Tuesday, November 22, 2005

hello everyone there. i've decided not to go through my not o everyday post telling only simply a story but also reflecting on my day. so forgive my random, abrupt changes in topic if there even is one. i'm not much of a reflector anyway.

okay so here it goes.

well, on monday, i woke up for class to reach school aroun 8 to 830 right? and then when i reach there at 810, there's no sign of the lecturer. so yeah i see this girl there waiting. started a convesation with her. so then we kept talking to occupy ourselves and then we kinda realised that mannnn she is late. it was almost 9! then i kinda wondered how many times were we students who were late actually made a lecturer wait like that and feel like we waste their time. i guess we shouldn't be late for lessons then. ahah! DUH.

okay so then i went to catch a movie with a joyce - Just Like Heaven. It's a nice show. very bittersweet. a lil' inclined toward the nicholas sparks style. okay so if anyone wanna know what happens in the end, just remember the movie tagline. only love can bring you back. anyway, the play with lighting and all that was pretty good in enhancing the show. i find there was just nice a touch to the how. i liked it. i think it was a pretty good show - not fantastic but good. The show kinda makes you wonder how love can transcend language or racial differences and all.

well well. then i reached home and i got bored right? i was trying to search for comm iss info for the weird paper on eshoppers. its like... uhuh. global scale is already hard enough... u wanna narrow it down to singapore and malaysia? it's just really difficult to write this kinda research paper. so then i started a convo with him. we talked about stuff. and i realised how much he ha not changed and yet has changed you know what i mean? change is just a funny thing. very funny thing. i guess change is all around every second, every moment but its soooo minute that you don't notice until it hits you hard in your face.

after a long talk with him, i finally decided to get off my ass and go down and borrow a movie to watch. i borrowed 1 bimbo flick(the perfect man), 1 comedy(guess who) and 1 drama(ladder 49). watched one of it and moved on to my new found favourite show project runway. so there's school tomorrow right? so naturally i head for bed after that.

i wake up this morning and i take a deep breath. and then i'm thinking - am i in thailand(pakchong)? or singapore. the air is sooo fresh and i love the smell of it. the cool breeze. fantastic weather. fresh air just makes me happy! i wish the weather could stay like this FOREVER. but then again that would cause a tip in the eco system and then maybe it would be like the day after tomorrow. RIGHT. okay well. i'm inspired to work hard still. cos today they gave out book prizes and there's this new catergory called the director's list which i think you should be able to tell is something like the dean's list. soo its pretty cool and its for the top 10 percent of the students. and i'm aiming for that. shouldn't be that difficult aye? just study and work hard. easier said than done. i think i better get cracking.

friendship's better than nothing.

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