Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Goodbye PR, Hello world

PR is OVER. finally. the long awaited day... i've been waiting for this day for 3 months!

i can safely say goodbye to PR, till we meet again. but i sincerely do hope that we do not meet again.

so then, we went to spageddies to eat and we did a lil shopping. i can say ig to a killer deal. a huge bag from island shop for a flat price of 14.70! something i've been looking for. so then we went to watch... THE PINK PANTHER. If you wanna laugh your guts out (not literally), go watch it. I promise you, you won't have a single sane moment in the whole movie. so then i went to check out my pony shoes again... and now its like hmmm 67 bucks? should i wait any longer? i think so should cos technically, i don't have the money. i do, but i don't wanna spend it. not yet.

so there. i'm considering going back to work at secret reciepe. cos i really need a job, and i think only david is nice enough to take me in for one month odd. so i guess... well.

i think i'm gonna take fingerstyles only when school reopens in may, because if i work i wont have the time to go for the lessons.

there's comm iss to study but honestly, i don;t know what to study for that. its like those kinda subject that you can't study for. i mean i rather write another research paper than do the exam. hello how do you have an examination on communication issues? hello.

tmr is wednesday again. its study time again with yawen and liz. hmmm.. hahah! curry chicken and hotdogs here we come. and ermmm. yeahh.

i need exercise. i want to play tennis.

72 days.

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