Thursday, April 6, 2006

cruel twists of fate

i'm glad. very glad infact, i've gotten my ibook! the long awaited ibook G4. i know, some people may call me slow cos there's already the macbook. but you see, i do not have the fortune of wealth. so there. this is my first time blogginng using my *evil laughs* ibook. but however fortunate i am, fate is playing games with me because i can't sign into my messenger for mac! what am i going to do! ahhhhhh! okay shut up abigail and stop complaining. go try solve the problem. okay point taken. but HOW?! sheesh.

okay i need help here! help help the pillar is falling!

anyway, thanks to hafiz i have photoshop and illustrator on my apple. yums. isn't it just delicious?

so, today i watch tristan and isolde. the show is soooo sad!!!! very sad. but its so very nice. so now does that make me a saddist. cos i think its nice although its sad. hmmmm. *ponders* okay no because a saddist enjoys seeing people in a sad state. i do not. okay i'm talking and reasoning with myself once too often. well, i shall not spoil it. however, i feel that the actors did not really have very good chemistry. other than that the show was nice. it has a great storyline and plot. so there, in a nutshell.

anyway, i guess i'm gonna try figure this messenger thing out. laters

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