Sunday, March 13, 2005

very tiring week. alot of setbacks but alot of victories. but still feeling down. robin knows why. robin thank you so much for alwayes being there. you rock. this is why i love you soooooo much. :) well. i've finished marketing report. it was a rush. but i think it was quite well done. thanks to jlo and for his magnimity we're not considered late. well. today was church. the twins were soooooo cute. hee. they are like growing soo fast! but still as cute and adorable as ever! joshua like mimiced jarren when jarren called his name so technically joshua said his own name! lol! so cute right? after some tambourine practice we came down. actually they were sitting there quietly and so calmly. the moment eliz, sarah i stepped into the room they were like sooo excited and they started screaming and jumping and laughing and dancing! hah! they were soooooooo cute. what darlings! lol! k i've had enough of writing. i still got my proposal essay to write. speakign of which... i got a B for my info essay. could have gotten an A but i guess a B is good enough for me. :) well back to burying myself in work. i already started on flashhope to finish soon. lol! then i can studyign for marketing exam. yea. so i better go! ta-ta!

1 comment:

von said...

Oh my. Gail. Am I thinking what I'm thinkig?! Oh my. U didn't tell me... Hmmmm... I'm right am I not?? You and *ahem ahem*?!