Saturday, April 29, 2006

so long mates, i'm now a flash-er

okay, met up with hannah, benita, serene, jeremy, kailin, vanessa and sharizal today foor diner at spageddies. there were supposed to be more of them (takhmau-ers). but what the heck la... just had good laughs with them seven. EW hannah, that was horrible horrible horrible of you to say that. can't believe you were still laughing about iton your way home. EVIL.

anyway, the past week was the first week of school and i've been regretting not taking IMC. so i appealed to only get freaking disappointed. damn. so i'm still down with IDM, which means macromedia flash is my new best friend, which means as according to XB i'm a flasher. lol! i suck at flash big time, but i'm coouunting on elaine to come to my rescue.

it's only fair, i exchange my babysitting on thursdays for flash tuitorials! haha!

which means master choy cannot fail me, and hopefully he'll give me a B. lol! i only can WISH.

i mean considering who's the moderator too.

come on, its nothing but a dream.

anyway, i watched grey's anatomy until episode 11 of season 2 and i'm stuck there!!! i want my dosage of grey's!!!! i want episode 12!!! come on! UGH. i mean seriously, grey's anatomy is like friends meet ER. The script is very very very well written. the plots are well formulated, the music is divinely chosen. tell me now its not the best show on the planet.

so what else is there worth blogging about... media law seems pretty interesting. MASSINA, just the same old stuff. adv advert its everything i can expect i guess. photojourn damn my lecturer is still overseas. and IDM its choy, what do you expect.

me: so mr choy, what are we goona be doiing for the rest of the lessons?
mr choy: *ponders* rubs his chin that's a very good question...

so you see.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

ego bruiser is my friend


sarah grace sulistio. all i have to say to you is "OH CRAP". other than that. i got nothing to say.

grey's anatomy as usual was splendid. thurs thurs thurs. andrea's getting the whoel fo season 2 from her friend. that's just AWESOME! i can't wait. hahah! yums yums yums. lol.

school today was just fine. miss paul's class was as i expected and WISP was just all talk and no action. freaking class that is only bullshit. cos that's all i'll do during class. i think. i mean seriously. so tommorrow or rather today is the day of all my electives. i mean come on man... 13 hours of school sheesh, like i can't get enough of it. hmmm i wonder. how am i going to survive. advert from 9 to 1. IDM from 2 to 6. photojourn from 6 to 10.

anyway, i cut my hair. hahah FINALLY.

last note. they so should have cast james denton as james bond. i mean just look at him. he looks the role almost perfectly.

goodbye and goodnight. ego bruiser.

today's quote from grey's anatomy - Perfectly exposed partially numb beating heart. It's a beautiful thing.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Someone Like You

just finshed that show.

its nice. just nice. sweet though. yeah. hugh jackman looks sooo good in that movie. i mean in x-men he's all covered in hair. but i hafta admit that he looked good in swordfish too. okay he does look good. i mean look.

so there. well well. hmmm i'm bored.

yes, carnations.

yes, new phone.

yes, i'm still broke and in debt.

yes, i think i should go sleep.

i say again. sleep deprivation does wonders.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Thanks for the Memories.


chalet was a blast. i mean seriously, although alot of people like REKA did not turn up. oooohhhh we had sooo much fun. playing cranuim and mahjong and taboo and NARUTIMATE (i think that's what its called)! we seriously all started get superstitious cos that was what it seemed like. i'm telling you mahjong is freaking adddictive. i mean FREAKINGLY. its almost like bridge. which reminds me... if you ever wanna trust your life with someone when it comes to strategy card games like bridge... NEVER PICK GRACE. haha! lynn and i were exasperated by the time we finished teaching her bridge at an ungodly hour of 3 am! and i wanna go out and,i buy a playstation JUST JUST JUST to play NARUTIMATE. talk abot video gaming being addictive. Pearl and I just kept going at it. OKAY SOUNDS WRONG. its sooo fun to just to kick pearl's behind (especially even though i can't beat her at that combination thingy when yoou activate your special powers) and to beat the master of the game jianqi and kick some butt with my spasmed like hitting of the (O) button. so then we had some pedicures and manicure quite well done in the last 3 nights. poor sean was the first victim just because the blanket wasn't long enough to cover his toes. then came darren because we knew sean would help us cos he was the only one who had it from us. and then poor julian who i think secretly loves his new pedicure cos he was so cool about it and gave a thumbs up. and then our driver darren AGAIN because sean graciously helped us AGAIN after he scratched off the first one. then the fall of sean because he thought that being our accomplice was enough but unfortunately for him, he's still XY and we're XX. And that freaking HUGE lizard with its smellly shit. and some really crazy taboo stuff like:

Julian: Jee Soon! Jee Soon!
long pause of 3 secs with all puzzled faces and then...
Darren: PARK! PARK!

Lynn: polly put the ... on!
without hesitation...
Pearl: peter piper picked a peck of pepper!

Nicole: you can find this in pinacolattas!
Gabriel: URINE!

you can seriously see how crazy it got and this is not the worse. i mean there was still cranium! i mean the OSCAR WINNING performance sean gave for the show TITANIC. this was sooo crazy. SOOOO crazy. so we had some bitching and some sorrow sharing and some guitar playing and some sing-a-long song singing. it was really crazy. The BBQ was good too. The chicken was nice and so was the potato sald except for the over zealous lynn who loves mayo and dumped like both bottles into one pot of potato salad! that last marshmellow, darren you have too admit was roasted to perfection. So this goes out to all who came esp PEARL, LYNN, NICOLE, YAWEN, LIZ, DARREN, SEAN. you guys are one CRAZY bunch. and of cos, this will have NOT been possible without darren who had graciously drove us around. And thanks to us, his driving has improved vastly and so has my navigation skills because his is, i would say, in sorry condition. he needs to go around more.


I'm sitting here and waiting to eat dinner which i am not very keen on.


school's starting on monday, somehow, i'm not as excited but i really want it to start. and then there's this headache which comes everytime you change classes. WHO TO FREAKING WORK WITH. not that i dunno who i wanna work with but more of i know who i do not wannna work with. NEVERMIND its COMPLICATED. DAMN. but i'm still glad that nic, yawen and liz is in my class! how rocking is that! THAT'S soooo FUN!

anyway, i gotta run now.

and as grey's anatomy titled one of their episodes, THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Grey's Anatomy Rambles

chalet is tommorrow.

i just watched grey's anatomy. damn damn damn. i wanna just keep on watching it nonstop. WITH NO COMMERCIALS! ugh i love the show. come on, where's the DVDs. i'm sitting at the edge of my chair because they keep twisting it. and every episode it just gets better.

"if love were enough that she’d still be here with you."

gosh i hate it. argh i hate the show, i love the show. the writers are brilliant i mean. SERIOUSLY, SERIOUSLY!

oh my, am i rambling. yes i am.


Sunday, April 16, 2006

Pay It Forward

I watched pay it forward AGAIN last night.

The person who came up witth tthe story i have to admit is brilliant and he chose the right actor. Haley Joel Osment. Anyway, that's that and i don't think you acctually think it happened in real life. I mean its too utopia-ish to actually happen in real life. just take a look around you.

well, anyway, i'm a very blessed kid. everyone knows how broke i am right. soo i kinda like have too buy an analog SLR for photojourn. what happens is i actually was going to buy the Canon EOS66 from XB's friend. but then on wednesday, i just felt that i should ask pastor albert if it was a fine priice for a second hand and guess what, he said i didn;t need to buy cos he'll lend me his for AS LONG AS I NEEDED IT. how awesome is that. and on top of that the camera came with a long lens and flash light. it's just WOW cos it means i save 200 bucks. It's like A BIG THANK YOU to pastor albert and Yahweh.

i'm a very blessed kid.

i mean look at me, a new ibook? come on. i never thought it'd ever happen. but my dad kindly paid half of it. it may onlly be 700 bucks but he did afterall spend 3K on that toshiba portege A100. so there, life's good.

i should be more content.

i should.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

i'm bored - what's new.

i watch imagining argentina today.very good movie. VERY good. i dunno how to descriibe it but it toys with issues about the government. maybe that's why its rated. well. the actors put up a splendid act. hats off to them.

well, i wanna watch this movie annapolis. i think it already screened in singapore. how could i have missed it!!! ugh. must be the work. i think it was the work.

speaking of which, i have none now which is really driving me to stony broke. wait i already am stony broke. well, i really need a job. or a source of income. bleah.

i dun think i got anything else to say. just that if you have a job for me, HOLLER ME.

bye. blogging is such a chore sometimes. but i guess, i'm doing it to kill this time that i have on my hands.

Sunday, April 9, 2006

Just Another Day

well, i drew this because i'm really bored with no work and a new ibook. come on, someone give me something to do and mind you pay me for it! ahhaha. it's called "A Heart Ablaze" by the way.

today's worship was good in the sense that everything was TOGETHER. and hmmm yeah pretty good. i still don't like the sound system though. it's annoying the crap out of me because i can't get my guitar to sound even close to DECENT.

yawen actually has episode 18 of desperate housewives. i was supposed to go get it but i'm just soo lazy. i kinda regret it but wells, live with your laziness abigail.

i'm bored. i really am. someone enntertain me please.

Friday, April 7, 2006

Sit back, Relax and Enjoy the show

okay, i was glued to an electronic screen almost the whole day today. i woke up at like the ungodliest hour of 1130 and then i sat infront on my NEW ibook watching desperate housewives. Gosh, the show is the most addictive show on the same level as Grey's Anatomy and LOST. i realy can't wait to get my hands on the 18th episode. i mean although it may seem like a show where its mindless, it really isn't.

There's soo much in that show that you can learn. Everything in there is so real! i mean it makes the mundane seem so not mundane. There's something that Bree said to Andrew that really was what most people do not know. That the opposite of love, is not hate. It is indifference. Its really true, because you can only hate the person if he or she means something to youu in the first place. Tom and Lynette are an AWFULLY SWEET couple its soooo cute.

So you see, TV isn't just about entertainment.

Well, so after i finished whatever episodes of desperate housewives i had on my hands, i got down to two movies that i missed. "The Family Stone" and "Cutting Edge 2: Going for the Gold". The family stone was a total knockout. i loved it! It makes you wanna cry and laugh at the same time. Fantastic movie. really touching. Cutting Edge 2 was good too. but a little cheesy. but the figure skating was FANTASTIC. It realy makes you wanna go get on the ice rink and go skating your heart away too. which reminds me, i haven't gone ice skating in ages.

now, i'm so broke that i don't think that i have enough to go for class chalet 2 weeks from now.

I was thinking, and i realised that if i could decribe the youth in church, the one word would be "dead". now how sad is that.

i dunno. well, i want to watch episode 18 of Desperate Housewives and i wanna watch Grey's Anatomy. and i wanna watch episode 10 of LOST.

Thursday, April 6, 2006

cruel twists of fate

i'm glad. very glad infact, i've gotten my ibook! the long awaited ibook G4. i know, some people may call me slow cos there's already the macbook. but you see, i do not have the fortune of wealth. so there. this is my first time blogginng using my *evil laughs* ibook. but however fortunate i am, fate is playing games with me because i can't sign into my messenger for mac! what am i going to do! ahhhhhh! okay shut up abigail and stop complaining. go try solve the problem. okay point taken. but HOW?! sheesh.

okay i need help here! help help the pillar is falling!

anyway, thanks to hafiz i have photoshop and illustrator on my apple. yums. isn't it just delicious?

so, today i watch tristan and isolde. the show is soooo sad!!!! very sad. but its so very nice. so now does that make me a saddist. cos i think its nice although its sad. hmmmm. *ponders* okay no because a saddist enjoys seeing people in a sad state. i do not. okay i'm talking and reasoning with myself once too often. well, i shall not spoil it. however, i feel that the actors did not really have very good chemistry. other than that the show was nice. it has a great storyline and plot. so there, in a nutshell.

anyway, i guess i'm gonna try figure this messenger thing out. laters

Tyler Hilton is so hot it has to be a crime

here yawen. happy?

hahah yes, he has an awesome voice. lol. and yes, i said before he has nice photos on his site. which makes it even better. okay. so this post is obviously another bimbotic post by abigail chen jieyi. i like this new songs of his....

"Missing You"

Everytime I think of you
I always catch my breath
I'm still standing here
And your miles away
And I wonder why you left me
And there's a storm that's raging through my frozen heart tonight

I hear your name in certain circles
And it always makes me smile
I spent my time just thinkin about you
And its almost driving me wild

But its my heart thats beggin down this long distance line tonight

And I ain't missin' you at all
Since you've been gone... Away
I ain't missin' you
No matter what I might say

There's a message in the wires
And I am sendin' you a signal tonight
You don't know how desperate I've become
And It looks like I'm loosein' this fight

But it's my heart that's breakin' down this long dusty road of mine

But I ain't missin' you at all
Since you've been gone... Away
I aint missin' you at
No matter what my friends say

And there's a message that I'm sendin' out
Like a telograph to you or something
I can't bridge this distance
Honey, stop this heart ache all alone

I ain't missin' you at all
Since you've been gone... Away
I ain't missin' you
No matter what my friends say
I ain't missin' you
Since you've been gone... Away
I ain't missin you
Yeah, no matter what your friends say

Hey yeah, yeah yeah yeah

I ain't missin you at all
Since you've been gone... Away
I ain't missin' you

Tuesday, April 4, 2006


Damn that title reminds me of PR, but what the heck. well, i guess things in life have a funny way of sneaking up on you.

today was a blast. had lunch with aggie, liz, yawen, nic and juliana. well, it was really enjoyable. all the talk and laughter. Gosh, at the end of the day i laughed so much i think it was good enough to make up for 100 sit-ups. hahah. yes and lunch was at OUTBACK! yums. haven't eaten there in a long time. it was time to break the dry spell. thinking of it makes me drool. okay not really becasue i'm still soooo full from lunch. after that we headed down to ben and jerry's to give yawen a lil birthday surprise and to continue our chat.

i discovered that this girl who's my age and was in my course of study and sat beside me is pregnant in her late third trimester and she is already married. talk about life sneaking up on you. i think it pounces on you rather. she's actually the first person i know to actually have somethign like that happen to her. not that i know her personally, but i did have a say hi-bye relationship with her. reality suddenly starts to sink in after awhile because although i've heard of such cases, it never really got to me. i can't really describe this feeling that i have. it's really... something that leaves me speechless.

this is the kinda moments where in the psalms they would say "selah"

well, life really passed by us quick. so quick sometimes we don't notice. i've finished year 2 and i'm going on year 3. i can still remember the time in church when i was 8 and i thought man 10 yrs is a long way to go. i guess now i have to BEG TO DIFFER. soon enough in less than a year, i'll be out in a vicious world of office politics and may i say slavedriving bosses. as much as i want to continue studying, i can't. and i realise how the working world really differs from the academic world. i realise we do work everyday and anytime in the academic world. but in the working world, there's off days and weekends to always bank on. so it really makes you wonder... who works harder.. students or those in offices.

you know what i'm thinking now? what if i make a lousy photographer. i dunno it's just a thought. but it's not baseless. cos ramani put a comment and said the photos in our mag were not very good. maybe i shouldn't let him dictate how good or bad a photographer i am. but still...

anyway, i like these photos.
taken from

anyway, to yawen: have a blessed 20th birthday!

Monday, April 3, 2006

Once and Again

this is crazy. draft 1, draft 2, draft 3 and more just for a small piece of paper that measures 70mm by 148.5 mm. yes, unbelievable. i'm still quite sore that she pays me by project cos i realy thought it was by artwork. cos i already did 8 pieces and because she gone by project i earned half as much as if she paid by artwork. shyte.

well well. life's like that.

did i say that my cousin melissa is getting married? yes, june 3rd. i love weddings. i'm making a bookmark in my calendar.

hmmm well i got a decision to make. a canon eos66 for $200. its one year old. i get to "test drive" it. well i'm seriously thinking of buying it. thanks to XB for the connection. opinions anyone?

well back to work for me.

130 Random Questions

130 Random Questions
When was the last time you cried?:hmmm 2 weeks ago?
Have you ever faked sick?:once too many
What was the last lie you said?:that i lost my voice
Have you ever cried during a movie?:YEAH
Who was the last person you couldn't take your eyes off of?:hmmm that guy at the zara store...
Have you ever danced in the rain?:nope..
Have you ever been drunk?:yes... once and please never again
Have you ever tried tried drugs?:NOPE
Do you smoke?:neither
What's the farthest you've ever gone on a dare?:kissing a girl
What is your full name?:chen jieyi abigail
What is your blood-type?:A+
Have you ever been in a car accident?:nope
How old were you when you recieved your first kiss?:hahahaah not yet... i'm saving it
Who was your first kiss?:look above
Have you ever had an online relationship?:yeah, i have many....
Have you ever had phone-sex?:no.
Have you ever been rejected by a crush?:yesh
What is your favourite sport to play?:tennis
Have you ever made a prank phone call?:duhhhh...
Have you ever said "I Love you" and not meant it?:yes
What's your favourite childhood memory?:hmmm... i'd say the night where my old bro and sis and i ran around the house pretending the feather duster was a monster. it's hilarious!
Is there anything that you have done that you regret?:yeah there is...
What do you want to be when you grow up?:hmmm neurosurgeon... but its not happening
What is your political persuassion?:i'm rather apathetic in this area
Have you ever had cybersex?:NOPE
Do you believe in g-d?:yeahhhh
Do you believe in love at first sight?:no not really
Do you believe in karma?:YES.. i do.
Who was your first crush?:hhahahah this guy called james
Who do yo uhave a crush on?:now? i have da celebrity crush - josh holloway
How would you describe yourself?:i'd say i'm just ur average jane
What are you afraid of?:hmmmm going to hel
Are you religious?:yesh
What does your screen name mean?:it means "Will you try to live the way of which you speak?"
What person do you trust the most?:myself
Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend?:not yet
What is the best compliment you have ever recieved?:that i'm smart!
What is the meanest thing anyone has said about you?:that i'm the bitch who stole her boyfriend
What is the longest crush/relationship you have had?:3 months
What is your greatest strength?:my critical thinking and perfectionism
What is your greatest weakness?:workaholic-ism
What is your perfect pizza?:i dun really fancy pizzas
What is your first thought when waking up in the morning?:what time is it?
What is your first thought before you go to bed?:what time is it? because the first thought before i go to bed is the first thought of the day. makes sense doesn;t it... i suggest u ask what is the last thought..
What college do you want to go to?:NYU would be good enough for me
Do you get along with your family?:yea i guess
Do you play any instruments?:yeap 3
What kind of music do you like?:acoustic
Do you think you're attractive?:erm... i guess everyone is attractive.. its a matter of personal taste
Would you ever get a tattoo?:nope nope nope
How many piercings do you have?:zilch
Who makes you laugh?:liz, yawen, nic, aggie, grace, lynn, pearl and darren
Who would you want to be tied to for 24hours?:hmmm a totally hottie
Have you ever seen a dead body?:nope
Do you have a celebrity crush?:yessssss.gosh he's gorgeous!
What is one thing scientists should invent?:a "make guys not jerks" potion
Have you ever broken a bone?:nope
What happens after you die?:hopefully i go to heaven
Do you watch or read the news?:both
What stereotype would you label yourself as being?:bimbo
Would your friends agree with that stereotypic label?:yes... they gave me the label
If yo ucould change your name, what would you change it to?:i wouldn't change my name
If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would you go:a year ago
If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?:my height and my unleaness
Have you ever gone skinny dipping?:nope.
Have you ever played strip poker?:sorta
Would you ever lie to someone to make them feel good about themselves?:maybe.. really depends on who
What do you want your friends to think about you?:i'm fabulous
Whats the biggest argument you've ever gotten into?:telliong this guys that he's a self absorbed asshole who deserves nothing more than a slap
HAve you ever bitten someone?:yeapppp
When's your birthday?:29 dec
Have you ever stolen anything?:as shameful as it is to admit... yes
Do you make wishes on shooting stars?:all the time
Whats the most you've ever eaten in one sitting?:hahaha i dunno trust me its alot
If you could go back and change one day, what would it be?:it would be the day i met him
Do you remember your dreams?:sometimes
Have you ever been in love?:not really i guess
Are you a morning person or a night person?:hmmmm can i say a 24 hr person?
Do you have any phobias?:yeahhhh...
What's the meanest thing you've ever done to someone?:i dunno but i've done alot of mean things.... so yeah
Have you ever been to the hospital (other then birth?:yeap yeap
How many screen names do you have?:alot...
Do any medical problems run in your family?:yea...
Have anyone ever been disowned from your family?:nope, close to tho'
Have you ever had a nightmare?:yeap tons
Do you say meaner things to your friends or your enemies?:enemies duh
Would you ever participate in a threesome?:nope
Would you ever pay for a prostititue?:nope, its degrading both ways
Have you ever mooned or flashed someone?:nope
Have you ever cheated on your bf/gf?:i never had a bf... so whaddaya think
Have you ever laughed so hard you peed in your pants?:nope
Have you ever written a love letter?:nope
Have you ever attempted suicide?:nope
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?:boxers
Have you ever been in a fistfight?:nope
Do you have any hidden talents?:hmmmm... that's for you to find out
What is one thing you want me to know about you?:erm... my name?
What is one question you wouldn't want me to ask?:ermmmm i'll know when you do ask...
Do you usually prefer books or movies?:movies
Who is your favourite person to talk to?:myself?
Who is always able to cheer you up when you're sad?:hmmmm i dunno no one?
Would you ever have sex before marriage?:nope
Who do you talk to most on the phone?:now? erm yawen.
Do you have a secret that yo'ure ashamed of?:yeah
Do you prefer british or american spelling of words?:british
Have you ever gotten detention?:yeah
How do you vent your anger?:scream shout swear
Have you ever been on a diet?:yeah
Would you ever date someone younger than you? Older than you?:older older older
Is your best friend a virgin?:i hope so
What's a rumor someone has spread about you?:that i'm in love with a lecturer. like hello.
What's the kinkiest thing you could ever actually see yourself as doing?:hahahah i dunno
What's the meanest thing anyone has ever done to you?:spread really bad rumors about me...
What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?:has anyone been nice to me?
Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness?:nope
Have you ever cut yourself on purpose?:naaah
Have you ever wanted to murder someone?:hmmm maybe... maybe not
Have you ever hated someone?:yesh... once to many
Do you prefer talking on the phone or online?:depends to who
Do you consider yourself popular?:nope
Would you ever tell the person you have a crush on that you like them?:yeah
Have you ever had a crush on an enemy?:nope
Have you ever had a crush on a best friend?:yeah
What is your favourite book?:i dun really have one
Do you have a collection of anything?:ermmmm postcards
Are you happy with the person you are becoming?:sometimes.. a lil bit here and there
Are you a different person now then you were 5 years ago?:yeah definately
What do you see yourself as being in 5 years from now?:hmm workaholic
Are you happy with the life you have?:not fully... but i guess i'm content
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Sunday, April 2, 2006

Why am I doing this?

great. i've finally met Esther.

my cousins and aunt from new zealand are back. for about a month or so. so joshua's really grown. i'm serious! the last time i saw him he was a scrawny little kid. now he's like short and stout. and damn he looks alot like Mark - whom i haven't seen in ages either.

oh wells. time really FLIES.

now why am i blogging?

okay go away abigail.

i notice i like to talk to myself.

Happy April Fools

i've about $315 more to earn to reach my $600 for my ibook which is coming on thurs! yipee! well and then there's my camera. SHYTE. i'm so short on cash. bleah. someone help me.

anyway, i watched ICE AGE 2 already! haha! its super funny, although the first one was better i think. but this one is still worth the 8 bucks. fire king!! haha! hmmm, i watch it at the reopened cathay cinema!!!! finally. they call it THE GRAND CATHAY. well, i say it deserves its name. all it needs is the balcony seats to convince me it is a theatre instead of a cinema. anyway, i love this new song by Gavin Degraw. i can't find the Mp3 though. guess i'll have to wait for the album release or the Tristan and Isolde soundtrack. i'm so gonna catch that movie.

so i tell you what i need now. more jobs. whatever happened to the menu design job. *ponders*. hope that covers my camera.

We Belong Together
by Gavin DeGraw

We belong together,
Like the open seas and shores.
Wedded by the planet floor,
We've all been spoken for.

The hammer may strike,
Me dead on the ground,
A nail to my hand,
A cross on his crown.
We're done if, who we're undone,
Finished if who we are incomplete.
As one we are everything,
We are everything we need.

We belong together,
Like the open seas and shores.
Wedded by the planet floor,
We've all been spoken for.

What good is a life,
With no one to share,
The light of the moon,
The honor of a swear?
Will you try to live the way of which you speak?
Taste the milk of your mother earth's love?
Spread the word of consciousness you see?
We are everything we need.

We belong together,
Like the open seas and shores.
Wedded by the planet floor,
We've all been spoken for.

All this indecision.
All this independent strain.
Still we've got our hearts on save,
We've got our hearts on save.

Someday when you're lonely,
Sometime after all this bliss,
Somewhere lost in emptiness,
I hope you find this gift.
I hope you find this gift.
I hope you find this gift.

ta-ta. Happy april fools (or whatever's laft of it) guys or girls for that matter!