Tuesday, April 4, 2006


Damn that title reminds me of PR, but what the heck. well, i guess things in life have a funny way of sneaking up on you.

today was a blast. had lunch with aggie, liz, yawen, nic and juliana. well, it was really enjoyable. all the talk and laughter. Gosh, at the end of the day i laughed so much i think it was good enough to make up for 100 sit-ups. hahah. yes and lunch was at OUTBACK! yums. haven't eaten there in a long time. it was time to break the dry spell. thinking of it makes me drool. okay not really becasue i'm still soooo full from lunch. after that we headed down to ben and jerry's to give yawen a lil birthday surprise and to continue our chat.

i discovered that this girl who's my age and was in my course of study and sat beside me is pregnant in her late third trimester and she is already married. talk about life sneaking up on you. i think it pounces on you rather. she's actually the first person i know to actually have somethign like that happen to her. not that i know her personally, but i did have a say hi-bye relationship with her. reality suddenly starts to sink in after awhile because although i've heard of such cases, it never really got to me. i can't really describe this feeling that i have. it's really... something that leaves me speechless.

this is the kinda moments where in the psalms they would say "selah"

well, life really passed by us quick. so quick sometimes we don't notice. i've finished year 2 and i'm going on year 3. i can still remember the time in church when i was 8 and i thought man 10 yrs is a long way to go. i guess now i have to BEG TO DIFFER. soon enough in less than a year, i'll be out in a vicious world of office politics and may i say slavedriving bosses. as much as i want to continue studying, i can't. and i realise how the working world really differs from the academic world. i realise we do work everyday and anytime in the academic world. but in the working world, there's off days and weekends to always bank on. so it really makes you wonder... who works harder.. students or those in offices.

you know what i'm thinking now? what if i make a lousy photographer. i dunno it's just a thought. but it's not baseless. cos ramani put a comment and said the photos in our mag were not very good. maybe i shouldn't let him dictate how good or bad a photographer i am. but still...

anyway, i like these photos.
taken from tylerhilton.com

anyway, to yawen: have a blessed 20th birthday!

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