Sunday, February 13, 2005


i'm feeling really random now. oh wells. hmmm well. there's school tmr. i feel like not going but i never get down to not going. sheesh. well i'm a good girl you see. * distant voice, "right... pui!."* hahah whatever. well i went to church for the play's rehearsal and it went quite well. uncle ronald can act man. hmmm after that i went swimming with the twins! oh man! they are like SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute. hahah! but joshua was a lil scared of the water. but caleb was so totally like enjoying himself in the water! they are so cute! hahah. okay. get over it. haha. well so i went to aunt joyce place after that. and i was browsing through her photo albums and i found out she used to be an air stewardess!!! and she has flown to all destinations and served first class before! man! so cool right?! that's like WAY cool. haha! yea. so i came back home and my brother had brought his guitar home. and i tell you it is soooooo good. i like it. better than my guitar, my poor guitar. abandoned by me. haha! oh wells. hmmmm so i think instead of selling my brother's guitar i'll sell mine. polish it up and then put it up for sale. i think i'll probably get a professional to file down the thing can't remember what its called for me. then it'll be nicer to play. maybe i'll ask uncle ronald if he wants to buy it. oh wells. anyway its late i wanna go sleep. bye!

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