Sunday, July 24, 2005

i think i have offically NO LIFE. except for church, school work and school work.

mind you going for a movie is not life. it's only a movie.

okay so if you wanna know, i was in school almost the whole day today. let's see 9 to 8. that's like 11 hrs. which is almost half of the day. and counting that after i came back, all i did was eat, bathe and do work again. yes, i have no life. *pulls hair out* i'm falling sick, actually i am sick but i predict i'll get sicker. how sick is that? bleah. i'm like jammed packed this week. with advertising's creative works due together with sales promotion design, and with field assignment 2 and MRM questionaires due. i think i will have VERY little sleep. and then you know what will happen.

sleep deprivation does wonders.

oh wells. but i think for advertising i'm willing to slog this hard. but i can't say the same for news writing and MRM. tell me about it. oh wells. anyway i think i shall go sleep. my head's getting heavy. good night to you all.

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