Thursday, May 26, 2005

looking good and going nowhere? not.

advertising workshop today only. so fun! haha! i loved it. oh wells. thank goodness JX is not in my advertising group too. well well. i woke up earlier than i was supposed to. woke up and just lay in bed to sms. for probably half an hour? then i decided it was time to get cracking. so i got out of bed, took a shower and looked at myself in the mirror. i was peeling like hell! okay whatever. so then i finished class early and went to try buy books from hanizah. got the books and then went down to the atrium to wait for fanny and met tiffy chan. lol! so we talked and talked. and then we were waiting when sarah marts and ari came along. then tim came along so it was some sort of a informal gathering. lol! well well. then i cabbed down to ps to catch monster-in-law. before the movie i saw this roxy bag. i love it!!!! it has this rainbow stripes! ahhaa. so its 59 bucks. calling to all you out there!!! haha! oh whatever i'm getting more and more thick skinned. haha! monster-in-law was okay. then it was home for me. and so that's it. how boring right? gah. i need somethign to spice it up. lol! hhahahah a scandal. hahah! right. i miss cambodia. lol! i know its been a long time since i've been back i should have gotten over it by now. but what the heck. sometimes there are just somethings that you can never forget and will always miss. uhuh? just like you.

i'm thinking of you now. are you thinking of me? i hope so.

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