Monday, December 5, 2005

i decided that i'm boycotting mediasorp and SPH or not. okay this is why...

my sister as you all know has gone to manila to participate in the sea games 2005. she got placed 4 out of i don't know how many but definately more than 4 because there was heats before the finals. okay so then, not only does mediacorp or SPH not cover it but in the sports column they ranked the sports... not only did they classify the sports that were letdown FAILURES.. they classified other events that were not so "happening" under "why were they here". okay i have 2 things against you.

if you can even put yourself in the place of an athelete who has trained hard and well for this event. put in your best only to get classified under "failures". i'm very sorry for those who are brought up with the concept that if u're not #1 you're a failure. its very sad. a failure is not someone who did not manage to clinch the top prize - even someone who clinches the top prize may be a failure, if he/she did not give his/her best or has been there in the same position with no improvement at all. or worse, someone who doesn't even bother to try, or someone who does not have a aim. i'm sorry you are atuned to the "show me the medals" mindset as i quote the sports editor. please give them a break. i believe they have suffered enough disappointment when they tasted defeat after putting in their best. Giving them the lesat encouragement couldn't hurt. how do you feel when you're in a total foreign land with no support but your own team mates and you come back home to discover that you got no support from even the country that you fought for?

the second.

i do believe that all the sports qualified under the "why are they here" category deserves a standing ovation. being the underdogs in the game, they have come in, participated, trained equally hard and strived to succeed. i believe they have succeeded in their own ways. i do believe they deserve the right to be in the games that they have trained and fought hard for. i salute them for their commitment. i'm appalled by the biased coverage these sports are given. they be undoubtedly slammed by the press or not give the coverage they at least deserve. i believe that a bronze has been won in karate. i'm utterly upset by the press. i feel that these sportmen and sportwomen deserve an apology. i'm disgusted by the actions of the press and as a media student, i am very much ashamed.

other than that, i managed to fixed my navbar problem. whoopee.

i left my house to meet pearl to bring her down to church for her interview with madeline. i then headed down to joo chiat to colletc my miserable pay of 608 dollars after the deduction of about 200 dollars? yea.. how pathetic. then i went shopping around. not very succesful trip.. then i met joyce for the movie. yes - pride and prejudice.

the show was good. did the book justice. and MR DARCY too. haha. he's not startling handsome, he's just handsome. i love his eyes. yes, it's always the eyes. i mean guys its a classic.. that makes it a must watch. for me at least. the show was hilarious... british humour. you have to listen. its a good show. i recommend it to almost anyone but kids. a long 2 hrs of british conversation... enough to put a kid off classics for life, so parents don't ruin their enjoyment of classics.

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