Thursday, May 5, 2005

i'm reading this book called anna and mister God. its a great book. i love it. so simple yet so profound. there's so much to learn. these are my favourites...


"Fynn, Mister God doesn't love us,' She hesitated. 'He doesn't really, you know, only people can love... I love Mister God truly, but he don;t love me... no, he don't love me, not like you do, it's different, it's MILLION TIMES BIGGER... Fynn, you can love better than any people that ever was, and so can I, can't I? But Mister God is different. You see, Fynn, people can only love out and can only kiss outside, but Mister God can love you right inside, and Mister God can kiss you right inside, so it's different. Mister God ain't like us; we are a little bit like Mister God, but not much yet."


"When you're little you 'understand' Mister God. He sits up up there on His throne, a golden one of course; He has got whiskers and a crown and everyone is singing hymns like mad to Him. God is useful and usable. You can ask Him for things, he can strike youe enemies deader than a doornail and he is pretty damn good at putting hexes on the bully net door, like warts and things. Mister God is so 'understandable', so useful and usable, he is like some object, perhaps the most important object of all, but nevertheless an object and absolutely understandable. Later you 'understand' him to be a bit different but you are still able to grasp what he is. Even though you understand him, he doesn't seem to understand you! He doesn't seem to understand that you simply must have a new bike, so your 'understanding' of him changes a bit more. in whatever way or state you understand Mister God, so you diminish his size. He becomes understandable entities. So Mister God keeps on shedding bits all the way through your life until the time comes when you admit freely and honestly that you don't understand Mister God at all. At this point you have let Mister God be his proper size and wham, there he is laughing at you."


"... everybody has got a point of view but Mister God han't. Mister God has only points to view."

awesome right? it just makes you go wow! i love this book. getting back to it. ciaos.

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