Saturday, January 27, 2007

my sister's keeper

oh my gosh, this book is amazing.

i cried reading this book i promise. it's so moving. you can't decide who's in the wrong cos no one is actually in the wrong. we'll at least form everyone's point of view. the book is full of unexpected turns and full of questions that we ask everyday. what is isolation? why do we feel lonely even with all the people around us? when is it time to let go? when does loving someone too much turn to selfishness? is life ever fair? we all have our secrets. this book is just AMAZING. i love it. Jodi picoult is just so brilliant in crafting this novel. my mind is swarmed with thoughts. the book is overwhelming and it's gonna need soemtime for it to be fully digested.

other than that i've got an offer to buy a macbook pro. its a really good offer and reallly tempting one too. but do i jsut want this or do i really need this? i dunno. damn it. and my iBook will only be back sometime in the coming week. there's only 5 more days left to the end of IAP and about 8 more days before my final report is due. the thing is, what am i even going to write in that report? UGH.

oh wells, i guess i really got nothing much to say except that something really awkward happened today. but i shall not recount it. and for the record, it involves someone's reallly huge ego.

quote of the day?
dark matter has a gravitational effect on other objects. you cant's see it, you can't feel it, but you can watching something being pulled in its direction. --brian to julia in my sister's keeper.

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