Wednesday, May 11, 2005

convert to islam now, repent later!

right. okay i watched kingdom of heaven. its supposed to be a very serious movie. but somehow, i found it funny too. hahah. yes. "between people there is no darkness, only a light."*blows out candle*. right. hahahh "how can you be in hell when you are in my heart?" ehem... okay... lol its just so comical sometimes. lol! okay today's work was okay. i was packing boxes. lol! cisco recall. lol! had ofice gossip. lol! so funny. i dunno why everyone says they hate lawyers? they're actually really nice people. lol! funny, witty and so full of crap sometimes. hahah yeap. i'm going back to work on friday. for today and tomorrow its fr doing something else. gah. i'm like supposed to be doing the SIF report now but i'm like okay... so stuck... what kind of qns are these okay except for the first and the third qn...
1. How did the project benefit the participants? Beginning from pre-expedition, please elaborate on the learning points, the facilitation process and other learning moments that have occurred.
2. How did the project benefit and/or impact the host community?
3. What were the difficulties/problems that you/ your team have encountered?
4. What are the potential projects near your site that are suitable for future YEPs?
5. What are your suggestions or recommendations for future YEPs?
6. What are the follow up activities for the team after they have returned to Singapore?
like hello.. suggestions and reccomendations?? more money? lol! gah. oh wells. i shal not complain no more. just do it. yeah. the hols are going to be over soon. that's like sooooo soon. like in a week plus time. oh and star wars in 8 days!!!! *makes lightsabre sound*. haha! whoooooo! k k i better get back to the report. yeap. l - a - t - e - r - s ! ! ! ! !

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