Thursday, November 10, 2005

i just stumbled upon my old blog.. the xanga one. its kinda weird how you stumble on things. anyway then i came to the part where i wrote my will? it's kinda fun actually reading it and its funny how things change over just a year, or less than that. how much certain people used to mean to you and how much they don't now? or for that matter how much certain people meant NOTHING to you, or you disliked them and how much they mean to you now. so i guess its time i update my will. after all, if i die tmr, i'd don't want my stuff to go to waste. so here it goes.

if i pass on, i, abigail chen jieyi with social security number s8743126f wishes to do with her belongings as follows:-

for fanny:
for you would be all my painstakingly taken sermon notes and notebooks and diaries and my drawings. i believe that you will take very good care of them. all these go to you because you have been such a great friend, and i really appreciate that you've been there listening to me whine and complain and trying to encourage me. so this is for you. together with a HUGE hug. i love you!

for stephie:
for you would be all my clothing, but of cos u'll have to share it with sarah and anna. and also you will get all my songbooks and my make up and accessories. thanks for being my friend and sister. i love you too.

for anna chen:
i know i've been mean alot of times to you. but i still love you, you know i do. so for you, i would bestow my beloved guitar which i'm gonna send to the hospital soon. but of cos if i die before i get the chance to, please give it a decent makeover.

for sarah chen:
you're the youngest. so you don't get alot. but you still get some of my clothes and my bible and my bags. you will also recieve my handphone cos you don't have one. love you too.

okay before i go on, i would like to say this one and for all, i love all you guys, friends and family!

for andrea chen:
you seagamer. i bestow on you my postcard collection. it may not seem like alot but there is alot of artistic stuff in there. and you like art i know. with this together you will also get my tracksuit.

for elizabeth tan:
my dear friend whom i've known since dunno when, i think kindergarten, you will get my laptop. so that you won't have to fight with your sisters over the comp. but in any case you do have a laptop already, you will NOT get it. you will get my nike watch which is now my dressing table clock and you will also get my esprit jacket. the khaki one.

for dad and mum:
whatever remains unclaimed will go to you. thank you for raising and supporting me all these years.

for grace yap:
grace grace grace, for you i have something very special. our marketing report! yes. the one where we scored like 84/100 on! yes, and of cos the locvid tape that i have. afterall, you went through all the crap with me didn't ya? you will also get my trashy and creative and bimbo magazines. i know you'd like them. at least i think you will.

for gary:
you will get my guitar picks cos you are always without a guitar pick. of cos, you will have to play alot of the guitar if i die and please learn and improve. together with that, you will get my movie stub collection, cos soo many of the movies i've watched it with you. hahha! so you get it. and i know you think its cool.

for robin:
robin, you will be bestowed kindly with my very first pair of drumsticks and my believer's guitar books will go to you. i know you are still learning the guitar. you just don't have the time.

for daniel:
you will get the josh groban CD which is technically yours but it came under my possession when you left for the states. that's the only thing you'll get.

for nicole:
dear bimbo friend, you will get nothing but my notes, and books and the projects of year 2.

for sarah grace sulistio:
you will still get my vcds, my posters and a new addition, since you're in china and you can't get any new christian CDs, you will get all the christian CDs that i own that were released after july 2005. that's my parting gift to you. i miss you alot! and your mom too, together with joelle and a lil of christian.

for anna soo:
you will get a portion of my savings so that you can go learn more stuff and improve your guitar skills. i miss you too.

for joanne:
you will get my pierre cardin wallet. believe me, it'll still be in a good condition. that's if i die soon.

for pohkwan:
you will still get my yearbooks.

for pearl:
you will get my advertising notes that we sooo painstakingly studied for together. you will also get my livestrong band, just to remind you to LIVESTRONG. don't give up.

for lynn:
you will get my tennis racket. cos you kindly lent me your when i asked. and you where soo patient with me when i kept forgetting to bring it.

for spencer:
you will get 3/4 of my bank's savings so that you can at least start saving. please work hard.

for miss cheok xueting:
you will still get my brains cos i promised it to you. hahah!

as for the remainder that i have not mentioned, anything that can be donated to third world countries will go to cambodia and thailand.

that's the end of my will.

i'm not rich, so i don't have much to give. i'm sorry to you guys who didn't get nothing. you know its weird. just weird how i thought of dying and it seems like i'm so calm about it. its frightening. i was thinking, what if me writing this will was because i really am going to die. oh wells a frightening thought.

i heard something today that really made me mad. now i know why.

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