Sunday, July 31, 2005

okay new skin again.

plain simple. get over and done with it.

yes this past week has been rough. datelines all crashing in. yes btw i failed my field assignment 1. yes an F. a big fat F. but whatever. i'm passing overall. so that's cool.

advertising was a DISASTER. just really screwed up. something i don't wanna narrate. i just hope that she'll be nice and just give us a good grade. i mean advertising is my life! at least i know its gonna be. it has to be. you know!!! yea. oh wells. so then that aside, there was field assignment 2 which was due and i managed to complete. and of cos we got back our MRM stuff. lit review 15/20 and questionnaire design 19.5/30. okay so what's up this week? just more work. MM test in tuitorial this week, TV prod is starting to pile up. Newspaper project coming up. hmmmm sales promo due next week. yea. i think if i can get through this sem i'll be fine all the way till grad. i hope. yea yea.

anyway daniel's leaving in 11 days. its like so fast. now there will be no one to do alot of things. i mean worship leading, guitar, sharing, chairman, holy communion. its like sooo much manpower shortage. bleah. hahah nto like he's superman but you know my chuch is kinda REALLY small. and everyone knows everyone. so its like yeah.

anyway these are my print ads. comment and be brutal. i just wanna know what people, random people. the super small print reads "all the roughage you need for a vibrant life. all in a bar."

Sunday, July 24, 2005

i think i have offically NO LIFE. except for church, school work and school work.

mind you going for a movie is not life. it's only a movie.

okay so if you wanna know, i was in school almost the whole day today. let's see 9 to 8. that's like 11 hrs. which is almost half of the day. and counting that after i came back, all i did was eat, bathe and do work again. yes, i have no life. *pulls hair out* i'm falling sick, actually i am sick but i predict i'll get sicker. how sick is that? bleah. i'm like jammed packed this week. with advertising's creative works due together with sales promotion design, and with field assignment 2 and MRM questionaires due. i think i will have VERY little sleep. and then you know what will happen.

sleep deprivation does wonders.

oh wells. but i think for advertising i'm willing to slog this hard. but i can't say the same for news writing and MRM. tell me about it. oh wells. anyway i think i shall go sleep. my head's getting heavy. good night to you all.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

treat number 3.

okay. i've learnt something new today: set up a wireless network!! muahah!!! i rock! my brother couldn't do it, my dad couldn't, but i could!!! yeah! haha! hmmm anyway today was slammin. firstly what made the day fantastic was ADVERTISING. haha! yea. my all time favourite. haha. bleah. only problem we have now is we have to take real photos for the storyboard. which leaves us quite screwed. we'll try to get photos.. but if we can't, its drawing and full color. thank you jlow for the compromise. then blah blah blah my day went on.

i watched the island yesterday. its definately the pick of the week or month for that matter. its a damn good show. the sound effects, the storyline, the shots! they weave together perfectly. fantastic show. BUT advice to all, watch it at the ONLY THX THEATRE in singapore. man i feel like i'm advertising for cathay. yes the THX theatre is digital. that one. not anyone else. any one thinking of getting pirated DVDS and downloading it from the net. i tell you do not. apart from the fact that PIRACY IS THEFT, unless you have a damn good system with a super huge tv screen, watching it anywhere else is not doing justice to the show. SERIOUSLY. so the technicalities put aside, the acting is superb. both ewan mcgregor and scarlett johansson were brilliant. they were so lincoln6echo/tom lincoln and jordan2delta. when you're watching the show, you don't even realise it is mcgregor and johansson. they are so well characterised its unbelievable. and if anyone wants to know what the show is about, don't bother to find out. cos its better if you don't know. WAY more exciting. so there you have it. the movie pick. THE ISLAND - you're special, you've been chosen.

anyways... what i said about keeping this skin for long? i take it back. i soooo feel like changing it AGAIN. so yea. haha! say goodbye soon.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

another of the graphics from the new campaign.

i like. heh.

anyway, i been a nice big sister and helped my lil sister anna redo her blogskin. but since when was i not a nice sister. haha! right. yeap. today was lecture day. bleah. these kinda days just wear you down. cos they make you sit there and just ROT. how nice right? oh wells. so news writing was like the same. like WHATS NEW? so we were told on how our field assignment one SUCKS. yea. they put it nicely la. then it was a 3 hr break for us. GRACE SKIPPED NEWS WRITING AND DIDN'T TELL US! okay so back to the topic. and nicole and i watched mystic river. its a damn good show la! the whole show keeps playing with your mind and keeps you going... who? who? WHO KILLED HER? yeap. so that's good. yea. so then on to my favourite lesson as ALWAYS - advertising. so we have a assignment, and yes we ask for opinions from lorraine paul for our creative concept and she actually said our concept was cool! haha! yay! i was almost on cloud nine. okay so then MRM. then TV. so whatever. i'm home now and i think i'm going to watch the island tmr. yes. anyways tv for now. byeee.

i love nikefreeeeee!

Monday, July 18, 2005

nike has made a come back!


the ads are sensational!

the singapore webby doesn't have the ads yet but the us webby has their ads up.
the campaign is really cool. nike's fighting back adidas. i love their graphics! and plus lance armstrong is in the campaign. BEAT that.
i don't really have anything worth saying right now.

school's in tmr. newswriting, no MM, advert, MRM and i dunno if there's TVprod.

so there's a long break. 3 hours! we wanted to play tennis but there are like NO COURTS available! GAH!

anyway i've finally been able to sync up my phone and my pc. so YAY! so i've transferred my files.

my thoughts are soooo fragmented now. VERY fragmented.

explains the many paragraphs.

i really am lost now.

anyway, i'm off to be a couch potato.

as they say, OLD HABITS DIE HARD.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

"For the love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead: And that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again."
II Corinthains 5:14
crunch line: live for Him.
oh wells. yes our creative concept got approved, but i have a problem: how are we gonna come up with the print ad? i dunno. solve it later. haha! yea. anyway. my ankle is kliling me. and so is my wrist. i sprained it somehow. the island is opening this thurs! i hope i got the time to catch it! bleah. deadlines are piling up. camp ADEN too. bleah somehow i feel so out of place in the exco committee. i'm like the only mass commer there. and everybody thinks i'm so slack they give me that kinda treatment. u know.. like.. okay only a mass commer would know. haha! yes. anyway up next is REMEMBER THE TITANS. i love the show.

Friday, July 15, 2005

You see this little hole? This moth's just about to emerge. It's in there right now, struggling, it's digging it's way through the thick hide of the cocoon. Now, I could help it, take my knife, gently widen the opening, and the moth would be free. But it would be too weak to survive. The struggle is nature's way of strengthening it.

--locke, from lost--
suslistios are leaving today. oh wells. life goes on. school's back in next week. anyway. jenny low has not replied about our creative concept. i'm getting a lil uneasy. i hope our concept gets approved. and that its not a me too ad. at least lil original and i hope its interesting to her. bleah.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

okay. yay! new blogskin. i like this one. i think i'm gonna keep it for long. yeap!

okay cut to the chase. my arms still hurt from volleyball on tues. but i still think the pain is worth the fun! yeap! beni, sarah, lanxi, tim, kiff, eddy, hannah and kungfu alvin!!! bleah. we should play it again!!! when my arms recover. i need to play tennis!!! i want to play tennis!!! i want!!! i miss tennis!!! okay and its only a week. bah!

okay shout out loud to germaine! you rock!!! CONGRATULATIONS! second for 400m hurdles! u're like the second fastest in the whole of singapore girls aged between 15 to 16! that's alot. i dun care!!! u did real well girl. i'm sorry i didn't come down for your run! but WAY TO GO!!! all the best for the rest of ur races. i know u got 100m hurdles and 4 by 400m finals!!! yeap!!! exciting!!! i'm real happy for you!!!

i realise i just started 3 paragraphs with "okay" so i wouldn't do it now.

so, today i was supposed to wake up at 7 so i could go down to CCK stadium for a bit to go check the nationals out. but woke up like an hour late. so i didn't go. so did the normal morning stuff and i left the house for school. so i was the second to reach. julian was before me. then came agnes, then yisze and nicole. and we were contemplating doing the donald trump trademark 2 words to someone but someone turned up. so good fer 'im. if u read this someone, BUCK UP. i'm serious. honestly. i want to ACE this and if i want to i need to ace this campaign. which means u're in my way. and when i want to get somethin' i'll go all out to get it. I'm ruthless. okay so we came up with our creative concept and advertisements and sent it up for approval.

then eddy came along. so i went to sit and chat for a bit. and then beni came along. so we just sat there. talked and they did their PR while i revamped my blog!!! yep. while waiting to go out. but then i decided i was too lazy. so i went home. yesh. and my sister revealed something to me. eat this.

you know the song "it's raining, it's pouring..." the few lines go.." he went to bed and bumped his head and couldn't wake up in the morning"... if you actually realise its a curse! a curse on an old man to die! okay.. and the nursery ryhme came for the west right... and they call their dads "my old man".... so how bout that.

one last paragraph. i've realised that the cambodia trip left a very lasting impression on me. maybe all of us to. it just occured to me that i'll remember this trip for life! and thanks to all you guys who made it sooo enjoyable. the 21 of us plus the two funkiest adults i've ever met - gopi and jlo. thanks so much y'all.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

yes a breather. FINALLY.

today was a BLAST. had so much fun. we were hard core at volleyball man. but it was SO much fun! hahah! okay i admit... tim and kiff are a super power duo compared to us... but we still had a good time. haha! u guys who didn't come, u guys missed out on ALOT. haha! yeap. anyway, i'm tired. SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP, here i come.

a teeny lil bit.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

one last thing.

today papers, main section, p. 26

speech by steve jobs

"stay hungry, stay foolish."

higly inspirational.
i have to announce this...

i'm done with ad analysis and field assignment 1!!!
wheeee.... i smelll freedom...
i smell fantastic four!!! haha!

Saturday, July 9, 2005

bleah. okay the week is finally over. MRM and TVprod. BYE BYE. haha. okay so i'm left with field assignment 1 and ad analysis and of cos the MM finanial statement test. marvellous!!! then after the MM test. its out with tahkmau buddies and then on wednesday... FINALLY a meeting with jo, poh kwan and von!!! my long lost friends! i really miss you guys u know!!! gah... anyway. the interview was splendid... not in the technical way. but i mean it went quite well. lai was soo nervous. but she DID IT! hahah! from your very nervous interviewer. hah! bleah. but it was cool. keagan was really nice (both ways. i promise... he looks waybetter in person...) and so was shaiful. its like sooo cool 19 and u're setting up a production house? wow! haha! yea. so yeap. the photos would be up soon. erm... soon yea... that's the word. the album will be titled "the day of keagan's interview" haha! yea i'm biased... sorry shaiful! haha yeap. anyways... i'm glad the break is here. lay back a lil. seems nice aye? hahaa. adventure camp stuff is starting to heat up. it's gonna be really exciting! haha! yeap! anyway. yeap. i think i better go. yea. see ya!!!!

i dreamt of you. it was sooo sweet.

Tuesday, July 5, 2005

i'm not gonna blog about today's happenings.

just one thing... we got the interview!!!! *jumps for joy*

Monday, July 4, 2005

okay i've twisted my ankle thrice today.

i know it sounds klutzy and stupid. but hey. its not like its new with me. hahah! yeap! i loved tennis today! its was sooo fun! hahah! okay... so then today i did something really fun!!! impulse movie going! ahha! yay!!! right nicole? haha! okay then i went fro my newswriting interview!!!!! yay! over and done with it. i think today's been a good day. i like it! hahah! yea. just got news from aloy that most likely we would get keagan kang for my tv prod interview!!! haha! togetehr with janice chia! cool right!!! hahah just great!!! haah! and i found out that there's NO newswriting lecture tmr too! awesome!!! haha! i know it sounds bimbotic! hahah. yea.

anyway the SSS is so wanting my younger sister. i think she's very fortunate.. so many options. anyway if they're giving her a scholarship she's def going. it soo cool! i admit i'm a lil' jealous! but hey.. she's my sister... oh wells i guess i could live with that.

anyway. i'm gonna go. hahah got better things to do. lol. bye

Sunday, July 3, 2005

There are two tragedies in life:
one is to lose your heart's desire;
the other is to gain it.

yes, it is an oxymoron. but somehow in life, oxymorons, they do exist. you can't imagine how gaining your heart's desire would be a tragedy can you? but when you get it, you grasp it. you are so afraid to lose it. that is a tragedy in itself. then if its a tragedy, you'd rather lose it? no, because losing it would spell a lost of purpose.

how ironic isn't it.

the fragility of our being.

Saturday, July 2, 2005

everyone is
l e a v i n g

i think he's pissed at me. and it's all because of YOU.

just leave me a l o n e .