Monday, January 15, 2007

Plain Truth

I finished my second Jodi Picoult book IN A DAY. infact less than a day. the book is just so well written it draws you into the story. and somehow this book is so relatable to me. This book deals with choices and consequences. it deals with acceptance and forgiveness. it deals with the fine line between the truth and what we believe to be the truth. it deals with being different, being selfless. it's a fantastic story. is the truth really the truth or just what we want to believe? how often have we told a lie just because it was easier and it would hurt less? how often have we let our own selfishness hurt others? just for that moment just because we feel like it, just because we want it, just because. we make excuses for ourselves to be selfish in that moment. and like Jodi Picoult wrote in the book, "it all adds up".

off cos i have grace to thank for lending me this book. its fantastic. gripping and its reflective. you don't just read it and go like "OMG, this character is so pitiful... blah blah blah...." its more than that. you read this book and you actually think. And the book is so fun, it has these questions at the back of the book that are for like book club discussions that are kinda very literature lesson kinda questions. let me show you...

  1. What character has the most to learn during the course of this novel? Why?

  2. In what ways does immersing herself in Amish culture alter Ellie's perception of the case? Of Katie?

  3. Does the American legal system have the right to govern a group that lives separate from American society?

  4. To what extent is Katie responsible for what happens to the infant?

  5. What role does Hannah's ghost play in forming Katie's actions? Sarah's?

  6. Jacob Fisher and Leda are two characters who bridge diverse worlds in this novel. Are they successful? Explain.

  7. Do the actions of the men in this book aid or detract from the growth of the female characters? Explain.

  8. Was Aaron Fisher justified in cutting Jacob out of the family?

  9. The Amish base much on the concept of Gelassenheit, or humility, and putting others before yourself. What examples support this? In what places in the book does this not happen, and how does it affect the society?

  10. Forgiveness is a basic tenet in the Amish faith. Which Amish character in this book forgives the most? Who is the most unyielding?

  11. What about the Amish culture is similar to “English” culture? What is the most different?

  12. Is the verdict a fair one, in your opinion?

  13. Why would an Amish person accept a punishment without having committed a crime?

  14. What do you think would have happened if the baby had lived?

  15. In your opinion, what occurs after the last page is turned-- to the Fishers, to Katie, to Ellie?

  16. What do you think Ellie will do with the information she learns from Sarah at the end of the book?

  17. Why do we care so much about Katie Fisher? How does her specific situation come to touch upon universal issues like community estrangement and forbidden love?

  18. What kind of a man is Aaron Fisher? As you were reading, what were your reactions to his choices? If you had to, could you make a case for defending his code of life, his propensity to put the community above the individual?

  19. "You know how a mother would do anything, if it meant saving her child,"Sarah tells Ellie. And earlier on, referring to her ability to butcher chickens with remorse, Sarah says to Ellie, "I do what I have to do. You of all people should understand."What is Picoult up to here? Why should Ellie in particular understand this?

  20. "We all have things that come back to haunt us,"Adam Sinclair tells Katie at one point. "Some of us just see them more clearly than others."Discuss the ways in which the ghosts of the past come to haunt the present action in PLAIN TRUTH. Of all the book's characters, who comes to "see"things most clearly? Ellie? Jacob? Sarah? Explain.

  21. What kind of future do you see for Ellie and Coop? For Katie and Samuel? Jacob and his Plain heritage?

  22. Discuss the significance behind the title. Is "Plain Truth"a different sort of truth than "plain truth"?

okay enough bout the book. i was so in need of a miracle oday and i got one. yes, hanyuen thank you for lending us your DSLR. couldn't be more grateful. oh project superstar tmr will be so fun cos grace will be there tooo!!!! HEHS! and damn there's officially only 14 MORE DAYS to the end of IAP! oooh oooh. HOLIDAYS! HOLIDAYS!!!!! can't wait. oh wells. so there. i'm gonna watch my shows!

quote of the day?
We all have things that come back to haunt us, some of us just see it more clearly than others --Jodi Picoult from Plain Truth

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