Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Blogger ate my original post

omg, my super duper long post was eaten up by blogger and trust me to be too lazy to bother to type it out again. so here it is in point form.

24 dec
had boon tong kee chicken for lunch. i have not eaten so much chicken in one day ever. no tennis cos of the rain. mahjong all the way from 8pm to 4am the next day.

25 dec
slept till 12, had yummy beef ball noodles for lunch, baked a cake without flour. because i don't have a electronic beater, some serious muscle work was done. had dinner at uncle chong kiat's mom place. portsdown road. saw these two exact vintage alfa romeos. i'm such a sucker for vintage cars and fast cars.

26 dec
went bowling with the lims, koks and andrea's friend bill. hahha! jarren had the highest score of 134 of cos with the help of gutter ramps. took a really epensive cab ddown to nicole's place then to mediacorp. again most of the girls performance was a BIG YAWN and the guys was definately much more entertaining. had an encounter with a really annoying person whom we out of the kindness of our hearts toook in but damn karma must really not be on nic and my side. poor weijian was just caught in the middle.

wells, christmas has gone and 2007 is just round the corner.

resolutions? what's the point.

quote of the day?
But for now, let me say -
Without hope or agenda -
Just because it's Christmas -
And at Christmas you tell the truth -

--Mark from Love Actually

Sunday, December 24, 2006

hey dumb dumb

okay awesome.

i just watched a night at the musuem hahah! its hilarious! totally. hahahah... "hey dumb dumb, where's my gum gum? oooooh you better run run from attila the hun hun." hahahs! it get stuck in your head. super. hahaha!

anyway, christmas is round the corner. not like i celebrate it anyway. but yeah. anyhow's the holiday is just perfect for me. no work and i'm happy sleep ins!!! hahahas! no work for me till the 28th. okay can't beat yawen's one week and sarima's 2 weeks but it still is something. better than nothing. lols! oh wells.

so then. lunch and tennis tmr. hahahs. tennis tennis again. and hmmm dinner after that. wells wells. what else am i going to do. without prison break. bahhs. until 22nd jan. ooooh hope my bro gets an autograph. i'd be sooo jealous. SOOOO SOOO jealous. but still. omg i haven't said this in a long time...


ahhaha okay i'm happy. i wanna go melbourne on the 28th. i wanna go i wanna go i wanna go.


Friday, December 15, 2006

so much so...

i must say, i'm one lazy bum.

okay that aside. over the past week did some pretty cool stuff. let's see i watched happy feet. i watched "fu zi" and damn the holiday! my pick: the holiday. i love nancy meyers. and omg jude law the moment he steps on screen you can forgive for being the playboy and jerk he is in real life. hahhas! seriously. the show is incredibly heart warming and a super "awwwwww" factor. i promise, if i were in the show, i'd marry jude law right then and now. and damn if he ever appeared on my doorstep, who knows what i'll do huh. but i love the show. not the best but one of the best amongst the mass of movies i've watched. and i must say kate winslet gave a pretty good performance. i always couldn't dettach her from the titanic character until now. but one casting mistake - JACK BLACK. i just keep expecting him to pop out and do something outrageously stupidly funny. just wrong. maybe they were trying to cast someone different but i think this just does not work. not here. but other than that, the show was nice. with pretty nice shots and nice lines and amidst the blabber roars of laughter hidden. a lil predictable but still good. i'm sorry but i can't help but say jude law is sooooooooooo enchanting in the show. you just can't help but wanna go grab him and give him a great big hug on the show! love him, love the show.

enough. so then, i bought the new chris tomlin cd. good music. like it. and hmmm what else, i'm back to watching smallville. and gosh you just hate it that lex luthor is going to be evil. and you just can't stand lana and clark in the same room. i actually finished watching higher ground. oh hayden christensen. although many just cannot stand his "stoned face" acting, i must say, its not at all that way. i dunno i guess some people just can't read it off his face. gosh that face of his, even if his acting were crap you can forgive him for it.

i just heard from khai awhile ago that prison break DID NOT GET ANY GOLDEN GLOBE NOMINATIONS?!!!!! like HELLO?! SERIOUSLY! that show is a phenomenon. its a revolution. what is wrong with these people?!!!! UGH. and cast is so perfectly in sync with each other. gosh. whatever happened to good critics. anyways, i'm still waiting for it to come back on in the states.

anyhow, i'm more than halfway through my IAP. can't wait to get out. just don't really appreciate sitting in freezing old offices doing almost close to nothing my freezing my own arse off. just another 7 weeks to go. just 7 more weeks.

quote of the day?
A true friend is one soul divided into two people. -- Aristotle

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

just another day

not much. very unhappening except that i actually mananged to vacumm and mop the whole house. tidy it and all avoiding a squabble. miraculous huh.

so i woke up today with a headache. so i decided i shall give myself a rest. went back to sleep woke at around 10 plus, 11. did more work. and then i sat down to watch JUSTICE LEAGUE and freaking WINX CLUB. steph and sarah if you ever read this. winx club is too lame okay.

then i took out my secret stash and started watching erm CRIMINAL MINDS. the first one i watched was a kid who was a serial killer because his dad paid more attention to other kids than him. next was this psycho who wanted revenge on his teammates who abandooned him in his lowest. so he caught their kids and made sure they turn on each other. so now that we've established that disaccord and jealousy is indeed the fastest way to being a murderer, let's move on to the next episode of criminal minds shall we?

quote of the day?
That man can destroy life is just as miraculous a feat as that he can create it, for life is the miracle, the inexplicable. In the act of destruction, man sets himself above life; he transcends himself as a creature. Thus, the ultimate choice for a man, inasmuch as he is driven to transcend himself, is to create or to destroy, to love or to hate. --Erich Fromm

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

my mediacorp studio cherry

6 weeks and 6 days

yesterday night was my first time in a mediacorp tv studio, during a recording - project superstar. again thanks to nic for bringing me along as your "cameracrew".

first things first. i seriously need to go brush up my chinese cos i couldn't understand 75% of what was being said by the judges. seriously, i would be like turning to nicole after every sentence and ask like... erm so what's this this this or that that that. sorry nic if i waws in anyway irritating or distracting i sincerely DID NOT mean to be that way.

secondly, i'm pleasantly surprised by the vocal quality. especially of the guys. so needless to say i've found someone who i think is worth supporting who has good vocals and good stage presence.

thirdly, i'm disgusted by some of my shots cos i couldn't get up close. it would be nice to get up close but i guess it'll disrupt their filming and i might get into the way of the BIGGER studio cameras which isn't really a good idea. and i love their studio lighting!!! hahahah the spot lights and all. so much more interesting compare to school studios!!! hahah like their lighting.

fourthly, i think the host were not bad although i really couldn't catch what they were saying half the time. but they were still entertaining.

so as you can see i did enjoy myself, but damn i was so tired after the show. i got home, washed up and flop right onto the bed. and this morning i still feel fast asleep on the train. like seriously. the moment i sat down i dozed straight off. and damn i'm so sad that the rubber piece at the bottom of my new shoes came off. i dunno how but i was walking fromt eh mrt to the pico building and like all of a sudden i felt one that one leg was longer than the other. gonna go down to jurong point to get it fixed later.

lastly, SARAH GRACE SULISTIO and family are hooked on PRISON BREAK! hahahah. sarah i love to say this. I TOLD YOU SO!

quote of the day?
.. it won't always be like this, this room, this place. - wentworth miller as michael scofield in prison break

Sunday, December 3, 2006

laughs out loud

7 weeks and a day.

today was fun.

first, i have to thank nic for bringing me along as her photographer. yes, we caught whose line is it anyway. the original cast from the british show. it was totally mind blowingly hilarious. hahhas. so funny i could barely hold the camera still. they are highly witty and creative. and damn the most random people ever. lols. the classic was the james bond one. they have really good chemistry. they should after working together so long. i laughed till my throat is now SORE. lols. the spontaneous lyric making and singing. damn they are good. what's so perfect is that will never be anyone who see the exact same show. lols! i especially like the koala and olympic chess. concentrations camps and gayness. the mongolian expert on BBQ and cheese. hahhas!!! omg soo freaking funny! hhahaha i'm laughing even just thinking of it. the guy who worrks for margret thatcher in "bootland???" filling cadbury chocolate cream eggs with ball bearings from nail varnish. hahah! damn funnny. the cross voicing was really good. so good you'd think its the person who is motioning that is speaking. hahha! the hero dies. the cows on the moon. tthe diahorrea froom cows. help me doctor! hahaha! damn damn. hilarious. outrageous. hahhas. okay i think nic wiill have nothing to write for her article if i delve into more details.

so, church was fine. and damn no prison break this week. sigh. tennis tmr and a dinner at giraffee. okay right. lalaland awaits my arrival and i'm hell bloody late.

quote of the day?
how women can spend hours preparing the foood and men burn it in two minutes -One of the Whose Line is it Anyway comedians on BBQs

Friday, December 1, 2006


We all make choices.
What's yours?

i just watched a new movie. THE LAST KISS. a good one. first up, the cinematography was really good, i dunno how many times i said nice shot in the whole show. the cast is very well assembled and damn zach braff is one hell of an actor together with the rest of the cast. a great plot, great story with a strong punchline. it's kinda a nicholas sparks mixed with comedy kinda show. bittersweet, the kinda show you hate/love characters for doing certain stuff. i like the script of the movie too. very well crafted. i especially like the part where Jenna's dad could sorta sense his wife of 30 years anna. its amazing to see that kinda love, i mean its not the let's just get down to it kinda thing. its the thing, the kind you can't live without. the kind that you never realise is there until one day WHAM! it smacks you in the face. its especially sweet. the movie's good and the acting's good. made me tear and made the person behind me cry. i'd say this is one youu can't miss. it's sorta kinda helps up think about all the "what ifs" of life. and what if the what if's really happen. you don't want to go ahead with the what ifs and find out that you can't go back. we say learn from mistakes. but some mistakes are too big to be made. as much as i hate to say this, sometimes you just can't risk it.

oh wells, so i must prouudly declare that i'm on holiday tommorrow!!! how good is that. its the only reason why i'm still awake. i'm basking in the sensation of not having to go to work tmr. lols. today's work was fun. right avonda and desmond. hahaha *sniggers*. wells. i must say though that it was a better use of the time. hahah!

catching up and joking arouund like old days? totally nostalgic moments today. i miss the old days in school bahs. remenicing already huh. well, i think that's all for today.

quote of the day?
What you feel only matters to you. It's what you do to the people you love. That's what matters. That's the only thing that counts. -Steven in The Last Kiss