Tuesday, September 21, 2004

what if...

first random thought:

what if one day
you woke up
and you were no longer in this world
then you find yourself
before the throne of judgement
what will you do

i don't think i can face Him
i'll probably be too ashamed of myself

another random thought:

what if you were to die today
where will you be

i think i won't make it
and i'm trying
but just think i might not make it
its sad you know

yet another random thought:

he was a faithful follower of Christ
he loved Christ alot
yet he denied him
during tribulation
will you stand

i weep inside
i know
i might not
what if i deny him too
what if that was my last chance
and then i'll be heading straigh down
into the pits of hell
maybe i love this life too much

and then another random thought:

what if you were in heaven
and you looked down to hell
and you saw your best friend
or your relative
right beneath your eyes
what will you do

you can't do anything
all you can do is say
if only
if only what?
if only i had told them

i've been thinking alot lately. but i just can't help it. i know i may sound like a drama queen but really what if i don't make it. i don't want to burn in hell. no one would want to. unless you're out of your mind. you may think i'm bizzare or all spiritual. but i really don't wanna go to hell. i can just die anytime. its not for me to decide you know. what if i overworked myself and a blood vessel in my brain burst? i would be dead. just like that. the line between life and death can be so easily broken through. after all God is almighty,soveriegn.

once lived this man who was a coach at a high school. he was a very healthy man. that very day, he was to take his students out for a run. he finished whatever work he could and then changed into his jogging gear to head out for the run. when he left the school, he felt perfectly fine. no sign of fatigue etc. he continued jogging. he felt a slight faintness but he pressed on and continued jogging. he broke out in cold sweat and he felt he could no longer keep up. he kept going. suddenly he collapsed. he could not take it any longer. he tried to open his eyes but it was like it was glued shut. he could hear what was going on. some one pulled over. helped him up and wanted to send him to the nearest clinic. it was a young girl and her dad talking. then he heard another voice.

"no, we'll take him. the nearest clinic is still very far."

the girl and her dad obliged and left him in the care of the stranger. he could feel that they were trying to wake him up. but he simply could not get up. then he felt himself slipping away. drifting away. he told himself.

"it's alright. i'm just tired......"

little did he know, he would never wake up again.

its true. the man never woke up. he died that evening. no he did not get to see his wife and children for the last time. no he did not get to tell them how much he loved them. and no he did not get to tell God how sorry he was for whatever sins he had committed that day. and yes that was what mattered.

i was that girl with her dad who pulled over. life is so fragile. really it is. why i remember this incident all of a sudden. only God knows. but there is a purpose. i know there is a purpose.