Sunday, January 30, 2005

blogging has really become only a weekly affair. but its cool. well. i;m on hols this week, but its not really like hols cos i'm piled with work and projects. on monday i went back to school for the rehearsal for the SYMC. it was okay. but a lil waste of time. didn't do much. then tuesday i stayed at home and did my work. really prductive. watched cellular again. cool show. i love it. so wednesday i had to be in school real real early. so i got up, went down to school... and i got the FMS shirt! yay! i like the shirt so much. haha! yea. okay anyway i was doing traffic thought i screwed up but its was really cool. oh took a pic with cheek. if u didn't know, he's a big shot. just search the MTV singapore web. k k anyway. so i was really tired. i went to church then home. okay on thurs i went to school early for consultation for my informative essay. well what can i say my work was excellent. thank God. :) hmmm wells. so i went out after that watched a french movie. not fantastic but it was nice. then went for believers. i loved the lesson. really nice. so i was sitting there waiting for steph and irwin came along. the guy looks really different! he's way skinnier! he looks good though. haha. yea. i think he's good looking now. haha okay shhhhhhh... anyway. he's not teaching anymore..

me: so are u teaching any classes?
irwin: nope, i'd love too though, too busy with operating this place.
me: oh.
irwin: so what lesson are you taking now?
me: erm fingerstyles. yea.
irwin: oh so u must be playing quite well by now...
me: er no la (i realy don't think so after seeing what other people can play like.... e.g nigel, marty, issac (janie! ur bro!) haha... yea people like that)
irwin: haha okay! so who's better u or ur sister anna...
me: hahah. don't ask me that type of question! how to answer?!
irwin: *chuckles*
me: u ask my this sister!
steph: abigail plays better...

so we talked for awhile and then he had stuff to do. so i sat there and waited then i finally got to go home. so i had to get the twins, who i love love love love so much, a present. we already decided to get a photo album. so i was supposed to meet elaine at 1130 the next day to get photos to print. but it was delayed to 1230. so then i met up with her. sent the stuff for printing. so i went with elaine to meet her clients and stuff. so then the printing shop called and told me that there's some problem. this is when it started. SCREWED UP. so then i didn't get anythign done and came back with a strained back. sucky right? okay so we stayed in church, talked with fanny for a bit. not a bit but quite alot. came to a few conclusion and the last conclusion was that i shld go sleep. so then woke up the next day, rushed down to get the stuff printed. had music prac, rushed out the photo album. then service ended. i wasted 15 bucks on a play that i was psychoed into going to which i didn't go for in the end. so then i stayed for the twins birthday 'party' which was more for us than for the twins. anyway it was really fun. well although alot of people left church early, especially someone. ahhahahah okay inside joke. lol! so then we took lotsa pics. stupid ones and nice ones. hahaha oh wells. hmmmm then headed for home. then for today. cleared up the house and then went for reunion lunch. apparently we were the earliest; reason was the rest went to the wrong place. how fantastic right? nevermind. then after that ,ost of them came over to our place. first it was like really weird then we started playign bridge. we taught uncle yan and uncle peng liang and man! they're so fun to play with cos they're so good at it! then we went to play tennies at the soo's place. hmmmm was fun and it really helped my back. alot! yea although i did something to the front end of my right foot it hurts quite bad now. ahhaha. whatever. anyway i'm improving in tennis. i need alot more coaching to improve more though! ahhah DUH! oh wells. i love tennis is soo fun!!!! right JANIE? if u ever read this that is. hahahah k k anyway i got nothing else to say. au revior.