Friday, February 9, 2007

the people in the in between

well well, like i said. its been almost three years already. that quick. it's crazy how time passes faster as your get older. time passes so fast that we tend to forget faster and so this is dedicated to the people in between. the people who have made my poly life oh so bearable and let's say that much enjoyable. what continues is pretty much my story for the past three years.

GRACE. haha you the snow white then, i'll always remember you for the "reka, please show him the finger for me". that was a classic. hahah all the graph comm bullshit and the locvid stuff. haha sitting at starbucks trying to write our speech outline. and sitting in the editting booths you watching megan and i fight over the controls. hahah! and your eye rolls. thank you for being snow white and constantly going "abigail, you're so mean! you're a pastor's daughter!". that's a reminder enough.

PEARL. yes cold, tired and hungry. hahah that phrase is exclusively yours. you got me hooked to online shopping (which my pocket has not recovered from since). hahah those crazy drawings and colourings to be as perfect as possible paid off. hahah that fifty bucks that we each won. kudos my friend. hahah the motion tweening which sent us into spasms and the shift sleep. you were always so difficult to wake up, you sleep like a rock. seriously.

NICOLE. yes i know, who said you're my friend. you're by far the only one who has stuck with me through 3 years. gosh how did i survive with you?! hahah. right. well, yes yes, KARMA. one day it will come searching for me. news writing, feature writing, advert, adv advert, PR, webd, radio, tvprod, mrm. gosh that's one hell of a list you know that. i know i've pushed your limits once too many but thanks for still being my friend. hahah! oh yes not forgetting PSS2. seriuosly, i have not idea how you persuaded me to ever go with you to that cheena show in the first place but i guess it wasn't that bad after all. in fact something good actually came out of it. haha! those 20 dollar cab rides home and you pickign and sieving through all those crap photos of mine. i know some of those were fabulous too. and yes our one very classic prank.

REKA. you're my blackest friend. and don't say i'm racist. i'm not i'm just a colorist. ahhaha! nah i do not discriminate. lols. you're my craziest friend. my partner in noise. till silence do us part. lol! i remember the arguements we had over the smallest things in locvid. ahhaha and my sudden night inspiration. remember the splicing during radio which got darren and holmberg all irritated. ahhaha! and those sleepless nights doing advert. our random CHNG KEE's whatever. SPSS and pie charts were our food and fuel for one day. we barely ate as i recall. i love you to bits. but not as much as i love....

MEGAN. the friend that i did not notice wore braces until after 6 months. hahahah those gloria cartoon we drew. haha. and fighting with you over the editting booth? remember. i'll always renmeber you for that story you told us during speech comm. the one where you started a fire in your own waste paper basket.hahah you were the quietest of us all. we all thought you were weird or something haha. WAIT, you ARE weird. hahah!

DARREN ONG KWAN TONG. your name's weird so i just had to spell it out in full. you are the market spoiler. 4.0 for your GPA?! dude. smart ass. too smart sometimes. you and nic always in cahoots all ready to fire a shot at me. thanks for the B for locvid though. hahah we all know you are the reason that we got that grade. ahahha! remember that thing at megabites? the one that grace felt so guilty about for weeks. hahah it was when we got back our writcomm assignment. haha i remember you got an A on that one and we thought that that was the reason for the sudden generousity. now we know better.

YAWEN. i can't believe how much we have in common. the late nights rushing out the newspaper and magazine. you, liz and nic going on and on about how karma will find me. okay ikea wednesdays and hotdog days. "studying" for exams and couldn't care less about that damn da chang jing whole kpop thing. hahahah. oh yes, that credit card job that we took. with that whatever it's called company. and then there was the whole grey's anatomy and desperate housewives thing. hahahwe got eliz sucked into the GA. yes, now you got no time. how positively saddening!

AGGIE. my gossip alter ego. yes, the so very unglam mass commers we are. ahahah the spontaneous posdcasts with liz. man that sent my t*ts laughing! ahahah! the whole uncle toby's thing and the random weekly? oh yes and our sibu island escape. hahahh i will miss your oh so damn contagious laughter. hahahah thinking of you laughing can make me laugh already.

LIZ. hahah yes no one knew you as lai UNTIL i came along. the nights we spent up trying to conceptualize CHNG KEE's. the ideas we came up with. you were so random. hahah staying up night after night just to get the whole thing done. funny how we were in the same school for 4 years and only knew each other after we came to poly. and remember all the times in the freaky darkroom freaky.

YISZE. well well. you had my biggest secret. thanks for not dishing. hahah. remember that ceazy all nighter we pulled to do that MRM lit review and we still went for a movie after that. hahah! CLASSIC. so us. and the news writing. all the subbing and what not staring at word till our brains were too tired to think. and we could still watch initial D after that. hahah. see the pattern? hahah.

well well of course there are so many more people like princess juju, cassan, fi, zat who's never early, awon who got me through the 5 months are netremedia... oh yes i almost forgot. the takhmau people. damn you guys were fun. like i said time passes too fast and we forget even faster. and we all move on to chase...... jinny joes.


neway said...

why is everybody professing their love to everybody else? LOL!

yes its quite amazing the amount of things we have in common. not to mention our laziness, which until today is the reason why we have NOT gone running! now i look back and kinda regret not keeping a journal or some kinda thing to keep track of the things that has happened.

well... i miss ikea curry chicken & hotdog days. AND I"M TRYING TO GET HOOK ON GREYS & DH AGAIN!

wellwell.. i'll miss all of you when we sort of go our separate ways. HOW?

Anonymous said...

you forget about me!

yeah! graduate already!!