Now, who wants to grow up. i'd say "NOT ME"

okay, i admit.

work is seriously boring. i rather be studying. as in schooling not studying. you know there's a difference. somehow, growing up doesn't seem all so appealing anymore. growing up means more responsibility. means more problems. means more baggage. which means less time to live. so how does growing up sound again? now it sounds like it totally SUCKS. yeah tell me about it. i just wish i were two again. where my biggest trouble would be ermmm... i think soiled diapers? gosh life was so simple back then huh?

anyway, i got my three modules. adv advert, IDM and photojourn. and what does that mean? less money. why? i have to pay for my camera. GREAT. which means what? more work. how dreadful. okay someone tell me... why am i always complaining. UGH.

back to the point. thanks nicole. i'm stuck with you for another yr. which makes that 3 years!!! how fated are we!?! *opens eyes wide is wonderous amazement*. right. okay abigail, cut the drama. i'm not saying its bad. but hey, a good three years. hmmm well... and yawen another yr. hey. that spells a four.. no five letter word. GREAT. i'm sorry grace. i don't have the fourtune of being in the same class as you but hey photojourn is enough i guess. and to reka. wow to adv advert. we'll see each other hey? so i guess i'm in for a ride for year 3. i hope. its gonna be fun guys. hahah! imagine all the sleepless nights. hmmm. fun with the capital F. hahah!


Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Enough is Enough

It's one of those days again.

where life beats the crap out of you. and all you do is sit there and ask questions that you never get the answers to. then, it comes to the part where you need an outlet. and trust me this stupid blog is NOT enough. and you just ask where are all the people you can depend on. and then you ask for more again.

when you ask for more, you never get what you ask. and then what you don't ask for piles on you generously. who in the world asks for problems. and then i feel so frustrated but i feel obliged to be unfrustrated. and everyone just doesn't get it. no one ever does.

honestly ask yourself, you think anyone would ever be able to feel exactly the same about one thing as you. i mean then where's the uniqueness. so there, no one will ever get it the way you do.

then there's the people you wish would come and help you out in these kinda crappy situations because that's the least they could do. and no, they sit there and say "that's your business abigail."

yes, don't give a damn. don't expect me to help you when you ever need help again. BASTARD. or busted. UGH.

when is enough ever enough?

Sunday, March 26, 2006

What a Ride.

okay first up, thank you darren for the ride back. familiarise yourself with the roads. then you'll be a better driver by the chalet! hahaha

okay so today was fun but tiring too. the roadshow. gosh its was crazy. seriously. nic and i are such convincing people! ahha. this is fun! ahha. dovan and brendan made it more fun. haha! thanks for believing our act... which in turn amused us! hahah!

well, well. i dunno today was quite a ride. anyway, you know what?! my CD drive is WORKING!!! it's actually working now?! like hello!!!

sheesh. this is seriously a practical joke.

swish, swoosh, whoops!



Saturday, March 25, 2006

Sweet Moment of Epiphany

okay big announcement. it's time to celebrate because i bought my ibook.

so wassup other than that? nothing much really just that it's time to scrimp and save every penny i can. i know, its funny because its almost impossible for me. everytime i try to save, i succeed for only less than a day.

my results are out and i'm pleasantly surprised. it exceeded my expectations. i'm glad. i guess the work paid off? hmmm, i pretty much had no life this semester. so yeah. its was school, work and church. okay church can be counted a life, but there was not break for me. its was like a... RAT RACE?

ironically, it's a holiday and i'm still caught up in this whoel mad rush. work work work. other than selling cards for UOB i only stay home and gosh work on artworks for spa@anew. i'm earning, yes, but all of it will soon disappear into thin air because i hvea to pay for my ibook and - if i get photojourn - my analog SLR. so there. i'm broke. penniless.

i was just thinking last night. i really miss going on mission trips or comm service trips for that matter. when on those trips, you put behind this materialistic senseless world. everything suddenly is not only about you. back here, its soo selfish. nothing more. everything is ME, ME, ME.

i don't a life like that. i don't need it. yet, somehow, i can't dettach myself from it. its soo easy to get caught up in this mad rush.

so here i am, left with nothing but my soul, mind and body.

okay shut up abigail, shut up.

Friday, March 24, 2006

The New

okay this i'm doing for Ya-Wen.

Aren't you touched?

Yeah, so i bought new pony dunks today, i love it. hahah. i'm sorry, i just couldn't resist. it's really good that zara did not have my size for that blouse and mango did not have the color and size for that dress. or else, what could stop me.

anyway, i'm going to look at my to be laptop tmr. i hope. dad say's he's paying half. so i guess, that's where my pay is gonna go to. my laptop and camera that is.

results are out in a few hours.

why can't they just release it at midnight. not like it makes a difference to them.

and i tell you what, i watched desperate housewives, till episode 10 and now i can barely wait for episode 11, GAH. what's worse is that i forgot to get LOST season 2 from miss chang. so that makes me a TV-less girl. ROAR.

i think i got nothing good to say anyway. i just want my results. and i just want to make new friends. okay random.

Monday, March 20, 2006

The Stand

The Stand

You stood before creation
Eternity in Your hand
You spoke the earth into motion
My soul now to stand
You stood before my failure
And carried the cross for my shame
My sin weighed upon Your shoulders
My soul now to stand

So what could I say?
And what could I do?
But offer this heart oh God (Yahweh)
Completely to You

I'll stand
With arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the one who gave it all
I'll stand
My soul Lord to you surrendered
All I have is Yours

Words and music by Joel Houston
Copyright 2005 Joel Houston/Hillsong Publishing

This song is just awesome.

Anyway, Yahweh is just soo good. Everything seems to be picking up. My relationship with jason and sabrina is sooo much more better. i got that spa @ anew design job. which means a portfolio and some extra cash. it's just going great.

so, i spent the day over at von's place. caught up with them. got involved in their lives again. GOSH, it's great to have friends like them. oh how i miss the sec sch days.

so many things happening. its like a hell of a ride.

things are soo exciting. i can't wait for this, i can't wait for that. i can't wait for everything. time is slowing down all of a sudden. i guess that's what happens during the hols. you got too much time and then you start thinking when is what going to happen and you start couting down to this, and to that.

for example my results are only going to be out in like hell 4 days?!

i've been waiting so long for it. come on!

and i'm waiting for deperate housewives and grey's anatomy to start now.

and i should go check my mail for my next job... muahahhaah!

Thursday, March 16, 2006


little needs to be said. slurps. he has to be a godsend. honestly.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

For the Sake of it

okay i'm just blogging for the sake of blogging.

and so camp aden was a blast and i made alot of new pals.
steph, camera, alvin, giappy, eskimo, swiss knife, mama, melissa, du shen

i'm going crazy. the post camp syndrome? and then the whole holiday mood. i really dun feel like working. i feel like holidaying, you know like comm sevice trip of something. damn. this hols is a total bore. of cos i'm gonna order my laptop on the 23rd march. yea. hahah! yums my apple. i love apple and apples. hahah! slurps.

goodmorning and goodbye.

Sunday, March 5, 2006


the PRISM awards was... erm. okay. just like mr turqoise eyes. *ponders*

aggie and all stayed for drinks but i decided to keep my sanity and head home with yawen.

so then.

goodbye year 2. hello UOB. anyone over twentyone and earns more than 30,000 per annum please come sign up for UOB credit card with me. wait just fill in the application form. don't have to mail it. but if you want to... good enough for me. i jsut got more commission.. you can jsut cancel it after you get the plastic!

cool? cool.

so we went for bab noodles after church today and my appetite was surprisingly HUGE. seriously. i ate like the kimchi chicken udon set, some dumplings, deep fried tofu, mango pudding with ice cream and banana fritters with ice cream. like hello?! abigail i thought you said you were growing fat?

now, i'm back home sitting and bumming around. it feels good to finally not think about school. and hahah i just found out something really fun! hahaha! shush abigail. so then i;m loking forawrd to this hols cos there's so much to do! haha! wsork, chalets, camp! whee.

here i come!

Friday, March 3, 2006

Bugger, It's the Exam

i'm gonna bombard you with my stupid media knowledge. because its bore-ing me, i'll bore you too. that's only fair. ain't it?

what is technological determinism (i know its such a mouthful, try saying it 5 times straight)

technological determinism is the theory that technology is the 'prime mover' of society. It says that technology are the prime causes of changes in society and that it is the fundamental condition underlying the pattern of social organisation because of the following three reason:
1. techonlogical developments requires a fixed series of steps or stages for all countries
2. technology imposes similar contraints on societies
3. values and behaviours are in response to technological imperatives

so what part of that did you understand?

five impacts of new media:-
1. change in political landscape
2. radical change in economic mechanisms
3. leads to social changes
4. revamp educational systems
5. leads to cultural change

four media systems:-
1. authoritarian theory
under this theory the media serves to support and advance the policies of the government as determined by political machinery then in operation. it controls the media through heavy censorship, licensing, bribery and repression. the media however, is privately owned and criticism of the government is NOT allowed

2. marxist/communist theory
karl marx saw that the society would one day evolve to a "perfect" state and that this evolution process is inevitable. under this theory, the media should be the government's partneres in facilitating the process of evolution. Lenin said that the media should be collective propagandist, agitators, organisors and that the fundamental purpose of the press was to strengthen communist social order. the media in this case is owned by the state. criticism of the government is however permitted but the discussion of ideology is off limits.

3. libertarian theory
under this media system, the media is privately owned and managed. criticism of the government is not only permitted but is also encouraged. this media system is based on the idea where it serves as a "marketplace of ideas" where people can choose from the whole range of human ideas and values. the libertarian model is encompassed in the first ammendment which states that congress shall make no law that abridges the freedom of speech or the freedom of the press. in this media, content is not regulated by anyone. this theory is based on the ideology where john milton said that people woudl discover the truth if given the opportunity.

4. social responsibility theory
this media system is a modern variant of the libetarian model. it challenges the libertarian model in 4 aspects:-
i) truth
are people able to distinguish truth? when the libertarians founded the ideology, they presumed that every individual would be a truth seeker and that people would hence bother to sort out the infromation they recieve.
ii) diversity
is media diverse enough to represent all the views possible on a single issue?
iii) access
is the media fully accessible to anyone to air their views?
iv) independence
libertarianism assumes that truth seekign individual exchange ideas in an unstructed, freewheeling marketplace. However, because media is profit making, it is constantly biased by advertisments and even manipulated by PR practitioners
the media under this theory functions to provide:-
i) truthful, comprehensive and intelligent accounts of the day's event in a context that gives meaning
ii) a forum for the exchange of comment, criticism and even contrary ides
iii) a representation of society's goals and values and work to clarify them

so tell me, how do you think you could do an exam on such theories, giving examples of each in a real life situation. i'm not god. hello?

anyway, i'm glad tommorrow is the last exam. then its like... erm goodbye year 2, hello year 3. time jsut really flies huh. i was sitting with yawen at some office yesterday filling up a job application form and sheesh, we could event account for time. we couldn't figure out how long we were in poly and what not.

i've lost all sense of time.

so then, anyway, i think i'm gonna bury myself in my notes again if i can bear to. so much for being critical media professionals. baaaah. i'm a goat.