Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Goodbye PR, Hello world

PR is OVER. finally. the long awaited day... i've been waiting for this day for 3 months!

i can safely say goodbye to PR, till we meet again. but i sincerely do hope that we do not meet again.

so then, we went to spageddies to eat and we did a lil shopping. i can say ig to a killer deal. a huge bag from island shop for a flat price of 14.70! something i've been looking for. so then we went to watch... THE PINK PANTHER. If you wanna laugh your guts out (not literally), go watch it. I promise you, you won't have a single sane moment in the whole movie. so then i went to check out my pony shoes again... and now its like hmmm 67 bucks? should i wait any longer? i think so should cos technically, i don't have the money. i do, but i don't wanna spend it. not yet.

so there. i'm considering going back to work at secret reciepe. cos i really need a job, and i think only david is nice enough to take me in for one month odd. so i guess... well.

i think i'm gonna take fingerstyles only when school reopens in may, because if i work i wont have the time to go for the lessons.

there's comm iss to study but honestly, i don;t know what to study for that. its like those kinda subject that you can't study for. i mean i rather write another research paper than do the exam. hello how do you have an examination on communication issues? hello.

tmr is wednesday again. its study time again with yawen and liz. hmmm.. hahah! curry chicken and hotdogs here we come. and ermmm. yeahh.

i need exercise. i want to play tennis.

72 days.

Sunday, February 26, 2006


oh did i say.
i got a new ambition.

marry a fighter pilot!

i went asian aerospace today! thanks to fanny and uncle james.

so then, i just fell in love with the F-15C Eagle.

and oh yeah. the pilots. my dream. i still remember i want my wings. but i don't think its happening. just thinking about it is making me drool.


it's all fanny's fault. the isrealli pilot was actually good looking la, the US DOD F-15C one too... and that uniform. i love the uniforms... all so nice!!!! AHHH.

okay stop gushing abigail. stop!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

PR is the most boring thing to study in this entire planet. so then i need a job. anyone wanna offer me one? i need to work to pay for my SLR and ibook. the money goes toward a good cause. building my future. right. like anyone cares at all.

so life's not all that wonderful. infact. life's a nightmare. maybe its supposed to be a nightmare. and then we're supposed to live through it and turn it into a dream. what crap.

so then. i'm shuffling inbetween sweet november(every month's november) and this blog post.

and i really dunno what to say.

the thing is that everything is soo messed up.

i dun really feel like completing this post. i really dun feel like it. so there. bye.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

hello again. greetings.

i've just returned from a very intruiging and mind boogling and well written and well put together movie. MUNICH. i must say eric bana gave a good performance and it was not a let down at all. i must also defend the m18 rating because yes, it was a pretty violent and gory movie. i mean hello its a show about fighting terrorism and the revenge and the bloodshed. DUH. i must say there's nudity to, which is quite well justified. i must say too that its is not for the young. the themes that run through the show advocate revenge mainly.

very controversial infact.

they unveil what goes on beyond what the media covers. the truth. how israel wages wars in the underground. away from the watchful eye of the media. how this hatred, revenge and violence can bring one to desperation and isolation. its a movie that really sets you thinking about things around you. it got me thinking at least.

i'd say i have to watch the show again to do it justice. to fully grasp it.

well other than that, i actually went to sinamex today and set my hands on my dream guitar... the taylor 812ce. slurps. and i know i was supposed to be studying today. but man you can't blame me that movies are more appealing and interesting than PR. goodness. don't get me started on how boring PR can be. so then i also ranked my modules. that was a major headache too.i have a theory that there's a conspiracy to not allow people to take photojourn, idm and ad creatives. like hello?! bleahh. wells. so i settled for second best. i mean that's what happens in life right. you can't get the best, you settle for second best, or third best... which i mean is not best at all anymore because its not first?!

so there you have it. the ironies of life.
people medialogues sparked an idea.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Pearls of wisdom

Sometimes, He speaks to you through the people you least expect.

Eccelesiastes 7:20-24

For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not. Also take no heed unto all words that are spoken; lest thou hear they servant curse thee: For oftentimes also thine own heart knoweth that thou thyself likewise hast cursed others. All this have I proved by wisom: I said, I will be wise; but it was far from me. That which is far off, and exceeding deep, who can find it out?

Thanks, you know who you are.
i'm blogging again because i'm bored and got nothing to do.

well we handed in feature magazine project today. FINALLY. its over. and then we went for lunch. waiting around for darren, gab and nic. then the rest (gab, grace, lynn, deb) went for kbox and darren, nic and i went for a movie. WALK THE LINE. pretty good show. kinda cool.

pearl thanks for dumping us BTW.

well so we laughed so much over carl's jr. today that i think i'd have abs by tmr. it just really funny. thanks guys for the helluva time. wells wells. i need new music. just a random thought.

and for you, i thought you'd change i thought you were different. turns out you're the same. back biting. it's not anyone's fault. and if you got problems, don't let it rub off on other people because its not fair to them. especially if you blame them for them. and that friend of yours, the new found one? that friend ain't good company. maybe i'm biased, but maybe my biasesness are based on truths. i guess grace is right - leopard never changes its spots. and you... the person. that new friend... how can you say that about a person you don't even know? and yes, its really none of your business. i don't get this whole thing. politics? power struggle?

seems like history never fails to repeat itself, and everytime, you learn something new. and i guess sometimes we make mistakes that we just make over and over because we are just so blinded.

i'm glad the hols are here. take a break from this whole crazy thing.

i applied for relief teaching by the way. haha imagine me as a teacher. *chokes*

Monday, February 20, 2006

okay. i'm bloggin again. haha
cos i told yawen i might.
so there.

so i just ranked my year 3 modules. so then i really hope i get 3 of my first 4 choices!
advert creatives, photojourn, IDM or IMC.

okay friends is showing now. the old seasons! hahah so nice. i miss sitcoms! okay so then all the projects are over and there's only exams left. i spent half the day with the twins and noah and the ngs today! hmmm the twins are soo adorable. i say again - i love them to bits. haha! bleah.

so what am i going to do tmr after we hand in our mag? pearl and all wants to go Kbox?! hello. this stupid darren was supposed to suggest that we go his place to jam and he happily did not object when lynn suggested kbox to him. darren ur deep dark secret has been revealed. you love kbox.

so then i realy hope we don't go kbox tmr. and i hope gemma lee shu min has returned me my money. please. i'm damn bloody broke. i totally cannot tolerate her anymore.

so i'm a lil disappointed in the mag. but oh wells.

hope i can get a good job during this hols. i dun want to be a waitress again. hoping for a design job. hope hope hope. so then yeah i shall end this post.

80 more days.
okay. new skin. not by me. i;m too lazy.so i just googled a nice one.


Saturday, February 18, 2006

okay it been a week and trust me this week was hell. i slept at almost 2 am on every other day that i slept and i did not sleep on tues and thurs. so then its like thurs i ate at 7 pm and practically did not eat a solid meal after that until erm now? i just got no appetite! i dunno why. so then there's me and there's food. and there's no eating? its just not right?! bleah! anyway. the magazine has just got printed today! so exciting! i wanna see it! and there's webd which was quite well done. so all i;m left with now is exams. i think i should study seriously. but i am so undermotivated. someone motivate me please? so then anoter crappy thing that happened this week was the electives thing. okay apparently its like all the timeslots for the mods i wanna take clash and if more than the allocated amount of people select that class, those who get "thrown out" of the class is by random selection! hello, i rather you go by merit?! this is totally DUMB. TOTALLY. so what am i going to do now? sit here and really hope i get all three mods. at least two - photojourn and ad creatives. cos i really can't decide between both of them.

so then what's on my to do list? camp aden is coming up seriously. bleah. i'm so lost about that. jsut come and go please. oh the PRISM awards and the bbq! hahah! these two pretty are exciting! another thing to look forward to? daniel's coming back. yes i can take a break. can rest my ears. speaking of that, today's worship i recorded it and gosh it sounds *shakes head*! no words to describe it! seriously. today was bad. i couldn't hear myself half the time and i'm like hello, people don't follow me? people sing WITH me. its so hard to get everyone to sync up sometimes. and then everyone's singing to their own whimps and fancies. i'm like okay. this has to stop. we need some professionalism here. seriously. its really BAD BAD BAD. i dunno its just UGH. gosh.

so then.

i think i'm gonna change this skin soon. i'm getting kinda bored of it. its boring isn't it. bleah. okay. bye. toodles.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

okay. i kinda jammed packed but not jammed packed but still jammed pack. ugh. what am i saying. the exams are just about a short 2-3 weeks away and then its the holidays for me. i should go look for a job soon. needa earn some money to pay for my SLR and ibook.

so what's up for me this week?

photoshoots for the magazine.
PR due on fri, but we're pretty much done. HURRAH to aggie, nic and i.
WEBD ezine due on fri too. that's presentation day. UGH i'm so not looking forward to it, but still am looking forward to it. cos it means the end of WEBD!


so i'm jealous. daniel went for the CFNI album recording! UGH first David Crowder then this. Life is unfair ain't it. bleah. anyway the recording is a good sign cos it means a new CD to listen to soon. i'm still waiting for the arrival of the new united live. i need new music to fuel my skills. learn new stuff everytime you listen to new music you know. bleah. crap. oooh oooh and daniel's gonna get the half capo back. hahah! so exciting. wheee! lol! i'm mad.

that's why happens when you wait for ages for programmes to run and whatever. yeah you know. oh wells. damn. maybe gopi's right. i've got a death touch on technology.

just leave you with a thought:
the symbol of love is not a heart; it is a cross.

Sunday, February 5, 2006

its that auspicious hour again. it has arrived. okay enough abigail stop it.

okay so i watched cheaper by the dozen 2 today. it was kinda funny. the kidna show where you don't need to think. all you do it laugh. that's it.

did i mention that i watched memoirs of a geisha on wednesday. pretty good show. not bad. not bad at all. its just that zhang ziyi is like. UHUH. not very pretty you know. but it was good. ken wantanabe put up a pretty good act and so did zhang ziyi. the storyline. pretty standard. but i think maybe the book is better. maybe. lol!

so then. what's on my to do list?

1. radio talkshow (i need a guest)
2. webd ezine
3. PR plan
4. his magazine

i can foresee that there will be a pretty lot of late nights coming up int he weeks ahead. but i'll just hang in there. soon it'll be over and i'll kinda be a yr 3 mass commer. how cool is that. and then there's camp aden. which i'm only half looking forward to. and then there's work that i;m looking forward to, cos i wanna earn money for my SLR and my ibook! ibook,ibook. SLURPS.

but for now, i'm still sitting here and counting. 100, 99, 98, 97, 96, 95...

Friday, February 3, 2006

and then stephenie turned to the moth and said, "don't touch my hair!"

and the moth took heed and it flew, and fled, and faded into the dark of the night.

flutter, flutter, flutter.

i cut my hair.

we conceptualised a whole new ezine. that's top secret.

nic and i went shopping.

i bought that esprit blouse.

and now, all i'm doing is counting down. 100, 99, 98, 97... and still counting.