Sunday, November 7, 2004

pissed off

piss off everyone. piss off. like what the **** are you thinking. i'm human okie. and i have the right to have friends of the opposite sex. and if u're jealous. piss off! read me?! you make up freaking stories and spread them. what freaking person is such a bitch! heard me you're a bitch. so don't call anyone else bitch cos u're one too. so PISS OFF.

anyway something stupid happened today. daniel was like so brilliant. he lock himself and auntie theresa out of the honda city. cos he left the keys in the car boot. how brilliant right? hmmm sigh i have a short video to edit and a camp to organise. i really can't wait to go thailand. sigh. just to break away from everything. ahhh. anyway this song is stuck in my head. its the tim hughes song, consuming fire. its really really nice.

there must be more than this, oh breath of God come breathe within. there must be more than this, spirit of God we wait for you. fill us anew we pray, fill us anew we pray. consuming fire, fan into flames a passion for Your name. spirit of God would you fall in this place. Lord have You way, Lord have Your way, with us. Come like a rushing wind, clothe us with passion from on high. Now set the captives free, leave us abandoned to Your praise. Lord let Your glory fall, Lord let Your glory fall. Stir it up in our hearts Lord, stir it up in our hearts Lord. Stir it up in our hearts Lord passion for Your name.

written by tim hughes copyrights 2002 thankyou music/PRS/ admin by Songs for the world excluding UK and Europe which is admin by Kingsway music