Monday, May 30, 2005

today was fun.
i went to school early with the intention to meet sarah anne, but i ended up running into eddy and kailin. so we sat there waiting and crapping. and i finally finished up the powerpoint. ahah! well so then it was off to drama and poetry. it was really fun and rewarding. at least for me. i dunno about the rest but it was really alot of fun! haha. so then after that i went to meet fanny to go for tennis! oh i have been looking forward to this for ages. trust me. goodness so it was good... finally!!! haha! exercise. sport! my long lost friends. ha! well well. it was fulfilling. ahhh!!! so then i played and played until i lost track of time and realised it was time to go. then i started on my long journey home and DAMN! i was hungry! really hungry. so i got hoem the quickest i could. no i didn't spend on a cab. i just walked really fast from the bus stop. haha! and then home!!! food!!!! yes i dun care how good it tasted i just ate. hahah! okay so i'm sitting here and i realised i got work to do. so i guess i better get moving. so yeap. toodles!

Sunday, May 29, 2005

just had lunch - splendid beef curry.

where's peanuts, walnuts and cashew nuts?
haha! oh wells. the powerpoint is due tmr but i so haven't started. so dead. haha but i really dunno what to put in it! someone enlighten me! haha! gah i think i should get to work. i better or i'll get slaughtered. well. l.a.t.e.r.s then.

i miss you so much i'm aching.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

i'm sitting here. waiting for my dad's board meeting to end.

and my sister is sitting opposite me watching naruto. hmm i'm just thinking. i really miss cambodia. life there is so simple. what you see is what you get. sometimes i really wish i was back there. all we do is work, rest, work, rest, work, rest, relax, sleep and then the whole cycle repeats. the tiredness is only physical not psychological. it's just a really nice feeling. oh wells. hmm. well, i'd love to do it all over again. you know what i shall go and sit infront of the tv and stone. at least its a decent escape. i'm gone.

i still miss you.
now that's a crime?

Thursday, May 26, 2005

looking good and going nowhere? not.

advertising workshop today only. so fun! haha! i loved it. oh wells. thank goodness JX is not in my advertising group too. well well. i woke up earlier than i was supposed to. woke up and just lay in bed to sms. for probably half an hour? then i decided it was time to get cracking. so i got out of bed, took a shower and looked at myself in the mirror. i was peeling like hell! okay whatever. so then i finished class early and went to try buy books from hanizah. got the books and then went down to the atrium to wait for fanny and met tiffy chan. lol! so we talked and talked. and then we were waiting when sarah marts and ari came along. then tim came along so it was some sort of a informal gathering. lol! well well. then i cabbed down to ps to catch monster-in-law. before the movie i saw this roxy bag. i love it!!!! it has this rainbow stripes! ahhaa. so its 59 bucks. calling to all you out there!!! haha! oh whatever i'm getting more and more thick skinned. haha! monster-in-law was okay. then it was home for me. and so that's it. how boring right? gah. i need somethign to spice it up. lol! hhahahah a scandal. hahah! right. i miss cambodia. lol! i know its been a long time since i've been back i should have gotten over it by now. but what the heck. sometimes there are just somethings that you can never forget and will always miss. uhuh? just like you.

i'm thinking of you now. are you thinking of me? i hope so.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

okay. first day of the new sem. let me run through it.

dragged myself out of bed at 0615hrs\left the house at 0705hrs and met pearl at the bus interchange\first lecture up was news writing - penelope chan and ramani\next was media management - bangras\two words to describe what i was doing: self amusement\lunch with grace, pearl, megan, lynn and darren at SIM\we talked about everything you could under the sun\about my trip to cambodia and all kinda racists jokes\okay not a very nice to to do i admit, but we were just crazy\so then back to lectures with jenny low first - advertising\another jlo(w) literally somehow they seem to be long lost twins with their unending string of sarcasm\then it was media research methods with suzanne chan\nicole and i were have a lil discussion on our own\lastly and FINALLY it was tv production with jonathan foo\three words to describe what i was doing: self amusement AGAIN\went to meet jerome to get the MMC card\had a brief eye contact exchange with a few freshies\they look weird\exchanged stories and jokes\left the school\ had dinner with pear and megan\went crazy\really crazy.

only interesting fact i learned today:
on the average, children laugh 400times a day HOWEVER adults laugh only 15 times a day

oh this one is dedicated to jerome (lo):
1 in 12 males are color blind HOWEVER 1 in 200 females are colorblind

Monday, May 23, 2005

one word - BURNT.

i'm lobster red. like hello two days straight in the sun. what else do you expect? okay but on the whole i enjoyed myself ALOT. okay. like the whole nonsensical music video.. hahah! jason, your brilliant idea. okay then there's the trademark captains ball, the water rugby, the lovely tackles, the dog and bone cum rugby.. haha! well well. hmmm the hols must then come to an end. school starts tmr. oh wells... year two. its kinda hit me just yesterday. its like YEAR TWO!!!! and without grace, pearl, megan and reka. what a lonely year. sigh. oh wells. let's see how it goes. hope it goes well. i want my OITP. and then i wanna go somewhere the mid yr hols. maybe the states or aust. well well. so i need to save money. gah... we'll see... we'll see. anyway i'm not only burnt but bummed out too so my lovely bed here i come.... WHEEEEE!

Thursday, May 19, 2005

"When I'm around you, my mind is no longer my own."

starwars epi III is damn good man. at least i think so... so yea. hahah! its so intense. the transition from the jedi into the dark lord. man. it shows how much fear, hate, anger and love can consume one. how enticing the dark side is. anakin swore he would be the most powerful jedi ever.. yes he was just on the wrong side.

be careful what you wish for.

trust is probably the most dangerous thing to misplace. can u imagined what would be if anakin never trusted the chancellor or for that matter if the jedi counsel trusted anakin. what would be?

yes even the darkest show that are probably cults can tell alot about life. maybe because the dark lord lucifer indeed has a fountain of knowledge beyond one can imagine. yes he knows. but is learning about the dark wise? they say fight fire with fire. but fighting darkness with darkness? something is amiss is it?

to me, the chancellor seems to be representative of the antichrist. he rose to power admits the chaos, the "world" war. then he gave them peace.

lord vader is probably the classic of those who yield themselves to this dark lord because of what they can let go of. they cling on to what they love. they cannot let go. this is probably why Yahshua said that if u love your mother, brother sister or whoever more than you love him you are not worthy of him. makes so much sense doesn't it.

give it thought.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

starwars tmr. midnight movie.
oooooooooooooooooh!!! i'm on cloud 9!
starwars here i cooomeeee!
Be without fear in the face of your enemies.
Be brave and upright that God may love thee.
Speak the truth, always, even if it leads to your death.
Safeguard the helpless.
That is your oath.

so nice right??? its the knight's rather crusader's oath in kingdom of heaven. which were probably the only good lines in the movie. probably NOT written by the script writter. anyway last day of work today i think. all i saw today was boxes, boxes and boxes. goodness. i'll have a box nightmare. hahah. okay. lol! whatever. almost lost my sanity in the office. i might miss work, more like the people there. to all who made breakfast and lunch so enjoyable.... especially JOYCE, debbie, rachel, jac chew, karen, erm.... what's her name.. always with debbie.. anyway i'm kinda bored... so bye... lalala. oh wait before i go... check out this pic.. its like when i was clearing this laywer's room there was this envelope... look at pic... if u can't read the words... its says 'for emergency only'. guess what was inside... 2 milo 3in1 sachets. like okay........

Image hosted by

Monday, May 16, 2005

well sunday finaally came. and it went too. i enjoyed it. they liked the gifts. yay! mission accomplished. haha right. lol i didn;t i actually was supposed to have dinner with my grams on sunday too. but oh wells. i choose takhmau buddieS! yea! haha! lol. so i reached there about 4... had a swim. started us the barbeque at around 530. lol we celebrated sherms b'day too. man he was wasted man... but refused to take the first cab.. anyway watched the full editted video. it was really nice. really sums up the whole trip. so oh wells. i got to elaine's place at around 11. the darling twins were already asleep by then. so woke up the next morning to shua beating me on the face. ahhaah so cute. lol! had breakfast wen to arab street for the sake of going with elaine and auntie theresa. went over to auntie theresa's place. was too lazy to leave the house. lol! finally left when gary took his shower. lol. so met up with sarah and anna at monstercue. i went to buy the album for anna soo's friend and i bought the new jars of clay album. i think i;m gonna love it..yeap. then we decided to have dinner at billy's. we laughed and talked alot. had a good time. reached home later than i was supposed to. my mom's really upset now. cos she cooked for my sisters cos they didn't tell her they weren't coming back for dinner. so you get the picture. oh wells. i think i better go. yeap. to all the takhmau buddies... thanks for everything! you guys were so fun it ought to be a sin. lol! yeap. thanks! anyway... i better go... ciaos.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

okay back from church. it was a okay day. i played guitar today it was okay except that i broke another set of elixirs. GAH!!!! hmmm so yea... its okay other than that. tmr tmr... hahah.. yea. the monday i'm meeting sarah.. yea. i so wanna carry the olympic torch for the torch relay. i wanT!!! but i dun think i can there's a age limit or something like that. HOW cool would that be? lol! yea. oooh beautiful mind is showing soon. its a great show... so can't wait too... hahah.. anyway watching general's daughter now. ciaos.

Friday, May 13, 2005

i managed to finsh everything yesterday. so proud of myself. thanks sarah for the help!

yeap. today's work was okay. at least i had stuff to do. well but ends up i have to do worship for cell. which totally sucks cos i have a paper cut on my finger tip and quite a bad cut on my thumb. oh wells. just have to do it. and plus i have to play tmr. and get up early tmr. *grumbles* i can't wait till sunday. i'm soooo looking forward to sunday. school's starting in 10 days time. i so dread going to class and not seeing grace, reka, pearl and megan. man. sigh. oh wells. what to do. MOVE ON! dinner now.

i miss you so.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

convert to islam now, repent later!

right. okay i watched kingdom of heaven. its supposed to be a very serious movie. but somehow, i found it funny too. hahah. yes. "between people there is no darkness, only a light."*blows out candle*. right. hahahh "how can you be in hell when you are in my heart?" ehem... okay... lol its just so comical sometimes. lol! okay today's work was okay. i was packing boxes. lol! cisco recall. lol! had ofice gossip. lol! so funny. i dunno why everyone says they hate lawyers? they're actually really nice people. lol! funny, witty and so full of crap sometimes. hahah yeap. i'm going back to work on friday. for today and tomorrow its fr doing something else. gah. i'm like supposed to be doing the SIF report now but i'm like okay... so stuck... what kind of qns are these okay except for the first and the third qn...
1. How did the project benefit the participants? Beginning from pre-expedition, please elaborate on the learning points, the facilitation process and other learning moments that have occurred.
2. How did the project benefit and/or impact the host community?
3. What were the difficulties/problems that you/ your team have encountered?
4. What are the potential projects near your site that are suitable for future YEPs?
5. What are your suggestions or recommendations for future YEPs?
6. What are the follow up activities for the team after they have returned to Singapore?
like hello.. suggestions and reccomendations?? more money? lol! gah. oh wells. i shal not complain no more. just do it. yeah. the hols are going to be over soon. that's like sooooo soon. like in a week plus time. oh and star wars in 8 days!!!! *makes lightsabre sound*. haha! whoooooo! k k i better get back to the report. yeap. l - a - t - e - r - s ! ! ! ! !

Monday, May 9, 2005

okay. i've finally started on the site. its due in like 2 weeks? thanks to pearl i can meet that dateline! thank you pearl! love ya! hmm anyway. its gonna be a hectic week. gotta work on tues. goodness. i'm so dreading it. so much to do, so little time. going over to visit the twins. star wars is out this week!!!! omg! can't wait. yeap. hahah. oh wells. i ran for baker and mckenzie today. 4 click. dunno what got into me to sign up. oh wells. i saw mr gary pryke there. yes. i completed the 4 click in a very bad timing of 25:26. hahah. but what the hell. i haven't trained for ages. and i sprained my ankle halfway through the run. i was like tryign to avoid this puddle of water, then i skippped skipped and landed and wham... i sprained my ankle. what a klutz. hahah! anyway i'm proud i finished the run. hahha! lala. my sister has her whole ging gang of canoeing friends staying over today. they're not back yet. BUT soon soon. well i better go to sleep early... i have to wake up around like 8 plus?! remember, sleep deprivation does wonders. so i shan't let myself slip into that 'wonderous' world again. lol! as far as i can help it...

Thursday, May 5, 2005

i'm reading this book called anna and mister God. its a great book. i love it. so simple yet so profound. there's so much to learn. these are my favourites...


"Fynn, Mister God doesn't love us,' She hesitated. 'He doesn't really, you know, only people can love... I love Mister God truly, but he don;t love me... no, he don't love me, not like you do, it's different, it's MILLION TIMES BIGGER... Fynn, you can love better than any people that ever was, and so can I, can't I? But Mister God is different. You see, Fynn, people can only love out and can only kiss outside, but Mister God can love you right inside, and Mister God can kiss you right inside, so it's different. Mister God ain't like us; we are a little bit like Mister God, but not much yet."


"When you're little you 'understand' Mister God. He sits up up there on His throne, a golden one of course; He has got whiskers and a crown and everyone is singing hymns like mad to Him. God is useful and usable. You can ask Him for things, he can strike youe enemies deader than a doornail and he is pretty damn good at putting hexes on the bully net door, like warts and things. Mister God is so 'understandable', so useful and usable, he is like some object, perhaps the most important object of all, but nevertheless an object and absolutely understandable. Later you 'understand' him to be a bit different but you are still able to grasp what he is. Even though you understand him, he doesn't seem to understand you! He doesn't seem to understand that you simply must have a new bike, so your 'understanding' of him changes a bit more. in whatever way or state you understand Mister God, so you diminish his size. He becomes understandable entities. So Mister God keeps on shedding bits all the way through your life until the time comes when you admit freely and honestly that you don't understand Mister God at all. At this point you have let Mister God be his proper size and wham, there he is laughing at you."


"... everybody has got a point of view but Mister God han't. Mister God has only points to view."

awesome right? it just makes you go wow! i love this book. getting back to it. ciaos.

Wednesday, May 4, 2005

what is your deepest fear?

stayed home in the morning - watched finding neverland - GREAT show - enrolled for drama and poetry and photography - gary came over - tried to find ice age - left the house - went to ps to catch lunch and coach carter - another GREAT show - went home for dinner - boys came along - CSI and ALIAS - i think naruto's up next

oh yes one more thing - i miss YOU

Sunday, May 1, 2005

second time i'm posting.

just thinking.
why does it always happen this way.
i'm suffering from withdrawal symptoms.
not from drugs but from YOU.
fanny and eliz, you know who.
so don't ask.
why is the ice age called ice age?

cos most of the earth was covered in ice for thousands of years. this came cos of environmental factors and it occurs every 2-3 hundreds of thousands of years....


because of all the ICE!