Friday, December 1, 2006


We all make choices.
What's yours?

i just watched a new movie. THE LAST KISS. a good one. first up, the cinematography was really good, i dunno how many times i said nice shot in the whole show. the cast is very well assembled and damn zach braff is one hell of an actor together with the rest of the cast. a great plot, great story with a strong punchline. it's kinda a nicholas sparks mixed with comedy kinda show. bittersweet, the kinda show you hate/love characters for doing certain stuff. i like the script of the movie too. very well crafted. i especially like the part where Jenna's dad could sorta sense his wife of 30 years anna. its amazing to see that kinda love, i mean its not the let's just get down to it kinda thing. its the thing, the kind you can't live without. the kind that you never realise is there until one day WHAM! it smacks you in the face. its especially sweet. the movie's good and the acting's good. made me tear and made the person behind me cry. i'd say this is one youu can't miss. it's sorta kinda helps up think about all the "what ifs" of life. and what if the what if's really happen. you don't want to go ahead with the what ifs and find out that you can't go back. we say learn from mistakes. but some mistakes are too big to be made. as much as i hate to say this, sometimes you just can't risk it.

oh wells, so i must prouudly declare that i'm on holiday tommorrow!!! how good is that. its the only reason why i'm still awake. i'm basking in the sensation of not having to go to work tmr. lols. today's work was fun. right avonda and desmond. hahaha *sniggers*. wells. i must say though that it was a better use of the time. hahah!

catching up and joking arouund like old days? totally nostalgic moments today. i miss the old days in school bahs. remenicing already huh. well, i think that's all for today.

quote of the day?
What you feel only matters to you. It's what you do to the people you love. That's what matters. That's the only thing that counts. -Steven in The Last Kiss

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