Thursday, September 30, 2004

half - life

half life

says it all
well i was supposed to wak up at 9 today.
but i woke up late - 930
i was supposed to call grace
but i sat there on the sofa
stoned for 5 mins
then i took a bath
freshened up and ate breakfast
and left the house around 1030
took a cab to school
and i was waiting for the lift and i saw suja
suja then came to me gave me the key
so i opened the place
and darren was the 2nd to arrive!
okie so we had tuitorial
media updates were BORING!
then it was the preparation for then exam
i sounded good man- at least i think so
i didnt even prepare!
okie then i finished up bauhaus after that
well i can;t really say much
cos my brain ain't functioning
too little sleep i think
i'm so proud of my bauhaus designs

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

i'm tired

slept only at 5 yest. woke up at 8 today
church later
just finished the blueprints of the model only
still left with the mounting of whatever
and the booklets to design and stuff.
i hate bauhaus
i love it too
got so much work
there's still medisoc
there's still speech comm
i dont have a life
filming on sat
i'm gonna skip locvd tomorrow
i need rest
my back hurts
i have cuts all over my fingers
i want a break
i dont have a break
i've never worked so hard in my life
i think this is the real world
the world clotted with work
and stress
i need....

Sunday, September 26, 2004

i'm slippin' away

i changed my no. --> 90405397

i'm gonna be really busy this week. i have a super packed schedule.

locvd exam
speech comm test
locvd discussion
french exam

medisoc lecture
graph comm
graph comm
graph comm

graph comm again
graph comm again
graph comm again
rush out speech comm

medisoc tuitorial
speech comm deadline
speech comm
probably locvd

graph comm presentation
speech comm
probably locvd

locvd shooting
locvd shooting
locvd shooting

i really hope i would survive. i need rescue.

i really don't know who

Saturday, September 25, 2004

i lost my lappy's warranty card. oh i found it. heh.

that is beside the point. well. i am supposed to go to school today to discuss the locvd. but unfortunately i don't have the time. nvm i suspect they won't finish it today. so whatever.oh well. today there's like reallly nothing much. i have guitar workshop, then i got music prac. oooh jehian is playing for me. erm then i got youth comm and section leaders meeting. oh well. hmmm yest/... yest... yest...

okie yest i woke up at 8 cos we were meeting at 10 to discuss bauhaus. well so i left the house at 9 and at around 920. yi sze msged me. can we meet at 11? i almost strangled her. okie worse still i called grace. i'm still at home. then so what the heck i just went there. anyway i have comics to accompany me. so i was waiting and sean was the first to arrive. so we went to mos first to wait for the rest. so they eventually came around 1100.

then we started discussing. we decided to go back to the model. much easier. yea. we came up with invitation cards everything. so then sean was trying to come up with new ideas and i was like there's no time. so whatever. sean was a lil on my nerves. yes. so by 130 we wrapped up. and we headed down to bras brasah for the stuff.

so. we bought acrylic cheet. a huge one, 2 metal sheets, acrylic hinges, the shiny sticker, acrylic acid and acrylic cutter. and now i need a metal cutter which we totally did not buy. oh wells. i shall try the hardware store downstairs. okie okie. so we all went our seperate ways, cept' for yi sze and i. we went...

shopping! lol! okie so yi sze was supposed to shop for a present for her sister. and in the end we went shpping for stuff for her more than her sister. oh wells. its inevitable. lol! okie so we saw this top from volcom. really nice. then she was liek i think i shall get it for myself. so okie. for her. then we saw this bag. really nice vintage look. it was awesome. hee. she was i think we shld get this for my sister. she bought it and then. nah she kept it for herself! lol! so we stopped by flowers in the attic cos we realized we never went into that shop. and lo and behold. i saw this blouse. really sweet country looking blouse. i tried it and it was 'sweep me away'. so i bought it and yi sze bought yet another top. then we went down to far east cos i was supposed to cut my hair. so we walked around in search of hair salons. and i went to this place called KLEAR CUT. its quite good.; maybe i shall cut my hair there already. okie. so i went in and the lady, her name is isabel kept talking to me. hee asking so many qns. and apparently she said i looked like her roommate. oh wells. but she was talking to me in chinese. which made it a lil unpleasant. okie. after the hair cut was done. i put on my specs and the malay guy winked at me. and GOSH he's like not even good looking. so i frowned back. haha. anyway there was alot of cute guys in far east yest like tons! so yi sze had a good time ple watching. haha. k k so aftrer that we went for a drink at long johns and then went to get yi sze's sister's present. of cos eventually she ended up buying stuff for herself again. so after that we left town. she went home and i to church.

that was yest. and its already 1140 today. which means i took an hr to blog. that's long. so then. i better go. i needa leave the house soon. yeap. au revoir.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

i forgot to bring the script! i'm so sorry! oh wells. anyway my editting test was at 10 this morning. well i thought harvey will be ebhind time again. but then again i thought i'd better be on the safe side. well. so i reached there at 10 and only started at 1045. wells wells. what's new. anyway while waiting gabriel was reading this book. it's called everything is bad for you. hahah it was full of crap. the author was probably suicidal. haha. really! when you read that book. you can actually die from everything. i mean EVERYTHING. okie okie get on with it. so i took the editting test and i was like done in 15 mins. but he was like staring at me. so i was pressured to continue doing some crap for another 15 mins. so then. he saw my footage and yea that was it. was well done if you ask me. okie so i went for medisoc after that giving up on waiting for megan. i reached the classroom and then we started on the advertisement critique. it was kinda fun. cherylene was in our group. of the four of us. sherie, yisze, grace and i. we started out like awkward but then after that we were like laughing so loudly suja made us go first. after our group was reka's group who did this beer ad. and man the ad was bloody sensual. you should have seen that creep's reaction. *shivers* whatever. then it was danial's group then robyn's group! they put up their ad and i was like thinking to myself. "is that phelps?" but of cos i didn't ask. so when robyn mentioned that it is phelps i was like GASP! lol! and the whole class happened to hear it, it was like shit! even suja was like laughing. haha! SUJA ROCKS! lol! then when they ended their presentation i made a comment on the drawings at the bottom of all the writings and my exact words were, "the drawings are so cute!" and the class heard it as, "why is he so cute?" and then suja went HUH?! then she started laughing again! i was damn embarrased! i swear i blushed! i could feel it. lol. okie that's all about medisoc. okie okie. then so i ate lunch with grace and then i came back home. nothing to do so i watch charmed. shhhhh. and then i wanted to study locvd but apparently i can't d/l the notes! i dunno why? so screwed they keep asking me to insert the microsoft office xp cd! so i'm like i don't have it! so forget it. oh well. yest was the last lesson of S n W. that's so sad. gonna miss softball and the people like peggy etc. hee. oh and they asked me to join softball. anyone wanna join me? i actually don't mind. but tights. shall think about it. okie so after that i discussed SAB then bauhaus. and because we found this builing in houston, texas. called williams tower. man its super nice so we decided not to do the model but a humongous shiny poster. its kinda cool. anyway some ple from T105 are doing models so i overhrd today so to hell with the model. so after that i went to town. met andrea(my older sister) and maryann. they were cutting their hair at reds. to me it ain't worth so yea. okie then after went shopping. amy and anna (my younger sister) came to meet us. so we went shopping and i bought the fox top and a zara sweater and some cookies. hee. then we went to church and amy went home. oh wells. that was yest. quite happening lol. cos grace and i we saw that guy. the one worse than a poser. less than a sissy. such a big time loser. his name is jonathan. okie i just have to say this. but whatever. his attitude sucks. in his exact words " don't punch my face! punch my arm!". goodness. oh yes i forgot your balls were roasted on the BBQ pit. peace out.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

what if...

first random thought:

what if one day
you woke up
and you were no longer in this world
then you find yourself
before the throne of judgement
what will you do

i don't think i can face Him
i'll probably be too ashamed of myself

another random thought:

what if you were to die today
where will you be

i think i won't make it
and i'm trying
but just think i might not make it
its sad you know

yet another random thought:

he was a faithful follower of Christ
he loved Christ alot
yet he denied him
during tribulation
will you stand

i weep inside
i know
i might not
what if i deny him too
what if that was my last chance
and then i'll be heading straigh down
into the pits of hell
maybe i love this life too much

and then another random thought:

what if you were in heaven
and you looked down to hell
and you saw your best friend
or your relative
right beneath your eyes
what will you do

you can't do anything
all you can do is say
if only
if only what?
if only i had told them

i've been thinking alot lately. but i just can't help it. i know i may sound like a drama queen but really what if i don't make it. i don't want to burn in hell. no one would want to. unless you're out of your mind. you may think i'm bizzare or all spiritual. but i really don't wanna go to hell. i can just die anytime. its not for me to decide you know. what if i overworked myself and a blood vessel in my brain burst? i would be dead. just like that. the line between life and death can be so easily broken through. after all God is almighty,soveriegn.

once lived this man who was a coach at a high school. he was a very healthy man. that very day, he was to take his students out for a run. he finished whatever work he could and then changed into his jogging gear to head out for the run. when he left the school, he felt perfectly fine. no sign of fatigue etc. he continued jogging. he felt a slight faintness but he pressed on and continued jogging. he broke out in cold sweat and he felt he could no longer keep up. he kept going. suddenly he collapsed. he could not take it any longer. he tried to open his eyes but it was like it was glued shut. he could hear what was going on. some one pulled over. helped him up and wanted to send him to the nearest clinic. it was a young girl and her dad talking. then he heard another voice.

"no, we'll take him. the nearest clinic is still very far."

the girl and her dad obliged and left him in the care of the stranger. he could feel that they were trying to wake him up. but he simply could not get up. then he felt himself slipping away. drifting away. he told himself.

"it's alright. i'm just tired......"

little did he know, he would never wake up again.

its true. the man never woke up. he died that evening. no he did not get to see his wife and children for the last time. no he did not get to tell them how much he loved them. and no he did not get to tell God how sorry he was for whatever sins he had committed that day. and yes that was what mattered.

i was that girl with her dad who pulled over. life is so fragile. really it is. why i remember this incident all of a sudden. only God knows. but there is a purpose. i know there is a purpose.

Monday, September 20, 2004


until my breath runs dry, i will sing to You.
until the end of times, i will praise You Lord.
until we finally meet and i live down at Your feet,
You'll find me seeking You.
You'll find me seeking You.

love this song too.
apparently i love the desperation album.
its really nice.
all the songs all really speak of desperation.
well today was a good day.
did not have speech comm lectures.
so i went for lunch.
and the dreadful creep came to join us.
so i lost my appetite.
well anyway after that i went to meet grace.
we discussed our speech comm speech.
xueting came by.
spoke to her for a while.
i forgot to tell her something.
well its something bitchy so whatever.
anyway after that we hung out till graph comm.
then we went for kok kee lessons.
then the consultation.
i got a C+ on my 3rd assesed speech.
which makes my average a C+
about there.
well i really wanna do better than that.
so God help me.
cordelia liked my speech tho.
she said i had this thing about me.
that everytime i started a new point i injected life into it.
well that's something new for me.
but she said she could tell i memorised it cos it soon became words.
but i just couldn't help it.
anyway next speech, grace and i are doing on peer pressure
i just found out some stuff about that
and i think its really interesting
this is why i say i can be a psychologist.
then i went to watch another movie in the library.
sliding doors.
its really kinda cool.
then i went to meet fanny.
told her some stuff.
she told me some stuff.
well its between the both of us.
then we wanted to pon french
but we did not
alvin stole my seat!
anyway french today was fine.
french test tmr
i want to do well.
who doesn't.
anyway that was my day.
and for now.
i know what your blog is andrea (my sister)
i think you wouldn't read this.
but whatever.
what i'm thinking now?

i cannot.
i will not.
i must not.

but then again its not for me to say.
this is reality.
i think of you and i smile.
i think of you again and i laugh.
i think of you again and again.
i do nothing.
but think.
and then.
i tell myself.
snap out of it.
so i'm out of it.
but soon i'll just slip in again.
to that reality...

Sunday, September 19, 2004

well i composed a song together with ma sister today. its nice! lol! its called "no matter". shan't say anything more. heh. but its a really awesome song. lol.
anyway i was thinking. and i don't know what to do. someone told me i should just let it go. but you really lied to me alot. everything i know i found out for myself or from some other source. its disheartening. i trusted you. you betrayed my trust. i really dont know what i should do. maybe that someone is right. GIVE IT UP. its not worth.
my life is a mess.
i'm almost at rock bottom.
it sucks.
but thanks to someone.
thanks for the encouragement.
psalms 121 is staring me in the face.
and i couldnt see it.
but now i see.

I lift up my eyes to the hills. From whence does my help come?
My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot be moved, he who keeps you will not slumber.
Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
The LORD is your keeper; the LORD is your shade on your right hand.
The sun shall not smite you by day, nor the moon by night.
The LORD will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life.
The LORD will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and for evermore.

beautiful psalm aye? love it. anyway. i shall get back to work.

THANK YOU.*points at someone* you know who you are.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

what is there to life
when you have
no God
no aims
no struggles
no ups
no downs
no friends
no enemies
no failures
no success
no health
no music
no work
no play
no rest
no guidance
no siblings
no time
no books
no groove
no hates
no likes
no power
no order
no work
no nothing
to summarise it
no life

well today i got back medisoc common test. i passed. overall i'm passing. not fantastic tho' i need to work harder. much harder. sigh. i almost screwed up my camera handling. i did not. anyway. i changed my blogskin. the little boy is cute aye? well well. was bored of the old one. okie i really got nothing to say. anyway, i'm missing you*. ciaos.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

yea. today was fun. lol. i had S&W. hee exercise! yay! well well. next week is the last week. i don't mind failing actually. so i can take it AGAIN! again! hahas! okie after that met up with grace, sherie and sean to do bauhaus. yi sze was late so we watched while waiting. hahas. its was really fun. DON"T MESS HIS GROOVE! hahas! okie okie so after yi sze came, we started to discuss. and man! sean and i came up with this brilliant celebratory package. SO DAMN EXCITED BOUT IT. hahas! well. halfway thru we went to see harvey bout the script and he actually thought it was good and even funny! that's like way cool! like way way way way way way way cool. get the idea huh? then went back to bauhaus discussion and modified the idea and its AWESOME! i really can't wait to get started. hee hee. oh no. "hee hee" reminds me of somebody. no! don't come haunt me! ahh! lol. eliz knows already. haha. she was laughing and laughing like mad. lol. she choked as much as i did. well you get the idea. actually you won't. haha. whatever. o wells. okie okie then after bauhaus i went for SAB. ugh. that person again. attitude sucks. anyway then we discussed the fianance sheet. man i was having fun today! i'm like super hyper. hees. wells everything today was fun. then i went to church. bathed. redid my media critique. then i ate dinner. then i went up to practise. then i led worship again. apparently its not bad. hee. lol! i broke the 6th string AGAIN!. i really break weird strings. ALL THE TIME. okie okie. so now i'm home. and i'm crapping with xt. wells. ttfn!

Tuesday, September 14, 2004


this is the post where if you missed the last episode of friends for some reason or another you would love me. cause i;m not gonna tell you, but provide you with a full transcript of the episode. its taken from one of my links below. but just incase you're lazy, and for what its worth, here it goes.

Written by: Marta Kauffman & David CraneDirected by: Kevin BrightTranscribed by: Kreidy
[Scene: Monica and Chandler's apartment.]
(It's a scene from 1016 TOW Rachel's Going Away Party.)
Jennifer Aniston (voice-over): Previously on Friends.
Monica: Erica, are you okay?
Erica: Yeah, you know, maybe I ate too much. I keep getting these stomach-aches. They come and go like every few minutes.
Monica: Oh my God!
Chandler: Relax! We'll just get her some antacids.
Monica: She doesn't have a stomach-ache. She's in labor!
Chandler: Oh my God!
[Cut to Ross's apartment.]
(Ross and Rachel are there. It's another scene from 1016 TOW Rachel's Going Away Party.)
Rachel: So if you think I didn't say goodbye to you because you don't mean as much to me as everybody else, you're wrong. It's because you mean more to me.
Ross: Rach!
Rachel: What?!
(He walks over and kisses her. They pull back, Rachel looks at him, and they kiss again.)
[Scene: Ross's bedroom. Rachel is putting on her shoes as Ross shows up from underneath the covers.]
Ross: Hey.
Rachel: Shh... Go back to sleep. I have to go home.
Ross: Oh. This was amazing.
Rachel: It really was. You've learned some new moves!
Ross: Yeah, well, this guy at work gave me "Sex for Dummies" as a joke.
Rachel: Ah.
Ross: Who's laughing now?
Rachel: I know!
(They kiss.)
[Scene: The delivery room at the hospital. Monica, Chandler and Erica are there. Erica is in labor, and she is breathing heavily.]
Monica: Breathe, breathe, breathe... Good.
Chandler: Next time, can I say breathe?
Monica: No, last time you said it like Dracula, and it scared her! Can I get you anything? You want some more ice chips?
Erica: No, I'm okay.
Monica: Alright, I'll be right back.
Chandler: Where are you going?
Monica: To use the bathroom.
Chandler: You can't leave me alone with her.
Monica: What?
Chandler: This is exactly the kind of social situation that I am not comfortable with!
Monica: What kind of social situation are you comfortable with?
Chandler: It's just that we've never spent any time, you know, alone together.
Monica: You'll be fine. Nah, you won't, but I'll be back in two minutes.
Chandler: Okay.
(Monica leaves, and Chandler closes the door. Erica just looks at him.)
Chandler: So, ah... Any plans for the summer?
Erica: I don't know. Maybe church-camp?
Chandler: Hah. May not wanna mention this. So, you ever wonder which is worse, you know; going through labor or getting kicked in the nuts?
Erica: What?
Chandler: Well, it's just interesting. You know, because no one will ever know, because no one can experience both.
(Erica just looks at him like he's crazy.)
Chandler: One of life's great, unanswerable questions. I mean, who knows? Maybe there's something even more painful than those things? Like this.
[Scene: Joey and Rachel's apartment. Joey is there as Phoebe enters. Joey is holding a baby duck.]
Phoebe: Morning.
Joey: Hey!
Phoebe: What's that?
Joey: It's my house-warming present for Monica and Chandler.
Phoebe: It's a baby chick and duck!
Joey: Uh-huh. And I named them Chick Jr. and Duck Jr.
Phoebe: I did not see that coming.
Joey: Yeah, I figure they'll love it at the new house, you know? It has that big backyard. And then, when they get old, they can go to that special farm that Chandler took the other chick and duck to.
Phoebe: Yes.
Joey: Yeah. It's a shame people can't visit there.
Phoebe: That is the rule, though.
(Ross enters.)
Phoebe: Guess what? You're almost an uncle!
Ross: What?
Joey: Yeah, Erica went into labor last night. Monica and Chandler are at the hospital right now!
Ross: Oh my God!
Phoebe: Yeah, and I have a definite feeling it's gonna be a girl.
Ross: Phoebe, you were sure Ben was gonna be a girl.
Phoebe: Have you seen him throw a ball?
Ross: Is Rachel here?
Joey: Uh, I think she's still asleep. Hey, hey, how did it go with you guys last night? She seemed pretty pissed at you.
Ross: Uh, we, y'know, we worked things out.
Phoebe: What's that smile? Did something happen with you two?
Ross: Hey, I'm not one to kiss and tell, but I'm also not one to have sex and shut up. We totally did it!
Joey: Oh my God. You and Rachel?
Ross: I know, it's pretty great.
Joey: So what does that mean? Are you guys getting back together?
Ross: Oh, I... I don't know. We didn't really get to talk.
Phoebe: But do you wanna get back together?
Ross: I don't know. It was incredible. I mean, it just felt so right. When I was holding her, I mean, I never wanted to let her go. You know what? Yeah, I do. I wanna be together.
Phoebe: (screaming) YAY!
Ross: Shhh!
Phoebe: (quietly) Yay!
Joey: So, so is she still going to Paris?
Ross: Wow, I hadn't thought of that. I hope not.
Phoebe: Oh, this is like the best day ever. Ever! You guys might get back together, Monica and Chandler are getting their baby, there are chicks and ducks in the world again! Oh, I feel like I'm in a musical! (Singing) "Daa - raa... When the sun comes up, bright and beaming! And the moon comes..."
(Rachel enters from her room.)
Rachel: Morning!
Phoebe: Guess we'll never know how it ends.
Joey: Okay.
Ross: Hey.
Rachel: Hey.
Ross: Hey. How did you sleep?
Rachel: Good. You?
Ross: Good.
Joey: I bet you did!
Ross: Uh. Would you guys mind giving us a minute?
Joey: Sure, yeah. Will you just keep an eye on the chick and the duck?
Rachel: Chick and the duck? Didn't they die...
Phoebe: (interrupting) Dive. Yeah, they dove head-first into fun on the farm.
(Joey and Phoebe leave.)
Ross: So...
(He kisses her.)
Ross: Morning.
Rachel: You too. Last night was just wonderful.
Ross: It really was.
Rachel: I woke up today with the biggest smile on my face.
Ross: I know, me too. It was... You know, it was like one of those things you think is never gonna happen, and then it does, and it's everything you want it to be.
Rachel: Uh-huh. I know. It was just, it was just the perfect way to say goodbye. (She hugs him, and Ross looks crushed.)
[Scene: The Hospital. Erica is moaning and about to give birth. Monica, Chandler, a nurse and a doctor are there with her.]
Monica: It's just a little bit more, honey.
Erica: Help me! This hurts!
Chandler: Is it really that bad?
Erica: Uh-huh! I think it's time to kick you in the nuts and see which is worse!
(Monica gives Chandler a look.)
Doctor: The baby's head is crowning.
(Monica walks down to Erica's legs to watch the birth.)
Monica: Oh! Oh my God! That is the most beautiful top of a head I have ever seen! Chandler, you have to see this!
(Chandler is standing by Erica's head.)
Chandler: I'm okay.
Monica: Chandler, you don't wanna miss this. This is the birth of your child! It's the miracle of life!
Chandler: Alright. Wow, that is one disgusting miracle.
Doctor: Start pushing. Here we go. Here come the shoulders...
(The baby starts crying, and the doctor holds it up.)
Monica: It's a... It's a boy!
Chandler: Wow!
Erica: Is he okay?
Doctor: He's just fine.
Monica: Oh, you did it!
Chandler: (emotional) It's a baby! A beautiful little baby! And some other stuff I'm gonna pretend I don't see.
Doctor: Would you like to cut the umbilical cord?
(A nurse gives Monica a pair of scissors. Monica gives it to Chandler, and they cut it together.)
Chandler: Well, that's spongy.
Monica: (to her son) Oh, hey handsome! Oh, I'm gonna love you so much that no woman is ever gonna be good enough for you! (To Chandler, on the verge of tears) Oh, we are so lucky!
Chandler: I know. He has your eyes.
(Monica looks at him.)
Chandler: I mean, I know that's not possible, but he does.
Nurse: We'll just get him cleaned up a bit.
(The doctor hands the boy to the nurse, and she walks over to another part of the room with him.)
Chandler: Okay.
Monica: (To Erica) Oh my God, he's beautiful. Thank you so much.
Erica: I'm really happy for you guys.
Chandler: How do you feel?
Erica: I'm tired!
Doctor: Well, you don't have that much time to relax. The other one will be along in a minute.
(Chandler stares at the doctor, completely shocked. Monica just freezes and turns around slowly.)
Monica: I... I'm sorry, who should be along in a what now?
Doctor: The next baby should be along in a minute.
Monica: We only ordered one!
Doctor: You know it's twins, right?
Chandler: Oh, yeah! These are the faces of two people in the know!
[Scene: The hospital. Continued from earlier.]
Doctor: I can't believe you didn't know it's twins! This has never happened before.
Chandler: Well, gosh. That makes me feel so special and good.
Monica: (to the doctor) Wait, did you know it was twins?
Doctor: Yeah, it's here in the paperwork we got from the clinic in Ohio.
Monica: (to Erica) Anybody tell you?
Erica: I don't think so. Although, they did mention something about two heartbeats. But I thought that was just mine and the baby's. They kept saying both heartbeats are really strong, and I thought well, that's good 'cause I'm having a baby.
Monica: This is unbelievable.
Erica: Twins actually run in my family.
Chandler: Interesting! (To Monica) Can I see you for a second?
(They walk over to the door.)
Chandler: What do we do?
Monica: What do you mean "what do we do"?
Chandler: (panicking) Twins! Twins!!
Monica: Chandler, you're panicking!
Chandler: Uh-huh! Join me, won't you?! Okay, what do you say we keep one, and then just like have an option on the other one?
Monica: We can't split them up!
Chandler: Why not? We could give each of them half a medallion, and then years later, they'll find each other and be reunited. I mean, that's a great day for everybody.
Monica: Okay, what if the person who adopts the other one is horrible?
Chandler: What if they're not? What if it's adopted by a king?
Monica: Yeah, because I hear the king is looking to adopt.
Chandler: Monica, we are not ready to have two babies!
Monica: That doesn't matter! We have waited so long for this. I don't care if it's two babies. I don't care if it's three babies! I don't care if the entire cast of "Eight is Enough" comes out of there! We are taking them home, because they are our children!
Chandler: (smiles) Okay. Shhh...
(He hugs her.)
Chandler: Okay.
Monica: Okay!
Chandler: Okay!
Doctor: It looks like we're about ready over here.
(Monica and Chandler run back to Erica's bed.)
Doctor: Come on, Erica, start pushing again now.
Erica: Ow!
(Erica screams.)
Doctor: Here she comes!
Chandler: (shocked) She? It's a girl?
Doctor: Yeah.
Chandler: (To Monica) Well, now we have one of each! (To the doctor) And that's enough!
[Scene: Central Perk. Ross, Phoebe and Joey are there.]
Ross: And then she said it was the perfect way to say goodbye.
Joey: Oh my God! What did you say?
Ross: Nothing! What do you say to that?
Phoebe: Ross, you've got to tell her how you feel!
Ross: No way!
Joey: You can't just give up! Is that what a dinosaur would do?
Ross: What?
Joey: Dude, I'm just trying to speak your language.
Phoebe: Ross, Rachel doesn't know that you wanna get back together. If she did, she might feel differently. She might not even go.
Ross: You really think so?
Phoebe: I'm telling you! Oh, okay! This is the part of the musical where there'd be a really good convincing song. (Singing) "Bam-bam, don't take no for an answer. Bam-bam, don't let love fly away. Bam-bam-bam-bam..."
(Rachel enters and interrupts Phoebe's song.)
Rachel: Hi!
Phoebe: Can't a girl finish a song around here?
Joey: Hey!
Rachel: Hi! So I just dropped Emma off at my mom's.
Ross: Okay.
Joey: Oh, you're not taking her with you tonight?
Rachel: No, we decided that I would go ahead and set up first, and then my mom would bring Emma to Paris on Sunday.
Phoebe: Wow, eight hour flight with a one-year old? Good luck, mom.
Rachel: Are you kidding? Eight hours with my mother talking about Atkins? Good luck, Emma!
(Rachel walks up to the counter.)
Ross: Alright, you know what? You're right. I should at least tell her how I feel.
(He stands up.)
Joey: Ross, wait!
Ross: What? What?
Joey: Could you get me a muffin?
(Ross walks up to Rachel, but Gunther gets there first.)
Gunther: Rachel?
Rachel: Yeah?
Gunther: I... I know you're leaving tonight, but I just have to tell you. I love you.
(Ross is shocked.)
Gunther: I... I don't know if that changes your plans at all, but I thought you should know.
Rachel: (touched) Gunther... Oh... I love you too. Probably not in the same way, but I do. And, and when I'm in a café, having coffee, or I see a man with hair brighter than the sun, I'll think of you. Aw.
(She kisses him on the cheek and looks over at the others.)
Rachel: Oh... Bye guys.
(Rachel leaves.)
Ross: Oh my God!
Phoebe: Unbelievable!
Joey: Hey, you know what might help?
Ross: I'm not getting you a muffin!
[Scene: The hospital. Monica and Chandler are holding the twins, while two nurses are taking care of Erica.]
Monica: Do you think they recognize each other from in there?
Chandler: Maybe. Unless they're like two people who have lived in apartments next to each other for years, and then one day they're pushed through a vagina and they meet.
Nurse: We're going to take Erica to recovery now.
Monica: There's something that we wanna tell you. We decided to name the girl-baby Erica.
Erica: Oh my God, that's just like my name!
Monica: Son of a gun, it is!
Erica: Anyway, I'm gonna go and get some rest. I'm really glad I picked you guys. You're gonna make great parents. Even Chandler.
Monica: Okay, well, bye!
Erica: Bye!
Chandler: Bye!
Monica: We'll call you!
Erica: Okay.
Chandler: Have fun at church-camp!
(The nurses take Erica to the recovery room. Monica and Chandler smile at each other.)
Monica: Oh, look at these little bunnies!
Chandler: I know! You ready to trade?
Monica: Okay.
Chandler: Okay.
Monica: Alright, let's see..
(They start trying to trade babies while holding one each. They have no idea how to do it, so they just shift the babies around in their arms. They give up pretty quickly.)
Chandler: We could trade later.
Monica: Yeah, I'm good.
[Scene: Monica and Chandler's apartment. Joey and Phoebe are there. There is a white crib decorated with balloons in the middle of the apartment. Also, there are boxes all over the apartment. Joey is working on something on the coffee table.]
Phoebe: Hey, what are you working on?
Joey: It's a... It's a "welcome home" sign for the baby.
(He holds up a white poster with huge red letters. It reads, "Welcome Home Baby." There is also a huge red stain on the left of the poster.)
Phoebe: How sweet! Oh, is that the baby?
(She points at the stain.)
Joey: No, I sat in the paint.
(Ross enters with a gift for the baby.)
Ross: Hey.
Phoebe: Hey. So, did you talk to Rachel?
Ross: No, and I'm not going to.
Phoebe: What?
Joey: Why not?
Ross: Because she's just going to shoot me down. You guys saw what happened with Gunther. That did not look like fun.
Phoebe: How can you compare yourself to Gunther? I mean, sure, he's sexy in a more obvious way. You have a relationship with her, you slept together last night.
Ross: Yeah, and she still wants to go! It's pretty clear where she is.
Joey: Yeah, I know what you mean. I mean, sometimes...
(He sits down in the wet paint again.)
Phoebe: Uh, Joe?
Joey: Damn it!
Ross: Look, even if I were gonna tell her, I don't have to do it now. Okay? I'll be seeing her again. We've got time.
Phoebe: No, you don't! She's going to Paris! She is going to meet somebody. Do you know how many hot guys there are in Paris? It's... It's a city of Gunthers!
(Mike enters with a roll of paper in his hand.)
Mike: Hey!
Phoebe: Hey! What do you have there?
Mike: Oh, I made a little something. If I had more time to work on it, it'd be better, but..
(He shows them a beautiful banner he has made. It reads, "Welcome to the World, Baby Bing.")
Ross: Oh my God! You did that yourself?
Phoebe: Honey, that's gorgeous!
Joey: You know, the baby can't read, Mike!
(Rachel enters.)
Rachel: Hi! You guys, the car-service just got here. I can't believe they're not home yet! I have to catch my stupid plane. I wanna see the baby!
Joey: Monica just called from the cab. She said they should be here any minute. And apparently, there's some big surprise.
Phoebe: Yeah, did she sound happy about it? 'Cause my friend Ethel's baby was born with a teeny, tiny beard.
(Monica enters carrying her son.)
Rachel: Oh my God!
Ross: Oh my God!
(They all walk over to see the baby.)
Rachel: Hi! Oh my gosh!
(Chandler enters carrying his daughter.)
Chandler: Hey.
(Everybody turns around.)
Phoebe, Ross, Rachel: Hey.
(They turn back around to see the baby Monica's carrying, but then they realise what the surprise is. Ross, Mike, Phoebe and Rachel gasp and stare at Chandler and his baby. Joey hasn't figured it out yet.)
Joey: (To Monica) Hey, so what is the big surprise?
Rachel: Oh.
(Joey stares at Chandler and Monica and finally puts two and two together. He gasps.)
Ross: Oh my God!
Rachel: What... What...
Ross: Okay, okay, awkward question. The hospital knows you took two, right?
Monica: Yes, it's twins!
Ross: Oh my God.
Joey: Oh, they're so cute! Now, what, what kinds are they?
Monica: (points at the baby she's holding) This is a boy, (points at the baby Chandler is holding) and that's a girl.
Chandler: Her name is Erica.
Rachel: Aw..
Joey: Hey, that pregnant girl's name was Erica.
Chandler: Yeah. It's a shame you two didn't get to spend more time together.
Monica: Yeah, we named the boy Jack after dad.
Ross: Aw, he's gonna be so happy.
Phoebe: Oh, Jack Bing. I love that. Ooh, it sounds like a '40s newspaper guy, you know? "Jack Bing, Morning Gazette. I'm gonna blow this story wide open!"
(Chandler and Monica carry Erica and Jack over to the crib and put them down carefully.)
Rachel: Oh my gosh. Wow, so beautiful.
Mike: (To Phoebe) I want one.
Phoebe: Oh yeah? Well, tell me which one, and I'll try slip it in my coat.
Mike: Seriously. Wanna make one of those?
Phoebe: One? How about a whole bunch?
Mike: Really?
Phoebe: Yeah! Ooh, we could teach them to sing, and we can be like the Von Trapp family! Only without the Nazis. Although that sounds kinda dull.
Rachel: Oh, you guys, I can't believe this. But I'll leave now, or I'm gonna miss my plane.
Monica: I'm just so glad you got to see the babies.
(They hug.)
Rachel: Me too. Oh, I'm just sorry I'm not gonna be around to watch you two attempt to handle this! Alright, I can't say goodbye to you guys again. I love you all so much.
Monica: I love you.
Chandler: I love you.
Monica: Call us when you get there.
Rachel: I will. Ross, come here.
(She pulls him over to the door.)
Rachel: I just want you to know... Last night... I'll never forget it.
Ross: Neither will I.
(They hug as Phoebe and Joey stare at the two of them.)
Rachel: Alright, now I really have to go. Okay. Au revoir! Oh, they're gonna really hate me over there.
(She leaves.)
Phoebe: So, you just let her go?
Ross: Yeah.
Joey: Hey, maybe that's for the best.
Ross: Yeah?
Joey: Yeah. You know? You just... Look, you gotta... You gotta think about last night the way she does, okay? Maybe, maybe sleeping together was the perfect way to say goodbye?
Phoebe: But now she'll never know how he feels!
Joey: Maybe that's okay. You know? Maybe, maybe it is better this way? I mean, now, now you can move on. I mean, you've been trying to for so long, maybe now that you're on different continents... (Looks at Phoebe) Right?
(Phoebe nods.)
Joey: Maybe now you can actually do it. You know? You can finally get over her.
Ross: Yeah, that's true. Except I don't wanna get over her.
Joey: What?
Ross: I don't! I wanna be with her.
Joey: Really?
Ross: Yeah, I'm gonna go after her.
Joey: Yeah, you are!
Phoebe: Woo!
(Monica and Chandler look shocked as Ross goes to leave.)
Phoebe: Wait, wait! Get your coat! Get your coat!
Ross: My coat...
Joey: This is so cool!
Chandler: I have no idea what's going on, but I am excited!
Joey: But Ross, Ross. What do you, what do you think she's going to say?
Ross: I don't know, but I... Look, even if she shoots me down, at least I won't spend the rest of my life wondering what would have happened. Where - where is my coat?!
Phoebe: You didn't bring one! My cab's downstairs, I'll drive you to the airport.
Ross: Okay, guys, wish me luck.
Phoebe: Hurry!
Joey: Good luck, good luck!
(Phoebe and Ross leave.)
[Scene: The street right in front of Central Perk. Phoebe's cab is there. Ross and Phoebe run over and jump in.]
Ross: There's no seatbelt!
Phoebe: That's okay. If - if we hit anything, the engine will explode, so you know, it's better if you're thrown from the car.
(Ross looks terrified.)
Ross: Alright, alright, let's do this!
Phoebe: Okay!
(A guy comes up and gets into the backseat of the cab.)
Ross: Hey!
Man: 18th and East End.
Phoebe: I - I don't take passengers.
Man: Hey! The law says you have to accept any fare.
Ross: No, you don't understand. This isn't a real cab.
Man: Alright, I gotta report you. What's your medallion number?
Phoebe: My medallion number is, "Get out of the cab!"
Man: What?
Ross: (screaming) Get out of the cab!
Phoebe: Get out of the cab!
(The man jumps out, obviously a little scared. Phoebe drives off.)
[Scene: Monica and Chandler's apartment. Monica, Chandler and Joey are there, packing the last boxes.]
Joey: Oh, hey, hey, can I give you guys your house-warming present now?
Monica: Now, that you can do.
Joey: Alright!
(Cut to Joey's apartment. Joey looks inside the cardboard box that used to be the home of Chick Jr. and Duck Jr., but they have disappeared.)
Joey: Ah... Chick Jr.? Duck Jr.? Don't hide from mama!
[Scene: Phoebe's cab. Phoebe is driving very fast, and a terrified Ross has closed his eyes.]
Phoebe: You can open your eyes now.
Ross: Are we off the bridge?
Phoebe: Yes.
Ross: Is the old woman on the bicycle still alive?
Phoebe: Yes, she jumped right back up.
(Ross opens his eyes.)
Ross: Oh my God, Phoebe, slow down!
Phoebe: Do you wanna get to Rachel in time?
Ross: Yes, but I don't wanna die in your cab!
Phoebe: You should have thought of that before you got in!
(They drive up to a toll-booth.)
Phoebe: Toll-booth.
Ross: What?
Phoebe: (screaming) Toll-booth! Four bucks. There are quarters in the glove compartment.
(Ross tries to open a plastic bag filled with quarters, but he's quite slow.)
Phoebe: Hurry!
Ross: Okay!
Phoebe: Okay.
(Phoebe tries to throw some quarters out the window, but she has forgotten to open the window, and she and Ross scream.)
Phoebe: Damn, that window is clean.
[Scene: Joey's apartment. Joey is still looking for the birds.]
Joey: Quack, quack, tweet, tweet, quack, quack, tweet, tweet, quack, quack, tweet, tweet, quack, quack, tweet, tweet, quack, tweet, quack...
(Monica and Chandler enter.)
Chandler: We were wondering what was taking so long with the gift, but now we understand you were doing this.
Joey: Okay, I wanted to surprise you, but for your house-warming gift, I got you a baby-chick and a baby-duck!
(Chandler grins, while Monica is less enthusiastic.)
Chandler: Really? You got us a chick and a duck?
Monica: Oh, great! Just what you want for a new house with infants. Bird feces.
Joey: Yeah, yeah, they must have jumped off the table, 'cause now they're gone!
Chandler: Oh, don't worry, we'll find them.
Monica: Actually, I'm gonna go check on the twins.
Chandler: Alright.
(Monica turns around and is about to leave when she steps on something.)
Monica: Oh God! What did I just step on?
Joey: Oh!
Chandler: It's okay, it's just an egg roll.
Monica: Oh..
Joey: You stepped on my egg roll?
Monica: I'm sorry, I didn't know to look for Chinese food on the floor.
Joey: Just put it on a plate and leave.
(She does so.)
Chandler: Okay, let's find these birds.
Joey: Alright.
(Suddenly, they hear the birds.)
Joey: Wait, wait. Do you hear that?
(They realise that the birds are in the foosball table.)
Joey: Oh! They're in the table!
Chandler: Well, that can't be good!
Joey: We gotta get them out of there!
Chandler: How?
Joey: Oh, oh! Maybe we can lure them out. You know any birdcalls?
Chandler: Oh, tons, I'm quite the woodsman.
Joey: Well, maybe we can just tip the table a little.
Chandler: Joey, wait! The ball!
Joey: Oh!
(The ball rolls into one of the goals, and Chandler and Joey listen in horror as the ball makes its way inside the table. Finally, they can hear the birds again.)
Joey: Oh God! So what do we do?
Chandler: I don't know. Maybe we can open this up somehow.
Joey: Okay.
Chandler: No... It's all glued together.
Joey: Does that mean we have to bust it open?
Chandler: I don't know. Maybe.
Joey: Oh my God!
Chandler: I know! It's... It's the foosball table.
Joey: All right, you know what? We don't have a choice. It's like I would have said in that sci-fi movie if I'd gotten the part. "Those are our men in there, we have to get them out! Even if I have to sacrifice the most important thing in my life; my time-machine."
Chandler: Did that movie ever get made?
Joey: It did not.
[Scene: The airport. Ross and Phoebe run in.]
Phoebe: Ross, where are you going?
Ross: To talk to Rachel, isn't that why we took a ride in the death-cab?
Phoebe: What? What are you just gonna walk up to her at the gate? Have you never chased anyone through the airport before?
Ross: Not since my cop-show got cancelled.
Phoebe: You have to get a ticket to get past security.
Ross: What? We're never gonna make it!
Phoebe: Not with that attitude! Now, haul ass!
(They run to the ticket counter, but they get stuck behind a group of old people who are walking very slowly.)
Ross: Okay, if you could all walk slower, that'd be great.
[Scene: The gate. Rachel walks up to the man at the gate and gives him her passport.]
Gate attendant #1: (with a French accent) Madame, your passport please?
Rachel: Oh my God! I was so afraid I wasn't gonna remember any of my high-school French, but I understood every word you just said!
Gate attendant #1: Your boarding pass, please.
Rachel: Oh.
(She starts looking through her purse, but she can't find it.)
Rachel: Oh, shoot. I had it. Oh, I can't believe this.
Gate attendant #1: Madame, if you don't have your boarding pass...
Rachel: I have it, I have it, I have it. Oh, okay, I can't find it, but I remember that I was in seat 32C, because that's my bra-size.
Gate attendant #1: Madame, you must have your boarding pass..
Rachel: Okay, fine! But you know what? If I was in 36D, we would not be having this problem.
[Scene: The ticket-counter. Ross and Phoebe come running.]
Ross: Hey, I need a ticket.
Phoebe: Just one? I drive you all the way down here, and I don't get to see how it works out?
Ross: Fine, two tickets, I need two tickets.
Phoebe: We're on our honeymoon.
Ticket agent: And the destination?
Ross: I don't care. Whatever is the cheapest.
Phoebe: I'm so lucky I married you.
[Scene: The gate. Rachel is still searching for her boarding pass.]
Rachel: Oh! Shoot! Damn it! Where is it? Oh! Oh! I found it! I found it!
(She runs up to the gate and the gate attendant standing there.)
Rachel: Hah! I found it! I told you I would find it! In your face! You're a different person.
[Scene: The ticket-counter. Ross and Phoebe have their tickets and start looking at the screens in order to find the gate.]
Ross: Okay, flight 421 to Paris. I don't see it, do you see it?
Phoebe: No, did we miss it?
Ross: No, no, no. That's impossible. It doesn't leave for another 20 minutes.
Phoebe: Maybe we have the flight-number wrong. God.
(Phoebe picks up her cell-phone and calls Monica. Monica is still packing in her apartment.)
Monica: Hello.
Phoebe: Hey, it's me. Here's Ross.
Ross: What? Hey, hey, listen..
(Monica is standing by the crib, and she's looking at her babies.)
Monica: Oh my God! Ross, you wouldn't believe the cute little noises the twins are making. Listen.
(She holds the phone down to the twins.)
Ross: Monica? Monica, Monica, Monica, Monica..?
Monica: Oh, I'm sorry. Shoot, they were doing it before.
Ross: That's alright. Listen, listen.
Monica: Oh, wait, wait, wait! Here they go again.
(She holds down the phone to the twins again.)
Ross: Monica? Monica, Monica, Monica, Monica..?
Monica: Isn't that cute?
Ross: That is precious! Listen! I need Rachel's flight information.
Monica: Oh, okay. Alright, it's flight 421. Leaves at 8:40.
Ross: Yes, that's what I have. It's not on the board.
Monica: That's what it says here. Flight 421, leaves at 8:40, Newark airport.
Ross: What?
Monica: Newark airport. Why, where are you?
Ross: JFK.
(Ross sadly hangs up the phone, while Phoebe looks at him. Cut to Rachel at the gate. She gives her boarding pass to the gate attendant, and she goes onboard. The gate attendant closes the door and locks it.)
[Scene: Joey's apartment. Joey and Chandler are still trying to get the birds out of the foosball-table.]
Joey: (yelling) Don't worry, you guys, we're gonna get you out of there.
Chandler: And we're also gonna buy you tiny, bird hearing-aids.
(Joey picks up a hammer and a crowbar and gets ready to destroy the table.)
Joey: Okay. Here goes.
Chandler: What's the matter?
Joey: I need to say goodbye to the table first.
Chandler: I understand.
Joey: Okay. Table, you have given us so many great times. And you guys, Jordan, Victor, Joel... All of you guys. What can I say? You guys make us look good. You wanna say anything?
Chandler: I don't know. Except that, for one last time... (he touches each player in turn:) Good game, good game, good game, good game, good game, good game.
(Joey points to one that Chandler left out)
Chandler: (touching the player) Good game.
Joey: Okay, here we go. I can't do it.
Chandler: Well, I can't do it either.
(Monica enters.)
Monica: Hey! Did you find them?
Joey: Yeah, they're stuck inside the table!
Chandler: We have to bust it open, but neither of us can do it!
Monica: Oh, well sure. This gotta be so hard. (suddenly upbeat) I'll do it. Gimme! (She grabs the hammer and the crowbar and gets ready to break it open.)
[Scene: Phoebe's cab. She's driving faster than ever before.]
Ross: Phoebe! Wow! No, no, no!
(Phoebe screams.)
Phoebe: Well, I've never gone this fast before.
Ross: Phoebe, forget it, okay? Newark is - is like an hour away. There's no way we're gonna make it in time.
Phoebe: She's got her cell, you could call her.
Ross: I am not doing this over the phone.
Phoebe: You don't have any other choice!
(She lets go of the steering wheel to get her cell-phone from her purse. Ross screams and reaches over in order to hold onto the wheel. Cut to the plane. Rachel is sitting in her seat when her cell-phone rings.)
Rachel: Hello?
Phoebe: Rachel? Oh, good. Hey, by the way, did you just get on the plane?
Rachel: Yeah.
Phoebe: (To Ross) For what it's worth, we would have caught her if we were at the right airport.
Ross: Yay.
Phoebe: Uh, Rach, hang on.
(Phoebe tries to give her phone to Ross, but he won't take it. He mouths "no.")
Rachel: Phoebe? Is everything okay?
Phoebe: Uhm, actually no. No, you've... You have to get off the plane.
Rachel: What? Why?
Phoebe: I have this feeling that something's wrong with it. Something is wrong with the left Philange.
Rachel: Oh, honey, I'm sure there's nothing wrong with the plane.
(The passenger in the seat next to Rachel looks at her and seems a little nervous.)
Rachel: Alright, look, I have to go. I love you, and I will call you the minute I get to Paris.
(Rachel hangs up.)
Passenger #1: Uhm, what was that?
Rachel: Oh, that was just my crazy friend. She told me I should get off the plane, because she had a feeling that there was something wrong with the left Philange.
Passenger #1: Okay, that doesn't sound good.
Rachel: I wouldn't worry about it. She's always coming up with stuff like this, and you know what? She's almost never right.
Passenger #1: But she is sometimes.
Rachel: Well...
(The passenger stands up and gets his suitcase from the overhead compartment.)
Rachel: Wait, what are you doing?
Passenger #1: Well, I can't take this plane now.
Air stewardess: Excuse me, sir, where are you going?
Passenger #1: I have to get off this plane, okay? Her friend has a feeling something's wrong with the left Philange.
Rachel: Could I get some peanuts?
Passenger #2: What's wrong with the plane?
Air stewardess: There's nothing wrong with the plane.
Passenger #1: Yeah! The left Philange!
Air stewardess: There is no Philange!
Passenger #1: Oh my God. This plane doesn't even have a Philange!
Passenger #2: I'm not flying on it!
Air stewardess: Ma'am, please sit down!
Passenger #3: What's going on?
Passenger #1: We're all getting off. There is no Philange!
(Everybody walks out of the plane.)
Rachel: This is ridiculous! I...
(She notices that everybody is leaving.)
Rachel: Yeah, okay.
(Rachel leaves as well.)
[Scene: Joey's apartment. Monica has completely destroyed the foosball-table, and Chandler and Joey are holding the birds.]
Monica: Alright. My job here is done.
Chandler: That was... Impressive.
Joey: Yeah, you didn't even use the tools for most of it!
Monica: Yeah, they were just slowing me down. Alright, I have to get back to the babies. I'll see you girls later.
(Monica leaves.)
Chandler: Sorry about the table, man.
Joey: Yeah.
Chandler: You gonna buy a new one?
Joey: Probably not. Nah. I don't know how much I'm gonna wanna play after you go.
Chandler: Well, at least we got these little guys out.
Joey: Yeah.
Chandler: Aww, we were worried about you! Hm. I guess I better get used to things crapping in my hand, huh?
Joey: I'm gonna miss these little guys. It was nice having birds around again.
Chandler: Hey, you know what? Maybe we should keep them here with you.
Joey: What?
Chandler: Yeah, I mean we've got a lot going on right now. And, plus, here they'd have their own room.
Joey: I could get a goose!
Chandler: You know, I - I think you're set with the poultry.
Joey: Thanks man. Did you hear that, you guys? You're gonna get to stay here! And, and it's good, you know, 'cause, 'cause now you have a reason to come visit.
Chandler: I think there may be another reason. So, awkward hug or lame cool guy handshake?
Joey: Uh, lame cool guy handshake, yeah.
(They do the lame cool guy handshake. They look at each other, and then they hug.)
[Scene: The gate at the airport. The passengers are standing in line, and they're about to board the plane again.]
Gate attendant #2: Ma'am, I assure you, the plane is fine.
Passenger #2: And you fixed the Philange?
Gate attendant #2: Yes, the Philange is fixed. As a matter of fact, we put a whole lot of extra Philanges onboard, just in case.
(Rachel walks up to the gate. Cut to Ross and Phoebe who come running up to the gate.)
Ross: Where is she?
Phoebe: I don't see her.
Ross: Rachel! Rachel Green!
Phoebe: There she is!
Ross: Rachel! Rachel!
Gate attendant #2: Wow, excuse me, sir, do you have a boarding pass?
Ross: No, no, I just have to talk to someone.
Gate attendant #2: I'm sorry, you cannot go any further without a boarding pass.
Ross: No, no, no, but...
Phoebe: (screaming) RACHEL!!
(Rachel comes back to the gate.)
Rachel: Oh my God... What... What are you guys doing here?
Phoebe: Okay, you're on.
Rachel: What? What? Ross, you're scaring me. What's going on?
Ross: Okay, the thing is..
Rachel: Yeah?
Ross: Don't go.
Rachel: What?
Ross: Please, please stay with me. I am so in love with you. Please, don't go.
Rachel: Oh my God.
Ross: I know, I know. I shouldn't have waited 'till now to say it, but I'm... That was stupid, okay? I'm sorry, but I'm telling you now. I love you. Do not get on this plane.
Gate attendant #2: Miss? Are you boarding the plane?
Ross: Hey, hey. I know you love me. I know you do.
Gate attendant #2: Miss?
Rachel: I - I have to get on the plane.
Ross: No, you don't.
Rachel: Yes, I do.
Ross: No, you don't.
Rachel: They're waiting for me, Ross. I can't do this right now, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Ross: Rachel?
Rachel: I'm so sorry.
(She boards the plane.)
Ross: I really thought she'd stay.
Phoebe: I'm sorry.
(Phoebe hugs Ross.)
[Scene: Monica and Chandler's apartment. Joey, Chandler, Monica and the twins are there. Everything has been put into boxes.]
Monica: Well, that's it. Everything's packed.
Chandler: Wow, this is weird.
Monica: I know.
Joey: Yeah. Uh, does this mean there's nothing to eat?
Monica: I put three lasagnas in your freezer.
Joey: I love you!
(He hugs her. Phoebe enters.)
Joey: Hey!
Phoebe: Hey.
Joey: So did you guys make it in time?
Phoebe: Yeah, yeah, he talked to her, but she got on the plane anyway.
Chandler: Where's Ross?
Phoebe: He went home. He didn't want to see anybody.
[Scene: Ross's apartment. Ross enters and checks his messages.]
Rachel: (on the answering machine) Ross, hi. It's me. I just got back on the plane. And I just feel awful. That is so not how I wanted things to end with us. It's just that I wasn't expecting to see you, and all of a sudden you're there and saying these things... And... And now I'm just sitting here and thinking of all the stuff I should have said, and I didn't. I mean, I didn't even get to tell you that I love you too. Because of course I do. I love you. I love you. I love you. What am I doing? I love you! Oh, I've gotta see you. I've gotta get off this plane.
Ross: Oh my God!
Rachel: (on the answering machine) Excuse me?
Air stewardess: (on the answering machine) Miss? Please, sit down!
Rachel: (on the answering machine) I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, but I need to get off the plane, okay? I need to tell someone that I love love them.
Air stewardess: (on the answering machine) Miss, I can't let you off the plane.
Ross: Let her off the plane!
Air stewardess: (on the answering machine) I am afraid you are gonna have to take a seat.
Rachel: (on the answering machine) Oh, please, miss, you don't understand!
Ross: Try to understand!
Rachel: (on the answering machine) Oh, come on, miss, isn't there any way that you can just let me off...
(The message is finished. Ross jumps over to the answering machine.)
Ross: No! No! Oh my God. Did she get off the plane? Did she get off the plane?
Rachel: I got off the plane.
Ross: You got off the plane.
(He walks over and kisses her.)
Rachel: I do love you.
Ross: I love you too, and I'm never letting you go again.
Rachel: Okay. 'Cause this is where I wanna be, okay? No more messing around. I don't wanna mess this up again.
Ross: Me neither, okay? We are - we're done being stupid.
Rachel: Okay. You and me, alright? This is it.
Ross: This is it. Unless we're on a break.
(Rachel gives him a look.)
Ross: (speaking to himself) Don't make jokes now.
(They kiss again.)
[Scene: Monica and Chandler's apartment. Chandler and Monica are holding the twins. Joey and Phoebe are sitting by the window, while Ross and Rachel are standing together. The apartment is completely empty. Two men are carrying a large dresser.]
Monica: Okay, please be careful with that. It was my grandmother's. Be careful.
(Two other men are rolling the big white dog out of the apartment.)
Monica: If that falls off the truck, it wouldn't be the worst thing.
(She slips them some money.)
Ross: Wow.
Rachel: I know. It seems smaller somehow.
Joey: Has it always been purple?
Chandler: (to his children) Look around, you guys. This was your first home. And it was a happy place, filled with love and laughter. But more important, because of rent control, it was a friggin' steal!
(Monica and Chandler put Jack and Erica in their stroller.)
Phoebe: Hey, do you realise that at one time or another we all lived in this apartment?
Monica: Oh, yeah, that's true.
Ross: Uh, I haven't.
Monica: Wait a minute. What about that summer during college that you lived with grandma, and you tried to make it as a dancer?
Ross: Do you realise we almost made it ten years without that coming up?
Monica: Oh, honey, I forgot. I promised Treeger that we'd leave our keys.
Chandler: Oh, okay.
(Chandler and Monica walk over to the kitchen-counter and leave their keys. Then the other four pick out their keys and leave them as well.)
Phoebe: So, I guess this is it.
Joey: Yeah. I guess so.
Monica: (crying) This is harder than I thought it would be.
Chandler: Oh, it's gonna be okay.
(Chandler hugs her. Monica hugs Ross and Rachel as Chandler gets the stroller with the twins.)
Rachel: (crying) Do you guys have to go to the new house right away, or do you have some time?
Monica: We got some time.
Rachel: Okay, should we get some coffee?
Chandler: Sure. Where?
(They all leave the apartment. Joey helps Chandler with the stroller in the hallway, while Monica and Rachel have their arms around each other. Everybody walks downstairs to Central Perk. The camera goes inside the apartment again, and it pans around. We see the keys on the counter, and the final shot is of the frame around the peephole. The screen fades to black.)

i'm lovin' it

i love this song. i've been listening to it since yest. maybe i shall intro it. its quite nice. i like the lyrics. means quite alot. here it goes.


you are the source of life
i can't be left behind
no one else will do
i will lay hold of You

I need You Jesus to come to my rescue
where else can i go?
there's no other name by which i am saved
capture me with grace
i will follow You

this world has nothing for me
i will follow you
this world has nothing for me
i will follow you

copyrights 2003 Vertical Worship Songs
c/o Integrity Media, INC., 1000 Cody Road, Mobile, AL 36695
all rights reserved. used by permission. CCLI #4084763

anyway yea that's about it. hmmm pretty fun day in school today. reviewed the first written paper since i started my course. i regret not studying for it. cos if i have studied i would have done way better. well. anyway i dun think i failed it. but i didn't do well. that i know for sure. wells. lotsa work to do. the media critique exercise especially. 800 words of comments! story i can. not comments. well. i just finished the script for the locvd project 2. asw i said it's gonna be cheesy. i read eva's group script and its so sweet. i give credit to them for being able to write such a brilliant srcipt. well okie i better get going.

Monday, September 13, 2004


its not easy to be me
but then again
it not easy to be anyone
if it was
heaven would be on earth
all i have to say
you have a humoungous ego
and i mean it
well but no one is perfect
not even the most perfect person you think you know
everyone has their own dark side
and time will soon uncover it
i thought you(refering to another) were close to perfect
apparently not
you lied to me
there has to be truth somewhere in this this
and obviously it's not coming from you
its not fun to find out from another
what i thought i knew was false
i cannot believe this
too much to phantom
yes if you're reading this
i'm talking bout YOU
you know it
deep down
how deep i dunno
or maybe you dont
cos you dont have a heart
or a conscience
maybe i'm wrong
but i dont think i am
i've thought it over alot
then again
i wish i were wrong
but who knows...
only God does.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

i dont.

haha. lol. i wore my IJ uniform to church today. hahah should see the reactions i got. haha! hilarious! lol. been chatting online for hours while doing work. lol. i been chatting with God knows who and man, the things we talked about. semi serious and semi hilarious. still chatting. kinda fun you know. haha. lol. one thing i learnt today. brooding never solves anything. wells. the babies were really cute today. caleb can speak baby talk already. which is really cool. anyway i'm kinda high now. i need to do work but my concentration is just flat. ugh. well well. too much chatting i guess. well i'm staring at my phonetics book. and i hope my phonetics journal is in my thumbdrive. pls pls pls. cos i can't do it anymore. not anymore. convo over. i dunno wassup. but everything's a blur. its really kinda wierd. really really wierd. maybe its true. but nvm. i dont think anyone can understand me. or this post for that matter. you know what? maybe. maybe. i was in between. i had a taste of it. really. i can tell what its like. i think it sucks. ah all crap. should have stayed out alone. now i'm confused. i dunno what to do. so tell me. i realised another thing today. i judge too early. i dunno if anyone is for real now. cos i passed my judgement too fast. way to quick. but what if i'm correct. what if? i dunno. wells. nothing last forever if you wanna put it that way. my post is so disorganised. well. cos i myself am disorientated. i'm lost i dunno what to do. help me. pls somebody. was i right to say whatever i said. i dunno. maybe it was all crap. i think it was all crap now. i dunno. well i dunno... i really dont.

Saturday, September 11, 2004

in pursuit of self.
the pursuit of self will never come to an end.
the pursuit of self will never be perfect.
the pursuit of self is a scope too wide.
the pursuit of self will never satisfy.
for to err is human,
and to forgive is divine.

i'm filled with crap,
and filled with fear.
that's why i'm writing such profound nonsense.
i'm just too pressured,
also too pushed.
i need an outlet,
like a sport.
but seems like there's no time,
for anything at all.
i wanna run,
jump and play.

i hate the fact that there's so much work,
and the fact that i want to work.
what have i become?
i want to ask.
why am i working
all so hard.
i love my guitar,
but its lying there.
collecting dust(okie not),
and of course rust.
there's so much things
that i want to do,
but i don't have the time or money,
i don't have the world.
see it's all crap
that i am writing.

cos' i can never be serious,
if you know me.
why am i working so hard?
i honestly don't know.
so don't blame me for being
kaisu, kan chiong and whatever else.
there you have,
the crappy substance of my being,
i have nothing more to offer,
so i shall get off my blogger.

i know why!

i know why i'm slogging so hard. NO ONE can stop me now! the exchange programme here i come! Queensland university! USC - watch out. i'm coming your way.

Friday, September 10, 2004

in graph comm.

what the hell. i'm in graph comm now. super slack lor. my laptop is at the service centre again cos it can't connect to the school's wireless. i'm still hung up and LES CHORISTES. lol! well well well. the boy acting as the Pierre Monharge was cute tho' haha! this is me. so whatever. anyway i need to exercise! i really need to. i'm too slack already. i'm getting fat and my muscles are all going flabby. UGH! kinda gross you know. matbe i shall go jog tmr morning or go trainin with stephie so i dun have to jog alone. GOOD IDEA. well. i'm gonna collect my latop in 30 mins time. haha. the guy at the service centre was like can u come back around 1230. then i was llike no. i got lesson. then he said who's your tuitor. then i was like choy kok kee. then he was like nvm la. disappear halfway he also won't know. lol! i was like laughing. hahah. oh well. i dun haf anything to say already. lol! okie okie bye! au revoir!

Thursday, September 9, 2004

okie i watched yet another french movie! and man! its good! i have yet to find a french movie that sucks. ple go catch it - Les Choristes (the choir). if u don't know what its about, its about a choir, DUH. okie. formed in a delinquent school. its really funny and sweet. the kid actors can really sing. and the boy i think his real name is Jean-Baptiste Maunier. his voice is perfect! totally angelic. i'm so gonna get the soundtrack. its been out in the west like for 2 months already so i guess its coming soon. i really liked the show. very clean. if anyone knows what i mean. oh anyway just submitted my LOCVD project 1 today. pretty screwed up editting yest. seriously. was supposed to lay background sound. i was about to do it correctly and reka's friend told me to do otherwise. and then. wad the heck. oh wells. because of that i had to submit the project slightly late which means 10% off. ugh. so grace and i skipped medisoc to finish up the editting today. and then we went for the movie! hahas. lol! i'm so very proud that i watched the movie. cos its really that good. hahas. well. lotsa projects coming up. GRAPH COMM - bauhaus. SPEECH COMM - final speech. MEDISOC - media critique. SAB - final proposal. LOCVD - project 2. i think for locvd, we're prolly gonna name it something cheesy like the mandy files. cosw the story itself is cheesy. so of cos the title must suit the show. lol! well well. its getting late. and i'm kinda tired. so yea i think i shall go sleep. anyway. if anyone is kind enough. these are the soundtracks from the movie Les Choristes, could someone find it and d/l it for moi? thanks! chill guys.
Les choristes
In memoriam
L'arrivée à l'école
Vois sur ton chemin
Les partitions
Caresse sur l'océan
Lueur d'été
Sous la pluie
Compere guilleri
La désillusion
La nuitL'incendie
Les avions en papier
Action réaction
In memoriam a cappella
Nous sommes de fond de l'étang

Tuesday, September 7, 2004

the one she reformatted her laptop *cheers*

yea! up and running! whoosh! that was fast. hahas. its late. just finished watching ALIAS 3. its so interesting! ahh! and vartan is HOT. lol. whatever. so is phelps and marty. muahahha. today was alright. kinda not very well done speech. i hope i'm good. anyway i'm really broke anyone cares to donate to me? hahas. i think i might just skip medisoc lecture tomorrow. i'll think about it. lol! well but it ain't very wise wad if i need to skip next time. i can't skip SAB anymore. so sigh. that reminds me i need to join a CCA soon. too slack. i can't take it. lol! how weird right? hahas. okie back to the point abt skipping tmr's lecture. i still have to go back to school at around 11 cos we have to meet with harvey and we have editting. so what shld i do. i think i shall just go. lol! then tmr come home and sleep. wells. sounds good enough to me. so yea. why not. okie. wells. i'm glad i'm virus free. i'm gonna be so paranoid now. so bear with me. yea. okie okie. i better go. enough of all my crap.