Monday, August 15, 2005

okay i haven't blogged in what seems like super long. but no. its only 5 days. just so much has happened it seems so much time has gone. yes jo, i know i'm very very sleep deprived. but i didn't know i looked that bad that you could tell straight off. i really need sleep. yeah. this is why i can't be a writer i can never organise my thoughts. like NEVER. everything is always scattered. okay so what happened in the past few days.

i have a huge burden off my shoulders. i feel a lil bad. but he had it coming. i mean the excuses where crap too. its nothing personal really. its just work.

okay that aside, everything is piling up. TVprod chat demo show, which we are sooo totally unprepared. i mean we haven't even got a confirmed talent. like okay. its in two weeks time. then there's advertising pitch which i am sooo gonna work my ass off for. then there's also MM business plan. almost marketing all over again. just easier. next up is MRM's research findings and stufff. we are all so clueless on. like okay.... what's up? hahah! then there's newspaper project which i'm so glad i'm the designer. my responsibility is to layout not write. which i have proven myself to be totallly hopeless at. that's the last but not the least. after all these projects there's still advertising exam and MRM exam which MR GOPI so kindly reminded me of. bleah. thanks alot mr gopi.

okay so today i practically spent half my day travelling. first in the morning to pulau ubin. lesson was supposed to start at 1030. but i was late but guess what mr mike and the rest of the group was later. so that makes me early. haha. so lesson was supposed to end at 12 right? as so said ont he timetable. but lesson STARTED at 12. haha! brilliant aye? haha! so i was supposed to interview gopi at 2. thank goodness he's only a phonecall away and that he's accomodating. i'm so blessed that my interviewees have all been sooo nice and accomodating. anyway so after class we all headed back to wherever and what a pleasant surprise! i met fanny at the bus stop. so i chatted with her for a abit and headed to gopi's office for the interview. i got over and done with it. i just couldn't think of anything to ask. so it was really quick. then i chatted with him for a bit and i made my way to go meet jo to pass her the LG cd. like FINALLY!!! lol! i met kelvin too. yeah. like FINALLY. hahah!!! sounds soo bimbotic. haha! then i decided to head home and yeah home is home. could finally shower. ahhh i feel clean.

i think that about all i have to say. i'll post up my class photos soon. soon. hahah! yeah. busy busy busy weeks. i stress WEEKS ahead. then its the HOLS!!!! i can't wait for that. oh that reminds me. camp ADEN.

our booth should be up next week. its an adventure camp. two expeditions. land and sea. i'm in land expedition tho. so support me!!! its only 20 bucks but i promise its gonna be ALOT of fun and sweat. but no promises yet!!!! see y'all!

in love with love itself.

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