Monday, November 15, 2004


oh wells. yest was cool. i went to church as usual. blah blah blah. then after church i had a meeting for youth camp. then after that we jammed. it was not as fun as i rememebered. dunno why. sigh. then we went to the soo's place to swim and i got lectured for not going on a day that he would swim and she would swim, must choose sunday blah blah blah. *rolls eyes* whatever okie. what's done is done. then after the swim we walked past the playroom in the clubhouse and there was this caucasian kid there. he was so cute. then we went home. ate dinner. couldn't watch charlie's angels cos of some reason.*grumbles* then i just got the list fo songs for camp. i was playing and singing and playing and singing and i became crazy too soon. then steph and i were talking and being crazy till like 1? and we ate instant noodles cos we felt like eating. how intelligent. hahah! then we went to sleep. then i was awakened early again cos someone wanted to go eat breakfast and i was like "I DONT WANNA EAT LA! DONT BUG ME!" right. hahah then i woke up at about 930 cos i had to. dad forced us to. so then i read my bible and got down to doing the songs and the camp booklet again. okie then we went for lunch with pastor augustine. and apparently we were supposed to wear shoes. so all of us changed our outfit to suit shoes. and what do we get? lectured again. " i have 5 ______, but they all look like _____. i'm so embarrased!" ... "i'm gonna cut up all your jeans and buy dresses for you to wear" .... blah blah blah. such a put off!!! its like hello?! you said wear shoes so i wear something that will go with shoes?! u want me to buy dresses? give me the money la! u think very cheap is it?! sheesh. okie whatever like he said its over so whatever. oh wells. so i ate lunch. really good lunch. as usual when u go out with pastor augustine. hahas. saw the babies!!! so cute! welll then got back home and got down to the songs and booklet again. seems like i got no life huh. sigh. then i'm here. and i took a peek of the MTV VIDEO MUSIC AWARDS. well maroon5 won the new artiste best video for this love. oh wells. i'm sitting here typing crap cos i'm usuaslly sucha crapbag. so whatever.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Your Homicidal Rampage! by crash_and_burn
Your name:
Weapon of Choice:Laser gun
Your Favorite Target:People named "Steve"
Your Kill Count:1,937,639,462
Your Battle Cry:"I enjoy cheese."
Years You Spend in Jail:44
How Much Money In Damages You Cause:$15,203,939,572,453
Your Homocidal Insanity Level:: 100%
Quiz created with MemeGen!


i dun really feel like blogging but i shall just. i stayed in church last night cos my dad didn't have the car and we all didn't wanna lug ourselves home. so then we all slept in church. well. then this morning i was disturbed by ple who wanted to go to ikea for breakfast. like what the hell. i don't wanna go. how many times do i have to say that?! so eventually i was forced to wake up and eat breakfast. then after that i slacked then i decided to go change my guitar strings cos it is like SOOOO SUPER RUSTY. so yea. then i kinda started on the youth camp booklet. its so nice! hahaha right. i'm just briliant. lol! well well. then i went down to the childcare cos they definately needed help. well. i put up the photos and i helped the pre nursery and playgrouop kids with their makeup. they're all so adorable!!! especially kynan. too bad jeremy ain't around. heh. elaine came witht the kids. shua and leb are just getting cuter by the day and more intelligent too! hahah! oh wells. and nothign much happened. but they were just so cute!!! haha! yea so i came home and then now i'm blogging. so as u can see it was a not very exciting day but it was full of lil kids and their adorableness - if there's such a word. hahahah oh one more thing. jeremy khoo was so funny. during the finale song one way... he stood infront of the microphone and started strumming his "guitar" hahah! so cute. he looked like he was micmiking marty sampson. it was so funny and cute!!! hahah. oh wells. that's all! oh oh one last thing. i got a B for my french. AWESOME! byesss!!!~

Friday, November 12, 2004


yay!!!! i got my grades!!!! i didn't flunk but i didn't do like super well. i did average i guess. i think they miscounted my GPA cos its like suppsed to be at least 3. but i got like 2.66664 or somethin like that. makes me look bad u know. yeap. i got like 2 Cs, 1 B and a B+. so i dun get why my GPA is only a pathetic 2.6 something. oh wells. what the heck. i shall do better next sem. i wanna get a A for at least one mod. i bet like darren probably aced like 3 mods. smart ass. oh well. but its good i didn't fail any. hahahs. k k i got really nothing to say now at this moment is so early in the day. IS IT? ahh whatever. so laters.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

yesterday all my troubles seem so far away

right. i'm in so much shit. like seriously alot of shit. so yea. i'm probably buried in it. sigh.

okie well yest was probably the most dreaded day of my week. i had to drag myself down to go do the youth camp stuff. its like so tiring. i was sick mind you. had a really bad stomach and a bad throat. sigh. oh wells. nevermind its all for God. yea then iu went down to church and auntie theresa asked for my email and so i'm like okie. but i stil gave it to her. no harm. okie then yest all else was good until i got my phone bill. it was like 60++. and because of my msging. sigh. record. 2000+. oh well. good thing it's hols. yea.

well today i woke up and i knew we were going auntie elaine's place. so it did stuff and then i changed and packed my stuff to swim. i swam laps. so i exercised today. it was good exercise. okie so then i went up and realised lunch was like gone it was over. but there was food. eat then i walked around aimlessly for a while then we played cards. it was really fun today. hmmm okie then we played lots and lots of cards till like 7 then we came home. then i read my bible. ate my dinner and then watched champion. sigh. then i came online and read my mail. then i had to clarify some stuff again. AGAIN. i have done it too many a times. sigh. okie then so now i;m sitting here. i'm buying the new maybeline wonder finish foundation from my friend. so its cool. yea results are out tmr. i hope i dun do badly and i dun fail. pls. k k i got nothing else better to say so. yea. ciaos.

Monday, November 8, 2004

great. i was supposed to go run today but i didn't. sucks. but i did alot today. i editted the full video of the milk and honey thing. yea its really nice. and i learnt it almost all by myself. yay! *so proud of myself --grins--* yeap. hmm and while laying the audio i found alot of nice old songs. so i was sitting there listening to them. heee. yea i vaccumed and mopped my room floor too. alot done in the day. all i have to do now is to figure out how to write the video clip which is in quicktime format into a normal MPEG format. i think i don't have to software. so... great. yeap. this song is stuck in my head. but its a really nice song. dan's favourite song. All. hahah. i layed it as the first soundtrack on the video. then followed by my God. then followed by Jesus, what a Savior You are. then followed by all about You. the video is really cool if i could find a way to upload it on the net i would so soon soon. hahahha yea. so proud of my work. so yea i wanna watch my tv. adios!

"With the world upon your shoulders, Lord You gave Your life away. If the world I knew was over, I know I have a life in the price You paid."
--joel houston

Sunday, November 7, 2004

"WHY" by Nichole NordemanWe rode into town the other day Just me and my Daddy He said I'd finally reached that age And I could ride next to him on a horse That of course was not quite as wide We heard a crowd of people shouting And so we stopped to find out why And there was that man That my dad said he loved But today there was fear in his eyes So I said "Daddy, why are they screaming? Why are the faces of some of them beaming? Why is He dressed in that bright purple robe? I'll bet that crown hurts Him more than He shows Daddy, please can't you do something? He looks as though He's gonna cry you said he was stronger than all of those guys Daddy, please tell me why Why does everyone want him to die?" Later that day the sky grew cloudy And Daddy said I should go inside Somehow he knew things would get stormy Boy was he right But I could not keep from wondering If there was something he had to hide So after he left I had to find out I was not afraid of getting lost So I followed the crowds To a hill where I knew men had been killed And I heard a voice come from the cross [Jesus:]And it said, "Father, why are they screaming? Why are the faces of some of them beaming? Why are they casting their lots for My robe? This crown of thorns hurts Me more than it shows Father, please can't You do something? I know that You must hear My cry I thought I could handle the cross of this size Father, remind Me why Why does everyone want Me to die? When will I understand why?" [God:]"My precious Son, I hear them screaming I'm watching the face of the enemy beaming But soon I will clothe You in robes of My own Jesus, this hurts Me much more than You know But this dark hour I must do nothing Though I've heard Your unbearable cry The power in Your blood destroys all of the lies Soon You'll see past their unmerciful eyes Look there below, see the child Trembling by her father's side Now I can tell You why She is why You must die"

plagarized from jo's blog. its so touching. he died for you and me.

pissed off

piss off everyone. piss off. like what the **** are you thinking. i'm human okie. and i have the right to have friends of the opposite sex. and if u're jealous. piss off! read me?! you make up freaking stories and spread them. what freaking person is such a bitch! heard me you're a bitch. so don't call anyone else bitch cos u're one too. so PISS OFF.

anyway something stupid happened today. daniel was like so brilliant. he lock himself and auntie theresa out of the honda city. cos he left the keys in the car boot. how brilliant right? hmmm sigh i have a short video to edit and a camp to organise. i really can't wait to go thailand. sigh. just to break away from everything. ahhh. anyway this song is stuck in my head. its the tim hughes song, consuming fire. its really really nice.

there must be more than this, oh breath of God come breathe within. there must be more than this, spirit of God we wait for you. fill us anew we pray, fill us anew we pray. consuming fire, fan into flames a passion for Your name. spirit of God would you fall in this place. Lord have You way, Lord have Your way, with us. Come like a rushing wind, clothe us with passion from on high. Now set the captives free, leave us abandoned to Your praise. Lord let Your glory fall, Lord let Your glory fall. Stir it up in our hearts Lord, stir it up in our hearts Lord. Stir it up in our hearts Lord passion for Your name.

written by tim hughes copyrights 2002 thankyou music/PRS/ admin by Songs for the world excluding UK and Europe which is admin by Kingsway music

Saturday, November 6, 2004


okie like how many days i did not blog. even no one reads i still like to blog. its like my diary. hahha. like my daily account. hmmm okie let's see...

i haven't blogged for nearly a week.

hmmm okie let's start with ...


well i did nothing i think. hmmm no i did some thing. i went to church. well. oh and went to the dentist other than that... nothing. how useless. it was a boring day. so i shan't say anything more.

thursday linked with friday

i woke up at like 11. then i cleared my brother's room. it was like super messy. (gor if u read this it was also like kinda super dusty like on the shelves) okie then while i almost done germ called and asked me to help them out with the stuff for open house. so i went down to stc. hmm haven't been there for a long time. so i went down and then i did some stuff. and we played pool. hahha. so fun. lol! then we realised we would never finish it so we decided to stay at germ's place. hmm then i had a talk with leslie and sng. mr sng was so cute he was like so excited to see me. haha. i like miss the teachers there. so we went home for dinner and then over to germ's place. we started doing the stuff and everythign started to sound wrong. u know in that manner. it was like "oh! oh! push it in! oh man! its too big!" like right.... ahhaha then germ and clarissa were like not very wholesome but whatever. hahah so we did the stuff and we felt like chocolates so we went down to shell at like 2 am in the morning. we were kinda noisy but it was fun. hmm so on the whole we had alot of fun. really fun. i mean real real fun. hahaha! yea get the idea? and we slept at like 330 am but by the time we fell asleep it was like 4. u know what i mean. hmm and we had to wake at 530?!!! so we power slept. hahah yea we woke up on time but were like cranky and tired but soon it wore off. it was open day and i kinda enjoyed myself. yea then off to home group i was like falling asleep. oh before that we watched princess diaries 2 and ate steamboat. the movie was like really funny! hahah steamboat was nice but hotHOT HOT!!! hmmm okie after homegroup we went to pick my bro up. he just came back from army training in aussie - queensland. yea. then home to sleep.


woke up early. watched the champion. oh and then to disney live!!! winnie the pooh and the perfect day. it was realy cute. but a lil embarassing. anyway there was this guy at the candy stand. and he was like hot. okie like super good looking. i was so checking him out. hahahah but he was too busy to notice. k k then to music prac. nothign much happened. then we went for clarissa's birthday party. it was like okay. the guys at the party were real losers. but i enjoyed to company of all the stc girls there and clarissa's sister. oh well. her house is like really nice. i wanna kill her. its like so nice it almost perfect for a date. it like staying in venice. really really nice place. i wanna stay there. oh well then we BBQed and ate. was nice company. then we were like late to get back home. so we took a cab. and here i am back home waiting to go take a bath cos i stink. phew! hahahs. no not really just really sticky and i smell like BBQed food.yea yea. k k i gotta go bathe. TTFN!

Tuesday, November 2, 2004



what does it take for a man to run into a burning building when everyone else is running out?
why do firemen leave their families every morning to risk their live for strangers?
good questions huh? well ladder 49 has the answer. but really of cos the answer stares you in the face. COURAGE, SELFLESSNESS. you know really some things in life you don't really think about it until you're told about it. why am i watching so many shows lately where ple die for another. maybe God is trying to tell me something. but how can these ple find it in them to do that for another person, much more for someone you don't even know. oh well its really something to think about. i don't think i can ever do it. anyway this is the lyrics of one of the soundtracks from the movie.

SHINE YOUR LIGHT by robbie robertson

The cry of the city like a siren's song
Wailing over the rooftops the whole night long
Saw a shooting star like a diamond in the sky
Must be someone's soul passing by

These are the streets
Where we used to run where your Papa's from
These are the days
Where you become what you become
These are the streets
Where the story's told
The truth unfolds
Darkness settles in

Shine your light down on me
Lift me up so i can see
Shine your light when you're gone
Give me the strength
To carry on, carry on

Don't wanna be a hero
Just an everyday man
Trying to do the job the very best he can
But now it's like living on borrowed time
Out on the rim, over the line
Always tempting fate like a game of chance
Never wanna stick around to the very last dance
Sometimes i stumble and take a hard fall
Loose(?) hold your grip off the wall

Shine your light down on me
Lift me up so i can see
Shine your light when you're gone
Give me the strength to carry on
Carry on

I thought i saw him walking by the side of the road
Maybe trying to find his way home

He's here but not here
He's gone but not gone
Just hope he knows if I get lost

Shine your light down on me
Lift me up so i can see
Shine your light when you're gone
Give me the strength to carry on
To carry on

okie wells. today i woke up, watched america's next top model. catie is out. sigh. she's so cute. oh wells. then i watched butterfly effect again. not that nice the 2nd time. hmmm. then i went out to meet eliz and fanny. eliz totally did not know we were going out. sigh blur lil girl. okie so we went to shop for a shirt for her. bought one from bodynits. hahahha really nice. hahha. then we went for the movie. it was really enjoyable. hahas. i don't wanna spoil it. so i better stop bout the movie. okie then i did something i haven't done in a long time. take neoprints. hahahs we all looked retarded. then we had a drink at spinelli and then we all rushed home for champion. hahahah. lol! fanny how can u like TORO. he's like ewwww!!! eliz... you and i got good taste... muahhahha YAN XING SHU. well well. then it was CSI. oh man. as usual it's like gross but super cool. well well. i'm done with whatever i wanted to say. i'm still thinking bout the show. byes

Monday, November 1, 2004

that's the point dickhead...

hahahha just finished watching the champion. hahah yan xing shu is hot. i'm gonna strangle whoever said that he looked like a monkey. i mean like look at yourself in the mirror. are you like talking bout urself? hahah!

okie i watched brotherhood today! its like such a sad show! ah!!! like why must he die. i don;t want him to die. he loves his brother so much. ahhh!!! so sad!!! i don't want him to die. why?!!!!! ahhh!!!! sob sob sob... WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! beats me. ahhhhh...

okie what to do. i read the superman comics. the one - a world without superman. man that is really nice. its kinda cool you know. hahahah i'm hooked on comics. hahahaha.

okie alias later. yes. michael vartan. hahhaha... i'm like so "hua xin". hahahah but what the heck. okie i shall go back to my oogling at cute guys. buh bye.

rooting for bush

i couldn't use the net yest. everyone was like "i want to use" or "i need to use". so what the heck. anyway. yest was a annoying day. hmmm let's see.. so happened daniel sat next to me. and so that super big mouth aNNA, went around spreading gossip and rumors. sucks right. she was like telling one person after another. like what the hell. she doesn't remember i have her secret. and besides if mom finds out about what she did... she's dead. this andrea and steph participated too but not that rampant. okie so whatever. pastor preached on the book of joshua, and daniel was so bloody excited. why? cos he studied it the day before. dots. okie so he was like i know this i know that. blah blah blah. chatter chatter chatter. like some small lil kid. speaking of small kids, shua and lebby were so cute. as usual. okie after church i went with elaine went to buy ballet shoes. yay! haha. i still wanna learn hip hop. okay. then we went to meet anna, steph and dan. we had lunch at noodle place and we were like carefully scrutinising the menu. unclean food. yikes. when we ordered lebby was like so restless. so we gave him a lil porridge and just after his first spoon.... he just had to do it - shit. k so we were like where to clean him up. and so elaine and i just were too lazy to go up to the 3rd floor what the heck we mannaged without the diaper table. a lil gross tho. well wells. then we went mark and spencers. hmmm and i bought percy pig without thinking and what the hell i had to exchange it. oh wells. anyway big bro is coming back on wed! yay! hurrah! hahahahha i hope he brought something back for moi. lalala. i'm waiting. hahhah. *evil grins* can't wait. hehs. well then yest night steph and i were just talking and talking so yea. then we eventually fell asleep and this morning i woke up cos it was so hot. good day to swim and tan. :) so then i ate breakfast and so on. i read my bible! yay! so proud of myself. okie so i got nothing more to say. oh one last thing. i want BUSH TO WIN!!! DOWN WITH KERRY!