Monday, December 26, 2005

i love blue eyes.

did i ever say that? i'm temporarily insane. its just that josh lucas' eyes are soo blue and nice. i love nice eyes. my guy's eyes definately has to be the catch. he has to have the most dreamy, most mellow, most piercing, more intense eyes on the PLANET. hahah!

anyway, holiday, holiday!!! hahah! i can't wait. the only thing i'm worrying about is not meeting the datelines. comm iss, PR and feature writing! STRESSS. i promise i've morphed into a workaholic. bleah.

what can i say?

you you you you you you you you you you. other than work? its you. shyte.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

i'm not actually wanting to blog, but i'm kinda bored. FIGURES.

i can't really do any work cos i'm not in the right frame of mind.

i kinda still miss him.

i just realised the previous three sentences all started with 'i'. how selfish is that. but then again this is my blog and i guess its supposed to be about me. finally something that is about me. bleah.

this stupid sore throat is annoying and i'm bored to my wits ends cos i dunno why i'm bored to my wits ends. i can't wait for tuesday. just a get away. from everything. an escape. a breather. then will come thursday when i get to meet up with takhmau buddies. haha! although the meeting place is whole way across the island, i guess its worth it.

so much has chamged in just a short 4 months. then again these past 4 months have seemed like eternity. i'm talking alot of crap. basically cos i'm VERY sleep deprived. but then i'm now nocturnal, so i can't really sleep.

sometimes i wonder why i have a blog, to parade my life to the public eye? don't really see a need to. but then again having a blog is fun. sometimes, certain things can't be said aloud.

i can't wait.

can't wait.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

i'm sick. yes still sick. second day in the running. and no gary not that kinda PERV sick but the illness sick. i'm still very much PURE that's why haire gave me the white flower which i did not keep cos it was not a rose. hahah! or a sunflower. okay i'm seriously a lil crappy now.

i need a headline for my feat 1 beer story. IDEAS anyone?

i have to redo the layout for the FMS panel. ROAR. but whatever. i still need the powerbook. my laptop is seriously not up to this challenge although i am. it take like 5 mins to transform and IMAGE?!!!! hello. time is precious ever heard of that? my photoshop hung like 5 times straight in 30 mins. that's like an average running time of 3 mins. cos i let it settle for 3 mins to check if it really did hang. ROAR. POWER i need POWER. empower me please.

POWER to the people! that was starhub's ad campaign once. that campaign was pretty good.

okay its my duty to warn everyone. do not expect much from king kong. yes it is VERY peter jackson. THREE bloody long hours. my ass was NUMB by tthe end of the movie. the movie was okay. not fantastic. okay. It was pretty funny though. unfortunate enough for me there were these people sitting behind me who were jsut purely annoying cos they were talking THROUGHOUT THE MOVIE. i was fortunate that the movie was 3 hrs so they got tired of talking by the second hour.

today was baptism. i never could remeber getting baptised its sooo exciting! lol! it was pretty much what i expected.


okay. random.

i spoke this morning to him. i really can see a pattern arising. i avoid him the most i can and then after awhile he reappears. and then he jsut disappears AGAIN. how enjoyable being in my place. "well the truth is I miss you"... its kinda weird how i am happy that he's happy but unhappy that he's happy because its without me. sheesh... when is this gonna be over. WHEN?!

Monday, December 19, 2005

what a happening day.

sarah grace is back!!! hahah she just landed about 5 hrs ago. i haven't seen them in ages, miss having them around.

oh wells. today was a really hectic day. VERY. nicole, i'm so sorry you couldn't hand in your webd on time. its really just your luck that your laptop had to crash at this time and that the nav bar couldn't work on the desktop. PITY. i did not manage to get my beer pics. i think i'll get it tmr. HALO BAR. i hope. really hope. i just need the pics.

anyway, i'm gonna catch king kong tmr. with gary and sarah. maybe aunt lee lee and christian too. hahah! gonna be a blast.

tomorrow, tomorrow...

Sunday, December 18, 2005

i haven't blogged in 2 weeks. i've been so busy. work work and work. blah just came back from a linna's house warming. the twins and noah are SOOOO cute. i love them to bits. but since when haven't i.

you can see i've changed my skin. this time it isn't fully made by me. but i editted it. i love the picture. its nice. well taken.

that day on wednesday i went up and i expected to see you there and then you were not. its kinda weird how it happened that way cos you're long gone.

anyway, i'm doing the panel design for the FMS open house. its kinda fun.

my thoughts are soo fragmented. very. everything's a whirl. i dunno why. my nose i running away. i've been sneezing non stop. bleah.

datelines coming up:
feature writing 1 story
feature writing 2 outline
FMS panel
Comm Iss group assignment
PR media kit
Radio on-air presentation skills test

bless my soul.

"we're both in love with two different people"

Monday, December 5, 2005

i decided that i'm boycotting mediasorp and SPH or not. okay this is why...

my sister as you all know has gone to manila to participate in the sea games 2005. she got placed 4 out of i don't know how many but definately more than 4 because there was heats before the finals. okay so then, not only does mediacorp or SPH not cover it but in the sports column they ranked the sports... not only did they classify the sports that were letdown FAILURES.. they classified other events that were not so "happening" under "why were they here". okay i have 2 things against you.

if you can even put yourself in the place of an athelete who has trained hard and well for this event. put in your best only to get classified under "failures". i'm very sorry for those who are brought up with the concept that if u're not #1 you're a failure. its very sad. a failure is not someone who did not manage to clinch the top prize - even someone who clinches the top prize may be a failure, if he/she did not give his/her best or has been there in the same position with no improvement at all. or worse, someone who doesn't even bother to try, or someone who does not have a aim. i'm sorry you are atuned to the "show me the medals" mindset as i quote the sports editor. please give them a break. i believe they have suffered enough disappointment when they tasted defeat after putting in their best. Giving them the lesat encouragement couldn't hurt. how do you feel when you're in a total foreign land with no support but your own team mates and you come back home to discover that you got no support from even the country that you fought for?

the second.

i do believe that all the sports qualified under the "why are they here" category deserves a standing ovation. being the underdogs in the game, they have come in, participated, trained equally hard and strived to succeed. i believe they have succeeded in their own ways. i do believe they deserve the right to be in the games that they have trained and fought hard for. i salute them for their commitment. i'm appalled by the biased coverage these sports are given. they be undoubtedly slammed by the press or not give the coverage they at least deserve. i believe that a bronze has been won in karate. i'm utterly upset by the press. i feel that these sportmen and sportwomen deserve an apology. i'm disgusted by the actions of the press and as a media student, i am very much ashamed.

other than that, i managed to fixed my navbar problem. whoopee.

i left my house to meet pearl to bring her down to church for her interview with madeline. i then headed down to joo chiat to colletc my miserable pay of 608 dollars after the deduction of about 200 dollars? yea.. how pathetic. then i went shopping around. not very succesful trip.. then i met joyce for the movie. yes - pride and prejudice.

the show was good. did the book justice. and MR DARCY too. haha. he's not startling handsome, he's just handsome. i love his eyes. yes, it's always the eyes. i mean guys its a classic.. that makes it a must watch. for me at least. the show was hilarious... british humour. you have to listen. its a good show. i recommend it to almost anyone but kids. a long 2 hrs of british conversation... enough to put a kid off classics for life, so parents don't ruin their enjoyment of classics.
okay its been a fruitful day. but first let's start off with the not sooo pleasant stuff.

today, 1 day before the deadline of my feature writing assignment outline, my interviewee pulled out on me! okay i never had this problem before right? so naturally i panicked. its just that you know naturally when things go wrong you just feel like "why is this happening?". many a times, we don't realise somehow that there is someone in control. and all things work for good for those who love Him. It's just a small thing, but its proof enough. I know my interviewee backed out. so i had to find another one right... and i jsut couldn't. so i turned to ken for an interviewee. At that point in time it just did not occur to me that he had studied microbiology in England... so technically he's an expert at beer... more expert than whoever i was going to interview... so when i started interviewing him, i realised that... hey... this is better than what i had in mind. so you see.

okay so anyway, news flash. my sister is ranked 4th overall for both events she took part for the sea games 2005. Yes, she's an amatuer so its a big deal alright. and its 4th in ALL OF SOUTH EAST ASIA. that's a feat. to my dear sister... i don't care if its not a gold... u did all of us proud, mom, dad, and all the rest of us.

okay yeah. i went over to the ng's place. NOAH is soooo cute... and he is feather light. he has big sparkling eyes. yeap. and the twins are adjusting well to his presence. so its all cool. ken and elaine are obviously overjoyed to have a new addition to their family. It's just great. lol! the twins were very happy and excited to see me. caleb even wanted to follow me home. i guess maybe they just haven't seen any church people in like 2 weeks so its kinda nice for them to get attention especially since mom's attention is split three ways now. man i can't wait to go visit them again.

so, feature writing is over.. i mean the outline. and so is radio - which i totally busted the deadline for, but anita was sooo kind and understanding and gave us a whole day's extention... and so its the comm iss individual assignment. the next thing that is coming up is the WEBFOLIO for webd. okay yea, i admit i'm screwed for that cos my fireworks nav bar TOTALLY DOES NOT WORK AT ALL. and i'm totally clueless why. so harie's gonna be a kind sould and help me with it either on wed or thurs. THANKS HARIE.

it's kinda weird that he keeps popping back into my life here and there. then he disappears for a while. yes... now its time for his disappearing act. soon he'll ride back in.

anyways, i better get some sleep which i have not gotten in the past week. its time for some catching up on that.