Sunday, November 13, 2005

okay, my sister is off to the sea games.. okay the training camp for the sea games in manila! yeah. she's gonna be gone for like hmmm 3 weeks? all she has to do is to train hard and row hard! all the best sister. go dominate!!! muahahhahaha! right. okay yeah. hope she really does well cos if she doesn't, it would be a real waste. yeap. its kinda cool to have a sister who's in team singapore, and i'm PROUD of it. hahah! for my sister that is... lol! okay you can see that i'm in my crazy mood.

okay so today was boring. of cos, i did up my webd journal. and then there's also the website. well well, of cos the day would be worse if not for the TV. rather say the dvd machine. yeap. we watched the notebook. many of you may not recognise the title, but its another of those nicolas sparks shows. and of cos, his shows are ever so bittersweet. i love it. haha! bahhh... being the "bimbo" i am. lol! as nicole would say.

so then, what's up for now? boredom i hate to say. i'm staring at my beautifully done up webd journal. i like the pictur infront. so serene, yet so intense.

hmmm anyway, guys i got some good stuff to sell. hmmm you see, my uncle flies and he's clearing his liqour collection cos he find he has too much to drink. so i'm selling it. anyway, my purpose is to raise some money for this girl who's a pastor's daughter studying nursing. she has like one more sem to go and she needs about 1000 odd to pay her school fees. so the money kinda goes to her school fees yeah? sooo anyone who fancies good wine or liqour.. its old wines, like hmmm 15 yrs plus and chivas regal which are also about 12 yrs, and some other good stuff from france and all over the world. anyone wanna buy just tag or drop me a line. aye? thanks guys!

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