Monday, May 30, 2005

today was fun.
i went to school early with the intention to meet sarah anne, but i ended up running into eddy and kailin. so we sat there waiting and crapping. and i finally finished up the powerpoint. ahah! well so then it was off to drama and poetry. it was really fun and rewarding. at least for me. i dunno about the rest but it was really alot of fun! haha. so then after that i went to meet fanny to go for tennis! oh i have been looking forward to this for ages. trust me. goodness so it was good... finally!!! haha! exercise. sport! my long lost friends. ha! well well. it was fulfilling. ahhh!!! so then i played and played until i lost track of time and realised it was time to go. then i started on my long journey home and DAMN! i was hungry! really hungry. so i got hoem the quickest i could. no i didn't spend on a cab. i just walked really fast from the bus stop. haha! and then home!!! food!!!! yes i dun care how good it tasted i just ate. hahah! okay so i'm sitting here and i realised i got work to do. so i guess i better get moving. so yeap. toodles!

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