Sunday, March 27, 2005

All for love

All for love a father gave
For only love could make a way
All for love the heavens cried
For love was crucified

Oh how many times have I broken Your heart
But still Your forgave
If only I ask
And how many times have You heard me pray
Draw near to me

Everything I need is You
My beginning, my forever
Everything I need is You

Let me sing all for love
I will join the angel song
Ever holy is the LORD (YVHV)
King of Glory
King of all

All for love a Savior prayed
Abba Father have Your way
Though they know not what they do
Let the cross draw man to You

copyright 2004 mia fieldes/hillsong publishing

Thursday, March 24, 2005

school's out! hurrah! i've have succesfully completed the whole of ngee ann's mass comm course! it's an accomplishment. its been so hectic it has passed so quickly. just gone *snaps fingers* like that. hmmm i've enjoyed myself at the same time learned alot. *large grin plastered across my face* its a bad thing we've gotta split classes next year. PITY. i've come to love my classmates. at least some of them.

Grace - the no longer snow white. great friend. always there keeping me in check. i've never had a disagreement with her. except for dunring radio. hahah but not major. just that she hates scary things - even not to soothing music. hah! so fun to see that expression on her face! and when she goes "ABIGAIL!" haha! french buddy too! hahah everything! MONGOLIAN RAPPERS!!!!!! never forget that.

Reka - such a pain sometimes. but always noisy and fun to be around. we've had our feuds. part of the MONGOLIAN RAPERS gang.(spelling error was intentional. so totally not a typo)

Pearl - yea. cold, tired, hungry. i'll always remember her that way. monkeypea! haha! well but still always a joy to be around. yes remember, yellow pee. haha! swing girls. hahah the show that would turn someone on. haha. "L is for the way you look at me..."

Megan - the one whom i helped unleash her wild side. haha! suprising all the time! there's always something new bout' this girl! swing it baby! haha!

the quads - u guys are just plain fun to be around. altho i don't really know you guys. but sentosa was great! haha! lobsters in the making there.

lynn - she's the ms do it all. fun to hang around with.

debbie - i thought that u were boring. but u're not. so suprise me again! haha!

noor - yes ur tudung is what i'll always remeber you by. haha! u are soooooo photo crazy!

nurul - quiet but crazy girl. OH SO EMO! haha!

nicole - u're the design whiz. i kaotow to you. hah! yes! although quiet and i dunno where u have disappeared to. hahha hardly see you around.

sean - mr intellectual. reserved. and yes, TALL. part of the writcom trio!

darren - late king. a synonym for many words - one of them "shit". haha! well. u have very active bowels! thanks for the locvid grade!!! haha! webCG. flush the toilet please. haha! gah. the unecpected sunday school teacher! MONGOLIAN RAPPER too.

danial - u are one hell of a pain sometimes. but u're fun too. haha. just cannot stand the times u describe ur *** pursuits. leave me out of them. i want my innocence. yes, MONGOLIAN RAPPER too.

oh wells. yea. gah. 2 cans of red bull. that's the word. pulled me through the last two cruel days. thanks to mr lo who insists that i am the citizen communist system and tho he participates in implementing it he's no communist. haha! lol! yes. whatever. lame. i think the exam was pretty okay. i hope i dun get downgraded. haha! yes. cambodia trip has been postponed. 5th to 20th april! longer by 1 day! hahah right. which means one more day of withdrawal from this all so materialistic world. yea. i miss the twins. :) i got my united live CD!!! yay! i'm so happy! its been a GREAT day!!! anyway i better go now! ciaos!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

beat this.
84 out of 100 for marketing report!
and thanks soo much mr lo. YOu ROCK TOO! haha!

catching on to a flu...

okay everywhere is aching. not literally but yes u know. u know. yes. my ankle and my back. sheesh. oh wells. i stayed at the babies' place last night. poor shua was sick. had a viral infection. so he had a high fever. poor guys was burning up so baldy at night. but he's fine in the morning. the guy couldn't sleep as so he kept up awake till 2am. but he was sooo adorable. he just went to play hide and seek autopmatically in the morning. hee. how sweet. lol! k k. so its all down to marketing exam. sigh. i haven't started studying. shall start tmr, then i got the whole of tues and wed. and thurs morning. well. just 4 MORE DAYS! yea!! and just about two more weeks to cambodia. needa go buy my stuff. next sunday. eliz its a date! hee. well. gonna swim now. blog again later. if i can be bothered to. au revior.

Friday, March 18, 2005

You make me
cry, laugh and shout
all at the same time.
Yet, I mean nothing to you.
I'm insignificant.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


i've finished my flash!!!! i feel so free! so accomplished. yes. to you guys out there. its like big deal. but to me? its AWESOME! waaaay awesome. well so i only have radio and marketing exam left. wells. fair enough for me. 8 more days and it'll be ALL over. phew. then its off to cambodia for me. can't wait. i shall go to the airport with the twins tmr. i miss them already. they're my precious lil darlings. they give you such a sense of peace, happiness and all the good things in this world. just being around them is enough. :) well. i shall stop. gaaaaaaaaaaaah. oh. i got my contacts made!

Sunday, March 13, 2005

very tiring week. alot of setbacks but alot of victories. but still feeling down. robin knows why. robin thank you so much for alwayes being there. you rock. this is why i love you soooooo much. :) well. i've finished marketing report. it was a rush. but i think it was quite well done. thanks to jlo and for his magnimity we're not considered late. well. today was church. the twins were soooooo cute. hee. they are like growing soo fast! but still as cute and adorable as ever! joshua like mimiced jarren when jarren called his name so technically joshua said his own name! lol! so cute right? after some tambourine practice we came down. actually they were sitting there quietly and so calmly. the moment eliz, sarah i stepped into the room they were like sooo excited and they started screaming and jumping and laughing and dancing! hah! they were soooooooo cute. what darlings! lol! k i've had enough of writing. i still got my proposal essay to write. speakign of which... i got a B for my info essay. could have gotten an A but i guess a B is good enough for me. :) well back to burying myself in work. i already started on flashhope to finish soon. lol! then i can studyign for marketing exam. yea. so i better go! ta-ta!

Friday, March 11, 2005

Things are the way they are for a reason. Why can’t you accept that? Is it that difficult? If it doesn’t make a difference then why not just do it? No harm is it? Please tell me. I do not understand. Why are things the way they are? I wish things were different. Tell me why.

I love you. I love you. I love you. You have no idea what you can do to me. You have no idea what you have done to me. I miss you already…

Artist: Jem Lyrics
Song: Maybe I'm Amazed Lyrics

Maybe I'm amazed at the way you love me all the time
Maybe I'm afraid of the way I love you
Maybe I'm amazed at the way you pulled me out of time
And hung me on a line
Maybe I'm amazed at the way I really need you

Maybe I'm a girl and maybe I’m a lonely girl
Who's in the middle of something
That she doesn't really understand
Maybe I'm a girl and maybe you’re the only man
Who could ever help me
Baby won’t you help me understand

Maybe I'm amazed at the way you’re with me all the time
Maybe I’m afraid of the way I leave you
Maybe I'm amazed at the way you help me sing my song
Right me when I'm wrong
Maybe I'm amazed at the way I really need you

Sunday, March 6, 2005

busy busy busy. that's all i can say. thursday was my last guitar lesson. i'll miss it. thurs aren't gonna be the same. hmmm i'm packed this 2 weeks ahead of me.

IAC report - 9 march
CATS skit - 9 march
socpsy assessed tuitorial 2 - 10 march
marketing report - 11 march
proposal essay - 15 march
radio assignment - 18 march
flash assignment - 21 march
marketing exam - 24 march

yea this is like jammed packed. hope its passes as quickly as poosible. anyway i met with sarah on fri. it was fun. i miss those days when we would like hang out together and do all kinds of stuff. not wierd and bad stuff but just stuff. like play pool and movies and all. oh well. socpsy test is over! soon everything would be over. i had a rough week man. but i pulled through. oh well. i watched hitch already. its really nice. very funny! yea. i can't spend tooo much time doing this thing. anyway i'll be in cambodia from the 4th to the 18th of april! yea! cheers! i better get back to work. ciaos!

Tuesday, March 1, 2005

i'm sitting here in front of my lappy. i'm listening to this song called why by Nichole Nordeman. its a beautiful song. it made me cry! i put the lyrics up before. but here it is again.

We rode into town the other day
Just me and my Daddy
He said I'd finally reached that age
And I could ride next to him on a horse
That of course was not quite as wide
We heard a crowd of people shouting
And so we stopped to find out why
And there was that man
That my dad said he loved
But today there was fear in his eyes
So I said "Daddy, why are they screaming?
Why are the faces of some of them beaming?
Why is He dressed in that bright purple robe?
I'll bet that crown hurts Him more than He shows
Daddy, please can't you do something?
He looks as though He's gonna cry
You said he was stronger than all of those guys
Daddy, please tell me why Why does everyone want him to die?"
Later that day the sky grew cloudy
And Daddy said I should go inside
Somehow he knew things would get stormy
Boy was he right
But I could not keep from wondering
If there was something he had to hide
So after he left I had to find out I
was not afraid of getting lost
So I followed the crowds
To a hill where I knew men had been killed
And I heard a voice come from the cross
And it said, "Father, why are they screaming?
Why are the faces of some of them beaming?
Why are they casting their lots for My robe?
This crown of thorns hurts Me more than it shows
Father, please can't You do something?
I know that You must hear My cry
I thought I could handle the cross of this size
Father, remind Me why
Why does everyone want Me to die?
When will I understand why?"
"My precious Son, I hear them screaming
I'm watching the face of the enemy beaming
But soon I will clothe You in robes of My own
Jesus, this hurts Me much more than You know
But this dark hour I must do nothing
Though I've heard Your unbearable cry
The power in Your blood destroys all of the lies
Soon You'll see past their unmerciful eyes
Look there below, see the child
Trembling by her father's side
Now I can tell You why
She is why You must die"

it really so nice. hmmm anyway. today almost killed me. i was sooo tired. but i survived. love you pearl! rekie! grace! yea. hmmm so i'm confirm going for the cambodia trip! i'm so excited. hee! anyway i really got nothign to say already. just somethign to think about. WHY?