Tuesday, April 26, 2005

There are days when
bubbling from us comes
the innocent child within,
who giggles at the little things
and wears a silly grin.

There are days when
melancholy comes tovisit for a while;
the mind feels tired,
the body weak;
we have no strength to smile.

There are days when
joy abundant
grabs a hold of you and me;
wraps us up in all it's splendor,
lifts us up and sets us free.

There are days when
sorrow wraps us
in its cloak of grief and fear,
'till our hearts ache to the breaking,
'till our eyes can't shed a tear.

There are days when
love bestows us
with its wonderment and light;
with its beauty and its mystery,
its power and its might.

And there are days when
life rewards us
and seems to make amends
by granting us a marvelous gift,
the precious gift of Friends

written by a friend's friend. ha.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

I hate the way you talk to me
And the way you cut your hair
I hate the way you drive my car
I hate it when you stare
I hate your big dumb combat boots
And the way you read my mind
I hate you so much that it makes me sick
It even makes me ryhme
I hate the way you're always right
I hate it when you lie
I hate it when you make me laugh
Even worse when you make me cry
I hate the way you're not around
And the fact that you didn't call
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.

i miss cambodia. gah. i feel so lost. nothing to do. i wanna be back there. all work no play makes jack a dull boy. no work all play makes abigail with a lost mind. gah!!! i would rather be doing something. but i can't cos i dun have my laptop. and jerome won't let me edit the video. rants. hello hello shh shhh. dang. i think the 96 that they did on sarah was so funny. man i miss sleeping on the hard floor. cuddling up in my sleeping bag. loud snoring in my ear. the 'chungcole', the shovel, cement, bricks! ahhh!!! i miss making fun of eddy and being pranked. i miss playing soccer and the thrill of thrashing people. i miss closing my eyes so tight cos i dun wanna see no shit. i miss all the people. i miss the dust in my face. man i really wanna be back there. sigh. grumbles.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

back from cambodia

i have so much to say and so much to tell. i can't write it in a single post. or even write it at all. my trip was just fantastic. awesome. all you guys sherman a.k.a chicken balls, crystal, lanxi, hannah, tim, sarah tan, sarah anne, charlene, sharizah (however you spell it), kiff, benita, hanizah, alvin, jeremy, kailin, vanessa, serene, hafiza, arina, not forgetting dear eddy -the butt of all jokes and the master of the biggest one, a.k.a takhmau idol, gopi a.k.a rambutans, superman small and not forgetting the guy who got me on this trip jerome a.k.a superman big and the biggest prankster of all time together with gopi. thank you all guys for everything. the trip would not have been the same. oh wells. i think i should just shut up and let my memories stay memories. i'm gonna miss it alot. and one last big thanks to you jerome for letting me on this trip. like eddy said. it is worth my 400 bucks. i'll remember the submarine, asian mermaid, kallang river, fire ants, volcanos, starwars for the rest of my life you bet. off to the tv now. not the closet.

Sunday, April 3, 2005

i'm flying off in two days time. its gonna be bliss. gonna enjoy it there. i just can feel it. but i'm gonna miss alot of you guys back here. -smiles- yea. well.. i forgot to blog that day... but robyn, darren, grace, lynn, danial, pearl and reka who nvr turned up... oh and sue en! i really enjoyed that day! yea pool and arcade. a place i haven't stepped into for years. yea. oh and ROBYN... that ddr. goodness. haha! yea. reka and pearl... it is not that scary... oh and the table hockey was really fun!!! hahah! who ever was on my team won. tells alot huh?! haha! yea. anyway i wrote something. its not a love thing but more of something that came from the bottom of my being. here it goes. no title yet. but beware all you pirates. BEWARE. i will hunt u down. hahah!

Be my possession
Be my inheritance
Be all I am
Be my universe
As I walk in Your laws
And learn all Your ways
Make me more like You
Because serving You is my greatest pleasure
Pleasing You is the soul of my existence
Loving You is my heart's desire
Yahweh, let my life be worship unto You